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McElwee 1

Darien McElwee
12 April 2015
Annotated Bibliography Product
Cancelmo, Jesse. Texas Coral Reefs:. College Station: Texas A & M UP, 2008. Print. This book
gave me a lot of helpful facts, statistics, and pictures about coral reefs that helped me back up
my points as well as give information to the students at T.H. Rogers. This book gave me
specific names of actual coral reefs as well as general information.
Cole, Brandon, and Scott W. Michael. Reef Life: A Guide to Tropical Marine Life. Buffalo, New
York: Firefly, 2013. Print. This book provided me with several pictures of coral reefs as well
as the animals that inhibit them. I used this book to show the students at T.H. Rogers the
immense diversity of fish species that live in coral reefs as well as what they look like. This
book also gave me helpful facts to tell them.
Gunther, Michel. "Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable Materials." Biodegradable and NonBiodegradable Materials. WWF. Web. 27 Jan. 2015. After I decided to make a fishing net as
my product, I needed to figure out a list of materials that were less harmful to the
environment than plastic. This article from the WWF was very helpful in giving me a list of
biodegradable materials, as well as a decomposition chart on how long it takes certain items
to decompose.

McElwee 2
New World Encyclopedia. "Fishing Net." Fishing Net. New World Encyclopedia, 22 Apr. 2014.
Web. 12 Feb. 2015. This article helped me a lot by starting me off with basic information
about fishing nets. This encyclopedia listed several different types of nets, as well as what
they are used for and who uses them. This helped me to decide what kind of net I wanted to
Plan, Start Recycling Today Lesson, Ages: 1St - 5Th Grade, and Suggested Time: 45 Minute.
"Don't Throw Away Our Future.": 1-5. Don't Throw Away Our Future. ReCommunity. Web. 7
Apr. 2015. This was the website that I used to give my ideas on what to put in my recycling
lesson plans for when I went to teach the 2nd and 4th graders at T.H. Rogers about recycling.
The article gave me videos for them to watch, helpful tips, and creative games to play.
Siegle, Lucy, Duncan McCorquodale, and Cigalle Hanaor. Recycle: The Essential Guide. London:
Black Dog, 2006. Print. This book was really helpful in telling me the different items that can
be recycled and what a person can do to help. There were also a lot of pictures and
organizations that were listed that a person can contact if they need assistance with recycling.
This helped to tell the students at T.H. Rogers what they can do to help their community.
Strykowski, Joe, and Rena Mae. Bonem. Palaces under the Sea: A Guide to Understanding the
Coral Reef Environment. Crystal River, FL: Star Thrower Foundation, 1993. Print. This
book helped me to understand the importance of coral reefs as well as the challenges that
they face. I used this to aid me in creating my product by choosing a problem mentioned in
this book and coming up with solutions to solve it. I also educated the students on topics that
were mentioned in this book.

McElwee 3
Szaky, Tom. Outsmart Waste: The Modern Idea of Garbage and How to Think Our Way out of It.
San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2014. Print. This book gave me innovative ideas of how I can
reduce waste and informed me on concepts such as upcycling. I used this information to teach
students and myself about alternative waste disposal techniques that they could use in their
own lives.

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