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I chose this artifact from Dr.

Terry Williams History of Higher Education course

that is offered in the first semester of the program. I chose this artifact because I
believe it reflects the commitment to social justice learning outcome for our program. I
believe that this assignment directly focuses on the various competencies that are
included within the learning outcome. This artifact was the beginning of my
commitment to social justice through this program and thus set the stage for my
continued growth with, development through and understanding of social justice and
what social justice means to me both personally and professionally.
Through this assignment I gained an understanding of the ethical dimensions of
higher educations role in fostering social justice by researching the history of LGBTQA
groups on college campuses and how they had been historically supported and
unsupported. Through this research, I learned the history of these organizations and
the values they were founded on. I also gained an understanding of the historical and
contemporary issues within higher education and how I, as a professional, can address
these issues by critically analyzing current research and how it compares to the
research that has already been published. I also offered ways in which I can help
support a socially just campus for marginalized identities.
Through this assignment I developed my personal and professional commitment
to social justice by connecting what I had researched to ways in which I have grown
and by identifying areas in which I can still grow. By critically analyzing my personal
journey, I was able to build a path and identify ways to support my own social justice

promise. I also gained an appreciation of and respect for those who differ from me by
reflecting on my journey through growing up in a very religiously strict environment and
how that had shaped my perspectives. This assignment helped me transform my
understanding of social justice on campus as well as develop a commitment to serving
others through research, application and critical reflection.

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