Cell Group Notes

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Cell group notes

w/c 31st January 2010


What different nationalities are there in your family? (or, if you could choose to belong
to a different nationality, what would it be and why?)


Our praises are first and foremost for who God is, not just for what he does.
Centuries before his birth, Isaiah describes Jesus when he said “ For to us a child is
born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders. And he will
be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah
Talk in threes about these descriptions, and which ones describe your experience of
God. Gather everyone together, and then prayerfully, read the verses, pausing over
Wonderful counselior etc, and giving people space silently or out loud to thank God for
their experience of him in these ways.
Finish off with a song, sung or listened to which uses names of Jesus – e.g.’ My Jesus My
Saviour’, ‘ Light of the World’ or ‘All my Days’.

We’re going to give a few weeks to explore the truths of our verse 2010:

‘You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession,
called to declare the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his
wonderful light.’ 1 Pet 2:9

This week it’s ‘a holy nation’ -and the passage we’re using is 1 Thessalonians 5: 12-24.
Find it, and after praying for the Lord to speak to you, ask someone to read it out.

1. In his sermon, Bruce suggested that the first characteristic of the church as a
‘holy nation’ is loving relationships. What does this passage say about this?
2. The second characteristic he mentioned was living in peace. How does Paul
describe this working out in practice?
3. What experience do you have of the truth of this? And what do you personally find
most challenging?
4. What is God’s part in creating a holy nation?
5. How can other members of the group pray for you to grow in holiness this week?
(and then do it!)


Lets put someone into the ‘hot-seat’ this week – and ask someone to volunteer to talk
about what it will mean for them to be living a holy life this week – and then pray for
Make plans for your cell social – which is suggested to be in the week beginning 14th
Feb. What can you do that will not only build up your relationships with each other, but
also involve the people you are praying for?

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