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504 Accommodations Quiz Questions


Students with 504 Plans who have the accommodation of extended time are allowed:
a. Double-time
b. Unlimited time
c. Time and a half


If 70 minutes is the maximum time allowed for a test, a student with a 504 Plan who is allowed
time and a half should be allowed:
a. 140 minutes
b. 105 minutes
c. 175 minutes
d. 100 minutes


When reading aloud test questions to students with 504 Plans, is it permissible for the examiner
to clarify what the question is asking?
a. Yes
b. No


Can I upload a previously saved copy of my students 504 plan in the Accommodations folder in
Share Point?
a. Yes
b. No

Students with the accommodation of frequent breaks will forfeit testing time in order to take
advantage of additional breaks.
a. True
b. False

6. What should take place for a student who has mark answers in the test booklet as an
accommodation (check all that apply):
a. Two certified personnel must be present during the administration of the test
b. An administrator must be present during the transfer of answers to the answer sheet
c. The transfer must take place at the GCA office
d. The School Test Coordinator must be present

7. How many students in your homeroom OLS have a 504 plan?

8. You can use your electronic device as your sole means of keeping time on the test?

a. True
b. False
9. You are allowed to adjust a students accommodations if a parent asks:
a. True
b. False
10. Who can I contact with questions about an emergency 504 plan or 504 accommodations (check
all that apply):

Zakia Funchess
Akosua Joiner
Scott Dorsey
Sara Lucas
Nicole Bahret

Accommodations Quiz Questions (Presenter: Nicole Bahret)

All Questions are True/False:

1. There are four categories of accommodations: Setting, Presentation, Response, and Scheduling.
2. All students with a Small Group accommodation may be placed together.
3. Students that have Oral Reading of Test Questions and Oral Reading of Reading Passages
accommodations may be in the same small group if they are testing online.
4. If a student has Repetition of Directions as an accommodation, the examiner may repeat the
directions in his/her own words.
5. If a student has Student Marks Answers in Test Booklet as an accommodation, the Examiner
will transfer student answers to the test document in the presence of the Site Coordinator.
6. Students with Basic Function Calculator or Adapted Basic Function Calculator may not use
their calculators on the portion of the mathematics exams that indicate no calculators may be
7. If students have Frequent Monitored Breaks as an accommodation, their testing session clock
is stopped during each break.
8. Extended time is calculated based upon the maximum time allowed during each testing session.
9. All accommodations on the Allowable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities are
applicable for students served on an IEP, 504 Plan, or TCP.
10. In order to facilitate a faster sign in process, accommodations testing rooms should be labeled.


Script for Accommodations & Communication with Families Quiz

1. True or False: If a student is 18 or older, the conversations regarding testing accommodations
should take place with the student himself even if also communicating with the parent/LC.
2. True or False: It is important to call the student/guardian prior to testing in order to verify
accommodation plans and work out any issues before the testing day. (True)
3. True or False: It is okay to make changes to a students accommodations during the phone call
from the site team to the parent if the parent disagrees with the accommodations on the
current plan. (False)
4. True or False: Parents can choose to remove accommodations from their childs plan (504/IEP)
at any time. (False)
5. True or False: Site Teams should have hard copies of accommodations pages/plans on site.
6. True or False: If a parent advertises that her child has accommodations, then it is acceptable for
the site team to talk openly in front of others about that students accommodation needs.
7. True or False: Student sign in sheets should be clearly labeled with the types of accommodations
the students are set to receive. (False)
8. True or False: It is a good idea to be friendly and polite with parents at test sites, even if they are
not being friendly and polite toward you. (True)
9. True or False: A parent can sit in the room with the student while testing if that seems like it
would help the student relax. (False)
10. True or False: If the Site Coordinator and Accommodations Point of Contact are unsure or
uncomfortable with an accommodations related issue, then they can call a Special Education
Administrator. (True)

Test Security and Accountability Quiz Questions (Presenter: Scott Dorsey)

All Questions are True/False:

1. Any action that compromises test security or leads to the invalidation of any test scores may be
viewed as a test security violation.
2. Each examiner should check his/her testing materials at the beginning and end of each day.
3. Each examiner must have the Site Coordinators and System Test Coordinators contact number
before entering the testing environment.
4. An electronic device that was collected before testing began can be returned after the student is
finished with his/her test.
5. If a student must go to the restroom during the testing session, s/he will get the time lost added
to the end of his/her time period.
6. If there is a type of emergency that requires the entire group of students testing to stop, official
time stops and then restarts when the emergency has passed.
7. If a student receives any more or less accommodations than are provided for in his her IEP, 504
Plan, or TCP, it is a testing irregularity.
8. If a student works in a different section of the test than is currently being administered, allow
the student to complete that section, and then return to the original section in the next time
9. To report a testing irregularity, the examiner must notify the Site Coordinator and complete an
incident form.
10. Examiners should read the Student Assessment Handbook and be familiar with it by the end of
the testing window.



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