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Objective 23: Describe Rogers actualizing tendency

Rogers believed that humans have one basic motive. That motive is the
tendency to fulfill your potential and achieve the highest level of potential. The tendency
is known as self-actualization. Like flowers, we grow to our full potential when the
conditions are right, but unlike flowers, individual humans are different and develop
different ways. Self-actualization occurs when a person is their ideal self.
This articles relates to the actualization tendency because it explains 4 steps that
people can take to becoming the best version of themselves. Its difficult for people to
be themselves because of the pressure from society. The first part of actualization is to
accept your true self and the second part is understanding that the journey youre on
has no end. The steps include to stop measuring yourself against others, learn to
accept your personality, understand that you are in control, and dont stop growing.
In the book Religious Thought and the Modern Psychologies, the author Don Browning
states that in the self-actualizing tendency, it is in almost perfect utopian harmony of all
individual interests, wants and desires. That those individual wants and desires will
reign over society and there will be very little conflict. Man has a tendency toward selfactualization.

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