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Cx The American Society of ‘Mechanical Engineers Raprintad From PVP — Vol. 169 Design and Analysis of Piping and Components Editors: Q. N. Truong, EC, Goodling, JR. J.J. Balaschak, and G. E. 0. Widera Book No, H00484 — 1989 THE ART OF CHECKING PIPE STRESS COMPUTER PROGRAMS: Liang-Chuan Peng Peng Engineering Houston, Texas ABSTRACT With the computer getting more and more soph- isticated, the chance of getting a bug in a program er a misapplication fn an analysts also becomes more and more likely. Analyste necd aome rules of thumb to quickly spot problem areas and to make a auick check if necessary, This paper outlines some of the generai rules used in checking boundary con- ditions, anbalanced forces, and irregularities. it aiso uses specific examples to demonstrate tae checking of some elementary functions. Special dis- cussions are given on advanced features such as Support friction, thermal bowing, and expansion bellow elements. INTRODUCTION With the uew requirements given on the design of a modern plant piping, the only practical toot for the design analysis Is the computer. ‘The computer program: designed for pipe stress analysis gets more aad more sophisticated every day. Some programs have gone through several generations of develop~ ment employing completely differem background of personne), ‘The ney genpéation normally will aot touch the good work done by their predecessors. instead, they make layers of shelis around the exis ting work. The completed program becomes very Glsorganized. Therefore, it is safe ta say that a modern pipe stress computer program is bound to have Somp inconsistoncies. Pipe stress analysts are normally too timid sn challenging a well established compnter program However, if we recognize that to err i6 computer program, we mey be able to more objecuvely ensure the quality of our analysis, It is important to real- ize that everylhing has its se called norm, Tp other words, if something Jocks unrealistic then it probably n i8 unreal. Therefore, it is important to be able to ook at the oatpet and point out the irregularities that might exist, That is the art. From time to time we have sean some experienced engineers who are able to judge whethor 4 system is satisfactory just by Joking st the model, The computer analysis is just a comfirming check. However, they are the exceptional rather than the normal. The inconsistent resis in an analysis comes either from the bug in the program or from the mis- applicslion of the program, Nowadays, people Like ito boast that you don't even need to read tue manual to use their compuier program, The so called asor friendly is probably wbat they intended to say, but eomebow ths impression they give is avi. You type in some data, then you get some results. it sounds easy, bot is scary. ‘To ensure a good analysis the analyst has to have gl leusi a clear picture of what the program functions are, He or she should also be able to epot the inconsistencies when they occur. PROGRAM VERIFICATION A program in systematically verified before beiag released for production. The verifiestion invo~ wes alsost every slep of the program's operation and function. ‘The resaiis of the verification are do- cumentes in the verification reports. This is the function of the program developer and should not be a burden to the asers Verification by the user is occasionally required by the inhouse QA procedure, or to simply satisfy the curiosity of the user or the boss. To an analyst, to be able to personally verify a couple of analyses will definitely increase his or her cowlidence is the program, ‘The mosi common approach of the veriZi- cation is lo encek against known results. ‘The book by Kellogg Company [1] contains quite a ew band calculation results which can be checked against the expansion stress calculation. A more formal. calou~ lution intended to be a benchmark was published by ASME (2] in 1072, Unfortunately, this benchmerk problem contains some sisprints, which bave never deen corrected, and also the anusual non-cireular cross section elemente. Recause of these difficulties the problem bes created © huge frustration in the piping industry. Everywhere, engineers are trying to make ® comparison in vain, Later in 1960 U.S, NRC pablished » get of representative piping bench~ mark problems [3]. This set of problems was taken from real systems laidout in nuclear power plants. Tt ie mainly used to check the earthquake annlysis using the response spectra method, ‘The benchmark problems check only the general dehaviors of the program. The general behavior of a given program differs very little from the original black box oa whic most of the programm are bused, ‘Therefore, very little deviation stall be expected from these tesis, The most important items to be concerned with are the ones particular to individual programs. These items need to be checked very discretely. DEVIATION In comparing the test results with publisued or benchmars results, ile relative deviation is used. ‘The term error is not used because ine difference might be caused hy the error of the published or so called known results. Bven the so called exact solu~ tion might have some seomingly insignificant terme ignored. However, if the deviation in small then there i a good chance that both the testing progrem and the benchmark are correct, This is more so when then testing program uses au entirely different solution technique thun that used by the bencumark, Im oveluating the deviation, come common sense has to be applied to avoid unnecessary argumente, Yor given quantity, R, wiose exact solution ie shwon in Figure 1 (a). Tks corresponding result, R', from the test program may be auified to as shown in Figure 1 0b), ‘Then by some methods of evaluation, y y Ry R fa} () Figure 1, Standard Deviation it _may be concluded thut there is no comparison &t ali, Because ihe deviation is essentially infinite on component Ry. But we all kaow that the real differ- fence between the two solutions is very small. This ean be easily proved because if we rotate the axes by 45 degrees, the deviation will almost disappear a completely, The point is that a number is meaning- lose if ite quantity is entizely dependent of the sel- evtion of the coordinate axes, Therefore, it is xm- portant to have the devistion properly defined a2 follows : dev (Ry) > (RyRy )/ Ry (Meaningless) dev (Ry) * ( Ry'-Ry )/R (Local) dey (Ry) = ¢ Ry!-Ry }/ Ro (Global) Where H is the resultant quantity at the poiat of interest, and No is the maximum regultant quantity in the entire system analyzed, The global deviation is introduced, because at a given point the resultant quantity itself may be Insignificant. Whether it is Significant or not, the too} to measure is the global comparison, ‘The evaluation of the local deviation requires some personal judgement, but the globsl deviation should be limited to about 19 pereent, BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: ‘The first step In quick checking sn analysia is ta make sure that the resalts, mateh the boundary Conditions of the aystema. Tais can be dane easily with the hely of « good oulpul arrangement. Most compuicr programs lave a operate regort for the anchor end support ferces and momeats as shown in Table 1, Yor this particular one (4) the friction and the pipe displacoments are also given. This makes the checking of the boundary condition very eaxy. By using reports such an Table 1, the boundary conditions can be checked divectly by looking ai the pipe displacements, At an anchor point the pipe Aispiacement should be the same as tho inpst displ~ acement, and at ihe Limit stop location the pipe Gisplacerent all be equal @ or smaller than the gop specified, However, i should be noted that the Support displacement specified in the input is for the support stracture, ‘The actual pipe displacement at that point may or may not be the same as the cup= port copending on the cigisity of the support. If the Support is rigid then the pipe and the structure will have the same displacement, But if the support is flexible then the pipe displacement and the support movement are different sa shown in Figure 2. Spring Constant, K Supyort Force = K (Dp - De) Pipe Displacement, Dp (output) Support Displacement, Ds (input? Figure 2, Sapport and Pipe Dinplacementa Je 1, Anchor and support Loads Rrra, FENG EINEERIME - SMPLEX- RELA.09 GNEI-L.SD FASE SPLE PICSLEM, 198 ASHETONE rH SOSRENCE SHIEION FACTOR 4,4 0h ALL YEAICAL SUPIETE case We wt peas tomes i HS, FR, FC, PRES ‘4 AOMOR 3ND SUPBRE FREES = MIRUDMG FAETION CACTIAG OM BUFPDED ose ' ‘PFN FORCE an REA aT wT ane FREES CE > we or oo OR tener con RROD = TO sores oa ee WS 3 HL "ess. ‘oie AERIEN TANT, TORSION AEUNE_LOSTOL a a wt 8 kw cE eos mba wy 8 ime ew stow mm be wk myo 0 ot it ee wom 8 ew hr TI my 0m ew i m8 Tk a ves ea atts meow Ww eh ea Sars (moinL PERN TANT. TRS CCIE oA, sm bat St vi wk mom bem a a pean UOEEEEGHUERELASUSRELORECALLSLESEEASLRAEOACSOTAOIFAAECURUOAOEL IDSC SAAEEADEAOL AREACODE ser routes 7) tures te 6 say For systems which include the support friction, both the force and the direction of the friction can be readily checked against the normal support force and the pipe movement. SYSTEM EQUILIBRIUM ‘The pipe stress analysis result, regardiess of ‘the metaod used to get it, shall still conform the Jaw of equilibria. The summation of the forces and moments applied at a given point shall be zere, and the summation of the forces and moments applied to the entire system stall also be zero. Neediess to say that to check the equilibrium for every point ina system manually is not practi- ca}. But if there ig any doubt about s given point, then it cai be checked manually, In well designed programs, there is a scheme to sutomatically check and record the equilibrium of all the points in the system, The analyat should always look for messages to ace if any significant unbalanced force bas been detected, A significant unbalanced force always sig- nals a problem in the analysie. ‘The total system equilibrium cun be checked by using the support load table given in ‘Table 1, Tn this table the total aystem forces are summarized at the bottom. In a system without aay external forces entered explicitly, the vertical force should be the same 26 the total weight load. The horizontal force should be equal and tn the opposite to the horizontal friction force. This is very fundamental, bat can be missed by even the expert. For instance, in Problem No.8 of the ASME 1972 verification book 12], one of the solutions presented bas au apparent error in the ‘Y¥-direction support force. This can be checked by the law of equilibrium but the writer preferred to have it explained as the difference of the programs esed in the comparison, ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS It is teue that the pipe stress computer prog- ram is designed to bundle an assembly of pipes. However, it should still be able (0 calculate some very simple situations. A pipe stress program con- sists of mainly two types of elements, straight pipe and curved pipe. If the program is to function pra~ perly then these two basic elements have to fanction properly. Therefore, if we can check out the basic fanction of these two elements, we will have more confidence in the program, ‘The straight pipe element ie juet a beam. ite fonction can be checked against the beam formula we have lvarned from text books. However, there are a fow differences that need to be mentioned. One of them ie that some program upproaches are not as clear ag the text book, Take ihe two uniformly loaded beams as shown in Figure 3 for example, if you ron them through the computer you may find hat there is no stress at all in one, or even both, of the cases. In (a), because the program evaluates only the stresses at uode points 10 and 20, and the stresses at these two points happen to be zero, ‘There is no reason that a program can not be pro- 800 Nim 9 (@) Fixed Beam 300 Nim - hrm (a) Simple Beam Figure 3, Beam Paradox grammed to find the maximum stress of the entire beam element, but this is aot done normally, The reason i@ tbat 2 complete pipe strens nnalysis can involves several load cases, If all the maximum stresses at each element are to be combined together regardless of their locution, then the calculation can become overly conservative. Also the simple heam condition does not really exist in a piping system, If required, an additional point at the midspan can ‘be entered. Tha case (6), on the other hand is somewhat more troublecome, In 6ome finite element programs the uniform load is divided into nodal loads which are applied at the node points. In the fixed Youm case, the uniform load is divided into two conconirated loads which are applied at the onde, Tuis will produce the proper reaction force, bal ae reaction moment ror beam stress, Some programs ‘of his type are still widely used in the piping ind- astry. Aralysts should make themselves mware of the problem involved, Another item that needs to be mentioned is shear deformation, The shear deformation is not novmally included in the beam formula we use, but it 48 included in most pipe stress programs, ‘There $8 not much difference if the length of the beam is at least several times the cross sectional dimension. However, if the bearn length is short the difference ean be very great. Figure 4 shows a stack guided at a very stort distance from the base to resist the wind. The problem is reduced to a fixed-supported deat applied with an cad moment, As can be seen irom the results tabulated, the shear deformation term kas n vory aignifivent effect un the uncuor and support loading’ if the guide is rigid. For the carved pipe element, the formula given by J.B, Brock [5] can be used for cross check, if the cumbersom caleulation can be managed. An al- ternative way is to divide the bend into multiple sections to see if the resulis agree with those of the undivided bend, ‘The curved pipe element involves flexibility and stress intensification factors, These factors are farther influenced by the presense of flanged ends aad internal pressure. Th checking the intensification factor 1t is necessary to tind out the proaram option in implementing the pressure effect. Tt is also desi- rable to understand the implications of the application, The pressure will tend to make the system more stif, thus resulting in higher support loads against the thermal expansion, On the other hand it also tenile to ake the cross section more difficult to ovalize, %hus reducing the stress intensification. The 2120mm OD, 9.53mm Thk STACK Peay ray? =) a sai) by emi = 1436 N/m? WIND 12a She Culculation Support Anchor Anchor Method Fr (N) Fe (N) Ma (N-m) With Suear Deform, Rigid Restraint Without Shear Deform| Rigid Restraint With Shear Detorm, 17500 N/mm Rest. Without Shear Deform! 17500 Nim Rest. | 77,200 -83,700 63, 400 182, $00 -158, B00 -64, 700 1,060 21,600 185, 300 4,500 22,000 195, 700 Figure 4, Bétect of Shear Deformation Term probler Is that whon the preseure is removed the teroperature will likely to stay at near operating for some time. At this time the pips moment is not reduced bat the pressure 1s rot there to help prevent ovalization. Therefore, the logical application is to take into eccount the increased stiffuess, but not the decreased stress intensification, SPRCIAL FEATURES Bach pipe stress computer prograts has its own special features, These features are normally not available in benchmark problems, Their functions need to be checked by special schemes, Since it is not possible to cover all the features, this discussion will concentrate on three popular items. They are support friction, bellow elements, and thermal bow- ing. (a) Support Friction ‘The support friction hae a very significant of- fect on the analysis results in certain cases, The a areas most sensitive to the friction are rotating ea~ ‘uipment piping, long offsite piping, and transmission pipe lines. For instance, at a largo rotating equip- ment, the friction duc to 2 single apport can often determine if the piping load exceeds the silowables oF net. There are different ways of implementing the frfetion effect in the program, but they are not all equal. Some methods require more computer time ‘ont are more inherently stable. Others are quick ‘but prone to be unsatbie, A detailed discussion on this subject 1s given in a separate topic [6], In this paper the @iscussion is limited ta the quick check of the results, ‘The valutity of friction application depends an ‘the type of the system saalyzed. If the system is relatively rigid thea the analysis iends to be correct vegardless of which method is used, On the otter hand, if the system is relatively flexible then the correct snalysic can only be achieved with certain methods. This is because in a flexible system the friction not only affects pipe force, it also tas the poiential of changing the direction of the movement, ‘To cueck the friction feature, it needs to ebeck ite application on @ ilexible system. With & support Joad report similar to Table 1 the function of the friction can be chocked easily by the following steps: (1), If the piping 1s moving, then the reeuliant friction force should be equal to the normal support force multiplied by the friction factor. ‘The direction aching on the cupport, should be the same ao the pipe movement. Ii reverses when acting on pipe. (2). 3 the piping ie stopped by the friction and not moving then the friction fores should be equal or smaller than the full friction force calculated in a. {8}. Most impoztantly, the shove friction force is applied to the system, This can be checked by balancing the nodal forces at the support location With @ Support load report similar tc Table t, the application of the friction can be checked by comp- aring the ioial friction force against the total sysiem force, They should be the same if no other external foree is applied to the eystem. (b). Bellow Element Bellow expansion joints can be simulated by the conventional zero length flexible connectors. However, to be able to represent the versatility of the bellow arrangements, the use of bellow elements is pref- ferred. With the hellow coment, the program can easily simulate ull the common bellow expansion joints such as single bellow, tied bellows, universal jeints, and pressure balanced universal joints. The program will correctly apply the flexibility of the joint in all the translational and rotational directions. Tt also applies the proper pressure thrast force at the end of the bellow, The more advanced program van alse combine all three dimensional motions to calealate the equivalent maximam axial displacement (1) Axial Motion (2) Rotation (8) Lateral Motion Figure 5, Elementary Tunction of Bellows per convolution, ‘This is the vitul information used by the manufacturers to check the acceptability of their bellows. Implementation of the bellow element involves some tricky maneuvers, but to check is simple, The Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association (EJMA ) bas a sot of formulas [7] tuat can be used readily for checking the function of the bellow element. These formulas are copied below for easy reference. ex=x/N @edp / (2) 3 dpey | (NL) tween = fw/N)+x = fw dps ee / 4 = [(éu/N)+ dp? /8]+0 fw+dpeey /(2L} = 1.5 (wi MM dp/Ljz-y fws dp-ey / 4 = [0.75 Gw/N)-dp4/ Ley Kasx Mays Where, ex = Axial displacement per conyol. due to x ee = Axial displacement per convol, due to @ ey = Axial displacement per comvol, duc to ¥ Xx = Differential axial displ. across bellow © © Diferentiai rotation across bellow y= Differential lateral displ, across bellow N= Number of convolution dp = Pitch diameter of the convolution L = Effective length of the hollow element F = Axial force required to move * fw = Axial spring rate per convolution Me= Moment regaired to bend @ V = Lateral force required to move y My= Moment created by y- movement Ka = Axial spring rate of the bellow element From the above formulas it i clear #, for instance, the aint spring rate, piteh diameter, and the bellow length ave given, then tae spring constants in all the otter directions can be determined. ‘The equivalent axial displacement per convolution can eleo be found without necding wdditional data. Jin checking the bellow function, a few ems need to be further explained. A’ can be seen from the formula, the lateral spring rave ie inversely proportional to the square of the bellow length. The anial deformation expected during operation can have 2 significant effect on the lateral spring rate. ‘The 82 analyst shoul try to input the shortest possible ten~ gth in the analysis. Tt should also be noted that by laterally moving the bellow not only creates lateral force, but also the bonding moment. Ih bending the bellow, the EJMA formule signifies that a Isteral movement us yell as @ rotation is being created, "The checking can be done easily by fixing one end of the below clement und apply the leading or displacement at tac other ond. ‘Phis eliminates the trouble of finding the differential displacements of both ends, However, the real function of the bellow can only be ovaluated by the checking of the differ- eatial movements, ner the elemental function is shecked, its application to the piping assembly is not much different from the othor elements, (cl. Thermal Bowing Piping is normally assamed to have @ uniform tomperature across ite cross section. However, due to stratified flow ov some other reason, the tiupe~ ratare ean vary greatly between the top and. the Sottom of the pipe. ‘This situation cen occur during the stastup of large steam lines [8] or cryogenic Hnes [$]. It ean eine occur at « petrochemical tran Sier line wan i is being quenched or when it tas coke forming at the bottom of the pipe. When the temperutare around the cross section is not uniform the pipe will form an are shape. Thie vowing phenomenon may or may not create damaging stress. in the pipe ftaeif depanding on the shape of the tem- perature cistribation, Uf the distribution ig Linear, then no internal stzeas i¢ ereated. If the distribution is not linear then large internal stress may be created. In either case, the bowing has the poten- tiai of cresting huge displacements and rotations in the pipe. This huge movement can tear off connec- tions if enough flexibility is not provided. ‘The bowing feature can be checked ‘ith fro simple steps. Figure § shows a two span simply supported pize. if no clamp or holi-down is installed in the mid-span, the pipe at mid-apan will move up flue to bowing. The amount of the move~ap can be checked egeinst the Tormele derived using the Linewr tomperature distribution [9]. That is if the ditference in expansion rate between the top and the botiom of the pipe is e mm/mm, the pipe diameter is dtm, then the radius of the curvature is R+d/emm, If the span length is L mm, then the expected moverup displacement: y°R-{RO> LF mm. After the bowing movement 1s checked, the (0) case can be used to check the combined effect, In this case, the mid-span is vigidly held down, ‘The hold down cad can be checked by using the simple beam formula applied with a concestrated force at the mid-apan. ‘The hold down load shoald equal the concentrated load with which a mid-span digplace- ment of ymm is crested, Of course the weight and ether Iocde should not be included in making’ this check, ones / (a) Free Bowing () Hold Down Bowing Figure 7, Bowing Function STRESS REPORT A well Iaid-out stress report van facilitate the checking of the analysis. The stress report should contain, in one continuous printost, all the input, interpretation of the input, generated system infor- mation, Joad case results, and stress and load compliance tables. Other graphical or tabular forme of presentations which are not integral parts of the output should be clearly identified for its agsuciation with the etreas report, ‘Phe most important stem to be checked on a vires report is the truthfulness of the mathematical model. This generally refers to the correctness of the input Gata, but inclades also the correct inter protation of the program requirements. A good input echo and a good isometric picture generated directly from the inpat data can be very helpful, (@). Input_Eche with the popularity of the mena input approach, ‘the input data made by an analyst is converted into another way of expression almost inmedisiely. The 80 called inpat echo printed oat by some programs can not even be recognized by the unalyst who have entered the inpat in the firs! place, i is, needieva to Say, a nightmare to ihe checker. The input echo which is the most important docament of the report should be readable not only to te machine, but also to both the analyst and checker. The best form is the one which preserves all the styles and letters the analyst hag entered, Figure 7 shows the echo of the inpat which is done with the popalar piping danguage. {b), Faithful Isometric A good iwometric In an invaluable too1 for quick lpprsne usr checking the inathematics! model. The isometric need not be pretty but haz to be faithful. It: should show 83 all the bends, valves, fianges, and other components. The resteaints should be stown in the correct loca~ tion and also in the correct direction. The nodal numbers should all be identified properly. Tgure 8 shows the typical isometric drawing which is printed directly and automatically from the input data, REFERENCES 1, The MW, Kellogg Company, "Design of Piping Systems," 2nd edition, John Wiley, T3EL 2. Taba, T.8., and Wright, W,B. editor, "Pressure Vessel and Piping, 1872 Computer Programs Verifi- cation," ASME, 1972, 3, Bealer, P.,dartuman, M., and Reich, M., “piping Benchmark Probleme," Brookhaven National Laboratory, NUREG/CR-167%, August, 1980, 4. “SIMPLEX-D User's Manual,” rey-d, 1987, Pong Engineering, PO Box 001167, Houston, TX 77280 5. Brock, J.E., "Expansion and Flexibilsty", Chanter 4, Piping Nandbook, sth edition, edited by King and Crocker, MeGraw-Bili, 1067, 6, Peng, 3.,C.."“treaiment of Support Friction in Pipe Stress Analysis," ASME/JSMI PVP Conference, Hawedl, Jaly 23-27, ‘19ae, 7. BJMA, "Standards of the Bxgansion Joint Manufacturers: Assocuation, Ine.", 107 Westchester Ave, White Plains, NY 10604 8, Muchacek, S.,and Zelenka, T.,"Design and Operation of Large Diameter (1,67m) steamline," ASME/CSMR PYP Conf, Montresi, Jane 1978, 2. Fleder, W.G., Loria, JC, end Smith, WJ, “Bowing of Cryogenic Pipelines,” Trans ASME, J. Appl Mect, Sep. 1961, pp 408-426, Figure % Input Data Echo 6, TAR, 181%, W, MY DAD SH, Tl, We, SET, Wr 1, Ue, OTE MTG 4-1) 8, FF, LCE, 2, MG 4y-D 5, 2.0, Bt

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