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Check status of following MOs

RNCxy> st plug

// states of the boards

RNCxy> st iub

// RNC RBS Interface link

RNCxy> st atmport// All ATM Ports

RNCxy> st sync

// Synchronisation

RNCxy> st aal0

// ATM Synchronisation

RNCxy> st aal2

// CS

RNCxy> st aal5

// PS

RNCxy> st unisaal // Used by NBAP protocol towards RBS

RNCxy> st nnisaal // Used by MTP, SCCP and RANAP towards CN, AND MTP, SCCP
and RNSAP towards another RNC
RNCxy> st ccdevice

// common channel devices

RNCxy> st dcdevice

// dedicated channel devices

RNCxy> st pdrdevice

// packet data router devices

RNCxy> st packet // Packet Data Router

RNCxy> st iurccdevice
// common channel devices for Iur Interface (for P2.0
these should be blocked)
RNCxy> st spm

// Special Purpose Processor Modules

RNCxy> st spb

// also shows device to SPB board relationship

RNCxy> st etm1

// ET-M1 connections (2Mbps)

RNCxy> st etm4

// ET-M4 connections (155Mbps)

RNCxy> st mtp

// MTP signalling on Iu and Iur interfaces

RNCxy> st sccp

// SCCP signalling on Iu and Iur interfaces

RNCxy> st ranap
RNCxy> st nbap
RNCxy> st rnsap

// CN-RNC protocol, 1 for CS and 1 for PS

// RNC-RBS protocol (Iub)
// RNC-RNC protocol (Iur) used for Handover

RNCxy> st utrancell

// Cell Status - should be UNLOCKED ENABLED

RNCxy> get 'Cell Proxy'

// more info about particular MO

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