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By: Labib-Daiyan Syed

Did the universe, as we see it today, evolve over billions of
years? Or did God create it faster than the speed of light?
This is an ongoing debate that has been lasting for years:
creationism vs. evolution. However many modern scientists
have been finding clues that may be hinting towards a right
answer: creationism.

from luck or is there something high above the skys that is

controlling everything.

Recently, scientists having found some flaws in Darwins

Theory which is the principal theory in evolution. Moreover,
they have been finding various conclusions that contradict
science itself. Now what do you believe in; an incomplete
story with many flaws, or a story that needs some faith?
A scientist who goes by the name of Charles Darwin,
believed that he found the answer to the question that
people have been asking for thousands of years: Where did
humans come from? He claimed that with change in time,
animals similar to that of a monkey had evolved to humans.
This concept itself was coined as The Theory of Evolution. It
was believed that humans evolved through natural selection.
Natural selection is a process that is invoked by changes in
the environment that cause genetic alterations in living so
that they can adapt to the change. Meaning that the physical
changes on our earth such as pressure and temperature
genetically changed apes to become humans. But does
Darwin really think that the existence of human beings came
To embellish the theory of evolution, Darwins Theory uses
various ideas and facts, which however do not necessarily
prove evolution. The theory states that because we are 98
percent similar to chimpanzees (genetically) we come from
common ancestry. It uses comparative embryology; which is
the comparison of the embryos in different organism, and
molecular biology; which is the focus on the structure and
function of the molecules that make up cells, to prove
common ancestry. However genetically humans are also
similar to mushrooms. However by being similar to a
mushroom, does not indicate that humans evolved from a
mushroom or vice versa. Moreover many creationists
including myself, may further argue that by being similar
indicates that God used similar blueprints to create the
universe that we see today, like how car companies have
various different cars but each contains a similar blueprint.
The most significant evidence that Darwins theory uses is
fossil observations. As Darwin enrolled himself in a five year
HMS beagle voyage, he studied various fossils and used his
observation to flourish his theory. Many scientists have
followed his shadow and have completed his theories.
However many modern scientists have been finding various
false observations about transitional fossils observations
made by Darwin and his predecessors. Transitional fossils are
fossils that fall in the intermediate of a fossil change.
Scientists use these groups of fossils to analyze micro and
macroevolution. Jonathon Wells, who has received two PhDs,
one in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of
California at Berkeley, and one in Religious Studies from Yale

University, analyzed the book why evolution is true, found

many false observations. For example, the author of the
book rearranged many of the fossil observations to match
the ones of Darwins. According to Dr. Wells, Coyne; the
author of why evolution is true; was observing nonflying
feathered dinosaur fossil, he realizes that they are
Archaeopteryxs, who have feathered wings from a bird, and
a tail and teeth from reptiles. However Archaeopteryxes are
ten million years younger than a nonflying feathered
dinosaur. However if Archaeopteryxes are ten million years
younger then a non-flying dinosaur then how would a nonflying dinosaur evolve from an archaeopteryxes. This
example proves how many Darwinist rearrange many
transitional fossils to create a link between each fossil.
In Charles Darwins book, Darwin himself uses comparative
anatomy to prove evolution. He compares the structure of
different living organism such as the first generation of the
human, bat, whale, and cat skeletons. He illustrates that all
four skeletons have great similarities even though each live
in unique and different environmental surroundings. Darwin
concludes that because all four skeletons are similar each
animal comes from a common ancestor. However the Quran
states that the first generations of human were 90 feet tall,
which is unlike, like the skeletons that Charles Darwin used.
Many scientist in the would believe that it is impossible to
reach the height of 90 feet, however science itself proves
that 3.8 billion year ago, reaching the altitude of 90 feet, was
completely conceivable. According to the National
Aeronautics space administration, also known as NASA the
world has grown in mass by fifteen times since its first
arrival, signifying that the gravitational pull was 15 times

less strong in comparison to todays society. Thus a 6 ft. tall

individual in todays society would be exactly 90 feet tall 3.8
billion years ago.
Many may believe that the theory of evolution is almost like
a fact; however Darwin himself believed that there is various
gaps found within his theory. Thus many conclusions were
made to fill these gaps in. Darwin wrote a letter to Thomas
Thompson, stating that he himself does not believe in
natural selection. He also states that there are various
missing links. The four hominids that he uses are
Australopithecus, Afarensis (Lucy), and Homo Sapiens,
Neanderthal, and Cro magnon. However within these four
different hominids they found that there were no links.
Therefore, many Darwinists have placed false bipedal
characteristics on non-bipedal organisms to create a link
between the four hominids.
Scientists all around the globe have been stating that this
beautiful universe has been established from what they call
a big bang. The big bang is a collision of molecules and
alteration in temperature and pressure, created our universe
in a few seconds. Scientists have been using scientific
theories to prove the big bang, yet many scientific facts go
against the theory of big bang itself; for example, the law of
thermodynamics violates the conspiracy of the big bang. The
law of thermodynamics is the concept that matter cannot be
destroyed or created, they can be merely be rearranged,
however the concept of the big bang states that the
reactions itself started with nothing, meaning that matter
was created. Also scientists say that no object can travel
faster than the speed of light. However the big bang
indicates that its reactions were quicker than the speed of
light . The biggest question of all is still unanswered by the
big bang: Where did everything begin?

Creationism is the belief that the universe was created by an
act of divine. Creationism and its idea stems from religious
writings including the Torah, Bible and Quran. The basis of
creationism is that is the very fist step was created by God,
and the reactions and changes that occurred to create the
universe was governed under the powers of the divine.
Creationism doesnt actually disprove the big bang entirely.
Modern Christian churches including Anglicans and
Lutherans that creationism doesnt conflict with the big bang
but instead they believe that everything depends on the
creative act of God. This suggests that once molecules were
created there were several chemical and physical reactions
that slowly lead to the coming of the universe. This idea is
also reiterated in the Quran (41:11) where the notion of
physical change is described in the creation of the universe.
The concept of creationism may be difficult to grasp for
many because it requires you to have faith in God. However,
it seems like the only possible explanation to our beginning.
It seems fascinating that as humans, we have been able to
learn so much about our history, about the earth, physics,
chemistry, astrology. Moreover, we have been about to
understand everything about the human body, fights millions
of diseases and preform complex surgeries. However,
despite studying the creation of the earth for so long, no one
has been able to find an answer. Why? Maybe because the
beginning was made by God.

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