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Daily Writing 1

In high school my skills as a writer were at their highest when I was in AP Writing in
composition. While I was in that class my teacher would make us do a lot of pre writing stuff and
I believe that I got good at it all. First we would have to write a journal type entry, then
brainstorm off of that, and start to cluster information together to create a good thesis. When the
first draft was complete you had to get it checked by two of your peers, and you had to check
two other papers, so as you could imagine my peer review skills were greatly improved. Over all
I think that my highest strengths would be brainstorming and peer review.
Daily Writing 2
Janet Hunt, Richard Hunt, and Danny Hunt are knowledgeable about the Hunt family

Can you go back in time listing the name of your fathers and their wives, and if you could

their birthdays and death dates?

Did they have any siblings?
Is there any unique family history?

Daily Writing 3
My grandma makes this macaroni and cheese that she bakes in the oven, and it is beyond
compare. It is like a cheesy heaven. I do not know exactly how she prepares it, but I would guess
she would start with the noodles, and a lot of cheese. I do not think that you need any special
equipment to prepare this dish other than the normal kitchen utensils and a big baking dish about
3 inches deep. I believe that all of the ingredients are easy to find, but putting them together

could be another story. I guess until the recipe is passed on my grandmother will be the only one
that has mastered the dish.
Daily Writing 4
It is valuable to know about your family tree because if you forget about the people you
will surely forget the traditions that they once had. The purpose of the family tree is to connect
yourself with your family roots, something that you should be connected to, but many people of
this day and age are not really in touch with. Knowing my family tree is important because
without knowing our familys roots, and tradition they will simply fade into oblivion.
Family members, recipes, traditions, etc.
Daily Writing 5
I can identify with the quote Commonly men will only be as brave as their fathers were
brave, or timid. The reason I can identify with this quote is because I have a strong believe that
people have great effects on those around them, so if the father is brave he would be constantly
showing his youngster how to be brave, and vice versa. Kids generally mimic what they see, so
whatever role model is the closest that is what they are most likely to turn out as.
Daily Writing 6
My best experience with peer review is when I spent all night working on a paper and
finally I finished it. The next day was peer review day, and I was ready to get mine reviewed
because I was convinced it was a great paper. During the peer review session I had to review
someone elses paper as usual. When I got mine back, I had written it in the wrong format.

Daily Writing 7
I am most familiar with MLA documentation style because it is the only style I have ever
used up to this year. The only other style that I have used is Chicago Manual style, and that is for
my engineering class. I make sure I have all the proper in-text citations, but I mostly use a
citation machine in creating my citations. I think it is important to have a work cited page at peer
review so that if you make an easy mistake that you can easily fix it so you dont get deducted
points later.
Daily writing 8
The top three things that make group work easy are:

To be proactive

Daily Writing 9
My favorite things in life dont cost any money. Its really clear that the most precious
resource we all have is time. I like this quote because it is generally right, and I truly believe
that the best things in life does not cost money. As a person in college, I cant help but to
emphasize that time is a valuable resource that some people take for granted.
Daily writing 10
The one visual that made an impact on me is when my dad tried to teach me how to use
the clutch on a four wheeler when I was a child. The reason that this visual is still vivid in my
head is because I spent seven years of my life drag racing four wheelers. I remember almost
every detail of the experience because it was so important to the career I was starting. I believe

when you are asked to recall something that is memorable, the reason that it comes so easily is
that, that particular experience remains timeless in your memory.

Daily Writing 11
I feel that I will need to put a lot of attention toward the semester long project along with
my E Portfolio. The reason that I would need to put a lot of time into these project is because
they are a big portion of my final grade. The resources needed to complete the tasks that are
listed are the internet, my group, and my time.
Daily Writing 12
The quote from Olin Miller about procrastination seems to ring true for me. One of the
things that I am procrastinating about is constructing my E-portfolio. The second is writing my
portion of the design package for the engineering project that I am doing. The third thing that I
am procrastinating about is finding the third thing.
Daily Writing 13
The aspect that I did to perfection is the research and the knowledge about the topic.
Normally I would struggle with the information, and have to use notecards as a backup. This
time however, I had knowledge about the topic and I believe that I could relay it really well.
The aspect that I think I could have improved is my eye contact with the group. For some
reason I have always had trouble to make good eye contact during any presentation I have ever
done. A way I could change this is through practice giving other presentation.
Daily Writing 14

I would like to present slide number two because it is overall a better visual, and
generally a graph would get your point across better than a paragraph every time.

Daily Writing 15
All of these traits are good for students as well as employees, but most of all you have to
do the work. As a student to be successful you must do the work, so you can do well on tests. As
an employee you do the work that is designated to you, and if you do a well enough job you
might get a promotion. So as both an employee and student it pays off to get your work done.
Daily Writing 16
I think that we should care about the third headline because it is news about what our
country may do in the short future. We should care about it because if we were to go to war we
have to send our sons and daughters to go fight for our country. I also believe that Iran nuclear is
the most important out of the three headlines, because it affects the most people.
Daily Writing 17
The best experience that I have had with public speaking was in this class. I think it is the
best because it was a good team effort, and I knew the topic very well. The worst experience was
in UWRT 1101 when the whole team didnt know anything that was on the slides. The best way
to give a good presentation is to know your topic.

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