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Computer Applications II

Microsoft Word - Unit 5 – Review


• Create a new Word document

• The heading should be: Your Name, Today’s Date, Microsoft Word Review –
Unit 5
• Use Font Arial – Size 12 - Plain
• Type the questions below in the document.
• Using your textbook, find the answers.
• Type the answers as complete sentences.
• Save as Unit5 Review
• Mail to: as a an attachment
• In the subject line type: Your Name, Today’s Date, Word Review – Unit 5


Starting on Page 192

1. When are tables easier to use?

2. In what group is the Tables button located?
3. What shows the location of the right divider of each column?
4. What is the size (in points) of the border that word places around cells in a
5. What increases automatically to accommodate as much data as you type?
6. What do you select to quickly apply formatting effects to an entire table?

Starting at pg 198

1. In a table, how are numbers usually aligned?

2. By default, what kind columns does Word create?
3. What are rows sized according to?

Starting at pg 203

1. What does Word’s Draw feature allow you to do?

2. How do you access the Draw Table?
3. How do you merge horizontally adjacent or vertically adjacent cells?
4. What is merging useful for?
5. How do you split a cell?
6. What does wrapping text around a table do?

Pg 209

1. Where is the Formula command located?

2. How do you apply a calculation result?
3. What options are available in the Draw Borders group?
4. Where are the Borders and Shading options available at?

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