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The purpose of this portfolio is to display evidence of my readiness for social work
practice. I have prepared this portfolio as a requirement for the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
degree at Wayne State University. This portfolio page includes a submission letter addressed to
my integrative seminar instructor, my resume, and a personal statement that addresses why I
chose to enter the field of social work. The "Learning Products" segment of this portfolio
contains assignments that I completed during the BSW Program and reflections describing the
competency that each assignment portrayed. Under the "Appendixes" component, one can find
transcripts, letters of reference and my personal learning goals. Lastly, this portfolio contains
reflections on Cournoyer and Stanley's 2002 text, The Social Work Portfolio: Planning,
Assessing and Documenting Lifelong Learning in a Dynamic Profession, and various case
studies. You may click on any of the tabs to get started.

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