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Personal Philosophy Statement

Chelsie Savage
Leslie Robbins
LDS Business College

My life has been greatly impacted by the values and morals taught in ENG 101 this
semester. I always thought that I understood the values Christ has and I thought I did my best to



live them. During this last semester I was able to look at the Christ-like values a little deeper and
learn what they actually mean. I quickly learned that I was not living them the best I should have
been and that I needed to study His attributes more to create a better life for myself. I know that
the value of assignment made me put time into studying the Christ-like attributes and helped me
to apply them to my life in a way I wouldve never done before Eng 101.
In the power of assignment I chose to focus on forgiveness. That allowed me to apply
forgiveness to my life. I am the only active member of the church in my home. To be able to
bring the assignment and specific values into my home brought awareness of all the work that
needs to be done with my family members. I was able to put on the glasses of forgiveness and
Christ-like attributes and see the values that were present in my home and the values that needed
to be worked on. Being able to do this with my family allowed me to look at myself to refine the
rough edges of myself and become a better person. My family saw me change and put forth the
effort to live the values LDS Business College has taught me. They saw the high importance it is
to me and changed their lives.
Not only did I study forgiveness, but I studied other values and morals along with
rhetoric. Ever since I started coming to LDS Business College I have noticed myself changing. I
came from a life of hanging out with friends and not caring what anybody thought of me. I was
going to do whatever I wanted when I wanted. LDS Business College in general started to embed
the values that are expected to be followed schoolwide into my soul and readjusted my life. I
started noticing that I was not only following the rules at school, but when I didnt apply them to
my life outside of school, I noticed the reactions of others and my self esteem seemed to go
down. I thought of myself as a lesser human being. I had only just started to change my life, then



I started my second semester and jumped into Eng 101. This is when change really started to
I have never had a teacher that pushed the school-wide honor code and values so much! I
have never met anybody so passionate about teaching ever before. That passion opened my eyes
to the values and morals that were trying to be taught a little more. Because of the passion from
one person, I was able to open my mind and see that if something is this important to her, then I
should at least give it some thought. So I did and it changed my life forever.
I have never before seen the gospel in the depth and the way that I do now. I have an all
new love and appreciation for the gospel more now than I ever have. I have a love to learn and
research the principles taught in the gospel. All this came to life inside me because of the simple
passion of one person.
I was taught the process of writing and researching. Not just to provide a finished
product. I was taught how to apply one principle of learning to almost anything in life. I was
taught how to apply the values and core principles taught in class to the real world. Because I
was taught the process and not just how to get a grade, my entire thought process and outlook
has changed. I was able to apply the above to other classes and get the most out of them,
especially my religion classes. I have an all new understanding the Saviors love for me
specifically. I was able to make the decision to go on a mission and put the effort into living the
commandments and following the teachings of the prophets. That specifically, changed my life
more than anything else during this semester. It will truly change my life for the better forever. I
cant express my gratitude enough for opening my eyes to the values that God has so graciously
provided for each of us. He has placed His influence everywhere in this Earth and I could not see



that. I was able to learn how to look at the Earth through heavenly eyes all because of the
passion of a teacher to teach her students the process and not product.
I have so much this semester. I could write about all the papers I had to write and the
projects I had to do, but those were just products and had no impact on life what so ever. I am so
grateful to have been blessed with a teacher who truly cares about her students. I can now apply
to my life and pass on that everything in life is about the process, not the product.

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