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Teaching Plan

In conjunction with the preceptor, determine your role in delivering content (lecture, case study,
etc.), and which content you will be responsible for.

Demographic Information
Your Name Cheryl Sheffield
School of Nursing Practicum Takes place San Jacinto-North Campus
Preceptor, Name, Credentials, Description Beverly Smith RN, MSN Patricia Ferrell RN, MSN
Course Nutrition 1160
Your planned Lecture Topic

Chapter 4: Carbohydrates

Planned Date/Time of Your Lecture February 11, 2015 at 730am


Orientation Activities
Describe the philosophy, conceptual framework of the school of nursing.
The philosophy of the school of San Jacinto College Nursing program is that individuals are
complex beings with biological, psychological, cultural, and spiritual needs. The faculty at the
school of nursing seeks provide all opportunities for students to succeed. The program firmly
believes that the art and science of nursing is an interactive process with caring as a central
theme. The learning should have a sound education that renders them able to deliver
compassionate, safe, and effective nursing care.
The conceptual framework of the school of nursing is Neumans Systems Model. The
patient is viewed throughout curriculum development as an open system that interacts with
its environment and is impacted by and subject to stress that may affect health. In many
ways the conceptual framework is discussed as an intricate weave of health, life,
communication, professional conduct, and nursing skill strands. It is the goal of the school to
prepare each individual student to work in collaborate with all healthcare team members and
to have the patient as the center of any and all decision making.

Discuss the characteristics of the faculty in the course such as years as a nurse, years in
academia, etc.
Ms. Ferrell has her MSN and has taught at the school for 10 years now. She worked as a nurse
on a medical surgical unit for over 10 years prior to coming to academia. She is currently
pursuing her PhD at University of Phoenix online.

Describe how the theoretical content of the course is usually taught? For example, is this a
lecture format? Are case studies incorporated into lecture? How is this accomplished?
The course is typically taught in a lecture format, but the students have many interactive
projects they must complete throughout the semester. They must complete a food journal
during their first week of class. In a small group they will be assigned to create an appropriate
diet for a patient with a specific disease or disorder (ie: heart failure, liver failure, diabetes).
With respect to culturally competency, each student will research a given culture and discuss
diet and nutritional factors pertaining to that culture.

Describe the technology used by students and faculty in preparation for and/or during theory
class. This may include learning management systems, internet sites, projection equipment,
student response systems, lecture capture methods etc.
Lecture material is posted to blackboard and the students can print the material prior to class.
Projection equipment is used to project the material to a screen at the front of the room.
Discussion boards are open in blackboard after the material is presented so that any
questions can be addressed.

What are the expectations for student preparation before class? How does the faculty know
that students are prepared? Is there a ticket to class?
It is expected that the students read the material (chapters) prior to attending class. They are
expected to be interactive during class and actively participate in discussion. By being
engaged in the lecture the faculty feels the student is prepared. In this course the ticket to
class is not specifically utilized.

Course routines: Discuss break times, usual methods of questioning students, are all students
in the same classroom vs distance classrooms, classroom management techniques?
The course lasts for 2 hours and typically a break is given after the first hour for about 10
minutes. Students may raise their hands to ask questions during class and all students are in
the classroom at the same time. Management of the classroom is maintained by utilized the
school of nursing handbook rules. Students are not allowed to have their cell phones out on
their desk as any time during lecture.

Describe the general characteristics of the students in the class and the number.
The students are level one nursing students and the class is primarily women, there are 5
males in the class. There are a total of 25 students.

Ask the faculty to allow you to view sample materials for a one hour lecture. Describe these
here (do not include actual materials).
These materials are typically slideshow or PowerPoint formatted. There are many pictures
throughout the presentation. Videos are utilized off and on to emphasize points or to provide
a visual understanding of the material, such as digestion. Throughout the presentation there
are case studies presented to emphasis key points with the lecture. This is utilized to engage
students and allow them to apply the information they are learning about.


You may find the teaching tools listed below useful in planning your lesson. Choose
the teaching tools that fit your topic and are congruent with the norms for the institution you
are. You will not have time to use all of them.
Choose the tool you plan to use and briefly describe how you plan to use it.
Textbooks- I will be utilizing the textbook. It is expected that students read the material prior
to class. During the lecture I will point out important concepts or diagrams in the book and
state the page number. It is important that the students are engaged in the lecture and in

order to do this reading the text prior to class is critical. Students are expected to bring the
textbook to class, so that key points can be highlighted and underlined.
Case Studies- The nutrition chapter I will lecture on does present a case study about a 45 year
old man who is diabetic. I will discuss this case study with the students and we will talk about
who meal planning for this patient with diabetes may be different that planning a meal for a
patient without this comorbidity.
Concept Maps
PowerPoint I will utilize a PowerPoint for the chapter. The PowerPoint will be developed
utilizing the key points with in the chapter. The PowerPoint will follow the chapter as closely as
possible, so that the students can follow along in their books and ask questions if needed.
Lecture I will lecture based on the PowerPoint and chapter, but will incorporate pictures and
diagrams to emphasis points in the PowerPoint presentation. I hope to keep the lecture short
and emphasis important points in order to keep the attention of the students. I will stand up
and walk around the class while lecturing to ensure that the students are engaged in the
Critical/Higher Order Questions- I will pull example NCLEX style questions that relate the
material and scatter them throughout the PowerPoint presentation and lecture. This will help
students to apply the information they are learning in the hope that the information will
become more grounded and part of their long-term memory.
Other Active learning (list here)- In my observations of lectures at this school I have seen
educatosr use the website in order to create a quiz for the students about
material they have just learned or read about. This application utilizes a smart-phone or
device and allows the students to actively participate in answering the questions. There is a
timer that allows the students 30 seconds to answer the questions and then it shows them
the right answer along with the statistics of how many in the class go the answer right or
wrong. This has been a great way to get students engaged and excited. The website keeps
track of which students answered the question first, second, and so on, and who got the
question correct. They students are given a score based on their answers. The competitive
nature of many students gets them very involved in this quiz and many have stated that they
had fun. I will create a short quiz based on the chapter material and leave time in the class
to be able to do the kahoot quiz all together. This is an excellent learning resource and
students like it! I have pasted the link to the main page here;
Team Based Learning
Problem Based Learning
Learning Activities
Know/Want to Know/Learn Chart (KWL)
Reflective Journals
You will need to follow the guidance of your preceptor and abide by the standards of his/her
Grading Criteria for Teaching Plan

Demographic area
Orientation to course (8 sections 5
points each)
Teaching Tools and description



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