Com Finalwrittenreflection

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Adam Anderson

COM 122
Written Reflection
Hope Statement:
No matter what happens in our lives, we always have the capacity and ability to build a
positive future and hope for a better world.
Essay Portion:
During this class I have increased my hope for the future because I have learned of the
great possibilities provided through positive performance in different areas of communication.
There are a couple of overarching themes that mark my change in perspective during this class.
The first is being dynamic; that is, having the ability to adapt to various social situations and
implement different elements of communication. Secondly, is being authentic and genuine in all
communication efforts. As I discuss these two overarching themes, I hope to integrate many of
the principles I have learned, as well as to solidify my understanding of these life-changing
principles in a comprehensive and structured way which will allow me to further analyze and
better implement these important principles in the future. Furthermore, I hope to be
introspective, and reflective as to how I can use my strengths when communicating and how
this will empower me as I further my education, career, and relationships.
The first principle, is the ability to be dynamic. I will define the word dynamic as the
natural ability for powerful, effective, and adaptive communication while using a comprehensive
range of skills and techniques. I suppose that a natural ability to use and utilize many different
components of effective communication and readily adapt to different situations, can only come
through diligent effort, practice, and implementation. I believe that this also requires situational
awareness which helps one to recognize which types of techniques to use. Additionally, it
requires a willingness to branch out and possibly forego personal communication preferences in

order to create an appropriate and open communication environment. Some examples of

various communication techniques are power posing, effective body language, creating open
dialogue, and carefully listening.
I feel that I possess many dynamic and adaptive qualities. First of all, I am very aware of
others and notice how and why they are communicating. Secondly, I am willing to adapt to the
their social needs and the needs of each situation. These two qualities give me a good
foundation for creating opportunities to use a wide range of communication skills. This is
advantageous because it opens up possibilities and opportunities which wouldnt be present
otherwise. Many career and relationship opportunities have been and will be opened up
because of these qualities. This is because many different people are willing to communicate
openly and honestly with me. It is this ability to adapt to situations and utilize different
techniques which creates the right atmosphere where people are comfortable to open up. This
gives me an opportunity to get close with many different people and to help them with whatever
they may need as well as to open up many different opportunities.
During this class I have learned of many of my strengths which will likewise empower me
as I further my education, career, and relationships. Recognition of these strengths has opened
me up to a wide array of different communication skills which naturally flow as a result of these
strengths. These are many of the things which I can use when adapting to different social
situations. One particular strength I have is that of an achiever. As an achiever, I have a natural
inclination to consistently perform well and constantly do better. This strength allows me to
have the drive and willingness to speak with others and develop relationships. Another strength
of mine is positivity. Positivity helps me to create desirable communication environments in
which others feel open and comfortable. These strengths, among many which I have
discovered, have helped me to discover and utilize different communication skills and have also
helped me to discover my identity.

The second principle which I believe complements and completes this dynamic
communication ability which I have described is the characteristic of genuine authenticity. To
illustrate my point, in the gospel, we receive the the gift of the Holy Ghost after performing the
ordinance of baptism by water. This ordinance serves to complete and authenticate this initial
baptism of water. Joseph Smith described the importance of this complementary ordinance in
this way: You might as well baptize a bag of sand as a man, if not done in view of the remission
of sins and getting of the Holy Ghost. Baptism by water is but half a baptism and is good for
nothing without the other half - that is, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Similarly, genuine
authenticity in communication serves to complete and authenticate any and all dynamic
communication skills an individual may possess.
Has God provided us with these communication skills merely so that we can influence
others in order to gratify our vain ambitions? Certainly, that is not the case. Moreover, can we
expect shallow and empty communication to provide an adequate channel to help us develop
lasting and meaningful relationships, change and bless the lives of others, or lead us to eternal
life. God forbid. In order to use these skills for what God has intended, our objective must be
authentic and genuine. I do not believe that fraudulent and spurious communication, devoid of
any real substance, will lead to anything lasting or meaningful. On the contrary, when genuinely
using these techniques to add light and life and service to the world and to others, our abilities
will be magnified and will be applied for our temporal and spiritual welfare.
Every skill and ability God has given us is for the purpose of furthering his work and
blessing the lives of others. I believe that as I actively exercise situational and social awareness
and as I am willing to adapt to the needs of others, then I will become a dynamic and effective
communicator. This ability to be dynamic will help me to utilize the traits and skills which God
has given me in the most comprehensive, meaningful, and useful way. Additionally, as I ensure
that all that I do is genuine, I can be assured that I am using these skills for the right reasons.

Furthermore, God will bless and strengthen me, and magnify my skills and abilities to help me
further my career, relationships, and overall future.

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