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Campus Box 9294

Wake Forest University

Winston-Salem, NC 27109
(336) 671-2630
April 13, 2015

Matthew Pommerantz
Public Defender
Public Defenders Office, State of California
Dear Mr. Pommerantz:
Thank you for speaking with me over the phone last week on Tuesday, April 7. It was very
interesting to learn more about this career from someone who was practicing law, rather than
from information online. I was impressed and slightly overwhelmed by the amount of work you
have to deal with on a day-to-day basis, and whilst Im not quite ready to commit to being a
public defender; now I am even more interested in law. I also really appreciated the advice you
had for me about exploring career options; and to never settle until you know you have achieved
happiness in your work.
As we discussed, the current education I am receiving in Political Science and Government is
preparing me for a career in law and graduate school. Through the experiences I have gained
from work, volunteering, and school activities, I have refined my interpersonal and leadership
skills, and bolstered my desire to work in the law industry. The information I gained from our
interview will help me decide what field of law I want to enter, which is invaluable to me.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to speak with me; your guidance was extremely
helpful in my career exploration. I'll be sure to keep you updated in the future.
Khaled Al Tarazi

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