Advising Artifact-Academic Plan

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Academic Action Plan: Spring 2015

3 things I will do differently this semester:

- Utilize the learning commons as well as office hours.
- Do any homework, and possible extra credit to the best of my
- Make sure I use friends/brother to study for every quiz/exam.
Goals for my classes:
MGMT: Get at least a B, study for all exams, and decided if I want to
duel specialize in supply chain.
LEGS: Get at least a B, read all case studies and stay on track with
them ready to present.
ACCT: Get a least a B, use office hours and the learning commons in
order to stay on track with the class and understand it.
ECON: Get at least a B, use office hours and the learning commons as
well as staying on track with the readings (this is going to be the
BIZX: Get an A.
MKT: Get an A; stay on track with online quizzes and homework.
Personal Goals:
Personally I would like to get my GPA up, I am not okay with what it is
at right now and honestly I know that I can do better. As well as
focusing on my grades I hope receive the job position the marketing
and communications office for BGSU, and start working there in the
spring and continue into the fall.

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