Child Maltreatment Policies

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Child maltreatment is an
act or reoccurring acts by
a parent or caregiver that

results in the harm or potential harm to a child.

Child maltreatment can be

acts of omission, which is

child neglect or commission which is child abuse
(CDC, 2015). Examples of

child neglect include

physical, emotional, educational, and other types
of neglect. Examples of
child abuse include sexual,
physical, and psychological abuse.

Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention. (2014). Child
maltreatment prevention.
Retrieved from http://
K id s D at a. ( n .d ) . C h il d Ab u s e
and Neglect in California.
Retrieved from http://
Child Help. (n.d.). The
Childhelp approach to ending
child abuse. Retrieved from
& ve d= 0C AY Q jB 0& ur l= ht t p %
3 A%2F %2Fwww
M & p si g= AF Q j C N G yW ar 0w jB R G
u 7oK R eS AX l 4 e I IQ cA& u s t = 1 42 7
State of California. (2015).
R epo r t Ab u s e . R e t r i e ve d f r o m
cdssw eb/pg20.htm
R u bi n, A. ( 20 1 2) . C l in i ci an s
guide to evidence-based
practice: Programs and
interventions for maltreated
children and families at risk .
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons.
O r ang e C ou nt y C hil d Ab u s e .
(2015). What we Do. Retrieved
from http://

Cal if or ni as

Patricia Price
Grand CanyonEDU-644
March 23, 2015


More than 80% of the children

who die as a result of child
abuse or neglect are not yet old
enough for kindergarten, making it impossible for them to
remove themselves from harmful situations (Child Help,

In 2013, there were 482,265

reports of child abuse and neglect in California. 81,381 of
those cases (17%) were verified
by the state child welfare system (Kids Data, n.d).

2.8% of school-aged children 5

-11 years of age missed 11 or
more days of school in the past
12 months because of illness or
injury (CDC, 2015).

The United States loses on

average between four and
seven children every day to
child abuse and neglect (Child
Help, n,d.).

Every year in the US, 3 million

reports are made of child
abuse which involves more
than 6 million children (Child
Help, n.d.).

Tips for Parents and Caregivers

Parents and caregivers should work to prevent child abuse through different strategies.
They should make sure to provide their children with a safe and secure environment that
will ensure that their childs well being is
taken care of. Overall, parents and caregivers
should take any strategies needed in order to
keep their child safe.
Tips for Prevention and Reporting
Ab use
In order to prevent child maltreatment, prevention strategies should be enforced. Motivational incentives can be used to provide
praise to parents who actively engage in prevention strategies (Rubin, 2012). Individual
behaviors should be influenced, relationships
between families and parents should be influenced, and community involvement should be
influenced (CDC, 2015). There are also prevention programs that parents and caregivers can participate in to create a safe environment for their child. The Child Protective
Services Hotline, Child Welfare Services,
Child Protective Services, and the Office of
Child Abuse Prevention are a few of the or-

Policy and
California Childrens Service
California Childrens Service is a
program that works with children
who have certain diseases and/or
health problems. The CCS with
those who are children to age 21.
This program will connect parents
and caregivers with trained doctors and specialized health care
people who have knowledge in caring for the illnesses that children
may have (State of California,
Orange County Child Abuse Prevention Center This abuse center
is a nonprofit program that works
with at-risk children and families
in crisis to prevent the cycle of
child abuse. This program works
to build strong families and help
parents build safe, nurturing environments for their children
(Orange County Child Abuse,

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