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Spring 2015 Civic Action Leaders Evaluation Form

Office of Service-Learning | Bowling Green State University | Page 01

CAL Name:

Supervisor Name:


Form Completed By (Your Name):

This is an exercise in reflection and personal growth. If you did not experience a shift (in your CAL
competencies) or if you did not rank yourself highly (on this evaluation), this does not necessarily impact
your evaluation in a negative manner. The aim of the evaluation process is to raise your awareness of
your strengths and weaknesses.
Throughout the following section, please indicate how you would rate your performance during the
Spring 2015 semester. At the end of each section, please provide specific examples of your work.

1 = Fails to meet most performance standards

2 = Meets some performance standards
3 = Meets performance standards
4 = Exceeds some performance standards
5 = Exceeds most performance standards

A. Professionalism
1. Communicates in a professional manner (phone, email, in-person)
2. Is punctual to office hours, meetings, and events and informs supervisor
when unable to attend
3. Follows expectations for assigned roles

4. Demonstrates an ability to manage time, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines

5. Seeks opportunities to maintain productivity

6. Follows through with projects, tasks, and commitments, including the
assessment and evaluation of projects when necessary
7. Demonstrates an awareness of strengths and weaknesses

8. Knows when to ask for help

9. Examples, reflections, and other comments:

Spring 2015 Civic Action Leaders Evaluation Form

Office of Service-Learning | Bowling Green State University | Page 02

B. Relationships & Groups

10. Expresses ideas and thoughts in small and large group settings

11. Collaborates with others, including acceptance of alternate viewpoints

12. Nurtures partnerships on and off campus

13. Develops relationships with other CALs and OSL staff

14. Offers and accepts feedback

16. Recognizes issues in ones own community

17. Demonstrates an understanding of and engages with community partners

18. Participates in community engagement opportunities

19. Organizes and manages civic engagement opportunities for others

20. Illustrates a commitment to reciprocity with community partners

21. Advocates for justice related to societal issues

15. Examples, reflections, and other comments:

C. Citizenship

22. Examples, reflections, and other comments:

Spring 2015 Civic Action Leaders Evaluation Form

Office of Service-Learning | Bowling Green State University | Page 03

D. Leadership
23. Understands ones own leadership style

24. Demonstrates an ability to share authority and follow when needed

25. Identifies and acts upon opportunities for personal and professional growth
26. Responsibility for the Volunteer Fair (list responsibility and rate yourself):

29. Recognizes ones own identity

30. Demonstrates a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion

31. Understands and articulates a personal definition of social justice

27. Responsibility for #BGMLK15 (list responsibility and rate yourself):

28. Examples, reflections, and other comments:

E. Diversity & Inclusion

32. Examples, reflections, and other comments:

Spring 2015 Civic Action Leaders Evaluation Form

Office of Service-Learning | Bowling Green State University | Page 04

F. Additional Evaluation Criteria

33. Completes blog posts according to deadlines

34. Authors reflective, insightful, and well-written blog posts

35. Balances OSL work and academic work

36. What is your current cumulative GPA?

37. Examples, reflections, and other comments:

G. Areas of Strength:

H. Areas for Improvement:


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