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Bowling Green Alternative Breaks

Executive Board Application Packet

Applications are due by Sunday, April 13th to the

Office of Service-Learning.
What is bGAB?
bGAB is a student-led initiative housed in the Office of Service-Learning, that envisions, plans, and
implements service trips for the BGSU community.
bGAB envisions a community of active citizens at Bowling Green State University, who are civically
engaged and passionate about issues of social justice.
The mission of bGAB is to address asset-based needs specific to the communities we are working with
through student-led direct community service trips. We hope participants will be empowered through
their experiences and become well-informed contributing members of society.
bGAB is looking for students who are motivated, creative, enthusiastic, committed, patient, and
forward thinking!

How can I become a bGAB executive board member?

Must be a current student at Bowling Green State University

Must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75
To apply for the 2014-2015 academic year, must be a current freshman, sophomore, or junior student
Complete the application by April 13th
Attend an interview the week of April 14th

What are the benefits of being an executive board member?

Create meaningful and impactful experiences for BGSU students and communities across the nation
Gain valuable leadership experience and people skills
Gain planning and organizational skills
Connect and build relationships with administrators and other students on campus
Opportunity to participate and lead an alternative break

What are the expectations of an executive board member?

Carry out all responsibilities of your position

Attend all executive board meetings, general meetings and retreats
Maintain a 2.75 GPA
Maintain a positive attitude about your position and positively promote bGAB to others
These positions are highly involved and require a large time commitment. bGAB executive board
members are subject to formal evaluation on the discretion of the bGAB advisor and president.

What positions can I apply for on the bGAB executive board?

Although there are executive board positions, please remember that you are applying to be a part of a

TEAM. Executive board members frequently assist each other in their duties and therefore gain
experience in many aspects of student organization management and event planning! Turn the page
for position descriptions.

bGAB Executive Board Positions

Lead bGAB executive board meetings, which includes agenda preparation
Perform any administrative, diplomatic, or public relation duties with the college administration
Serve as connection between Office of Service-Learning and bGAB
Oversee bGABs involvement in other campus service events, such as MLK Jr. Day of Service Challenge, Dance
Marathon, Service Saturdays, philanthropy events, etc.
Assist the executive board in fulfilling their responsibilities
Oversee the calendar of alternative breaks, participant application cycle, etc.
Ensure that the board is meeting its mission and striving toward its vision
Meet every other week, or as needed, with the bGAB advisor
Vice President of Finances (2 positions)
Coordinate all participant trip fee payments
Create and implement optional payment plans
Coordinate personal and program fundraising efforts
Educate trip participants on fundraising opportunities
Create budgets for bGAB and each break trip
Keep an updated account of all the account balances, readily available for the executive board
Vice President of Outreach and Publicity
Coordinate publicity of bGAB and individual trips
Responsible for recruitment of participants
Manages bGABs attendance to campus events such as Campus Fest and the Get Involved Fair
Oversee social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Organize and facilitate bGAB information sessions
Act as liaison between bGAB and University communications
Vice President of Site Leader Coordination (2 positions)
Manage site leader selection
Coordinate site leader training
Oversee site leader duties (i.e. reservations, pre-tip meetings, reorientation meetings, etc.)
Plan bGAB executive board group bonding events (at least one per semester)
Reserve and coordinate all transportation
Site Leader
Attend all scheduled site leader training programs
Coordinate pre-trip and reorientation meetings for respective trip
Serve as community partner liaison for respective trip
Facilitate nightly reflections during experience
Maintain positive attitude and energy throughout the experience

**All board members are responsible for a smooth transitioning for future board members by creating and maintaining
a transition binder for their successor.

2014-2015 bGAB Executive Board Application

Please complete the information below and return to Katherine Bowser in the Office of Service-Learning (University Hall,
315) or by email at
If you email your application, please type: bGAB application in the subject line and send it via attachment.
Contact Katherine Bowser (419-372-9865; with any questions.
Applications are due by Sunday, April 13th.

Name: ________________________________________________________________
Class (for 2014-2015 year): ___sophomore



Major: ________________________________________________________________
Cumulative GPA: _______________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________
Please rank your interest in the following positions (rank in order of preference, 1 = 1st preference, 2 = 2nd preference,
etc.). Put a 0 if you will NOT accept the position if it is offered to you.

___ President
___ Vice President of Finances
___ Vice President Outreach and Publicity
___ Vice President of Site Leader Coordination
___ Site Leader
Please type your responses to the following questions on a separate page. Use this page as your cover page.
1. Why are you interested in holding a bGAB executive board position? Please comment on your past and/or current
participation in bGAB (if any).
2. What other campus organizations are you involved in and what other commitments do you anticipate having during
the 2014-2015 year? (You may include a resume).
3. Identify a current strength and a current weakness of bGAB. What are some ways to build upon this strength and
improve this weakness? Please provide specific examples.
4. In your opinion, what is bGABs purpose on campus? If you are an executive board member, how will you uphold and
execute this purpose? Be as specific as possible.
5. Please describe any previous participation with alternative breaks or similar service opportunity. What did you learn
from this experience?
6. Complete the Transferable Skills Exercise (see next page).
Applicants may be asked to interview with the Selection Committee. You will be contacted to sign up for an interview
after the application deadline has passed.

Transferable Skills Exercise

Please complete the information below and include this exercise with your bGAB Executive Board application.
Directions: The list below represents adaptive, functional and workcontent skills. Review the list and check the skills
that you excel in.
___ negotiating
___ mediating
___ public speaking
___ interviewing
___ creative writing
___ business writing
___ editing/proofreading
___ listening
___ telephoning
___ selfmotivation
___ patient
___ time management
___ prioritizing tasks
___ dependable
___ mature
___ goal setting
___ ambitious
___ realistic
___ followthrough
___ stress management
___ selfdiscipline
___ multitasking
___ assertive
___ risk taking
___ record keeping
___ troubleshooting
___ rational thinking
___ quick thinking
___ problem solving
___ understanding
___ sensitivity
___ positive attitude
___ personable
___ networking
___ empathetic
___ serving others
___ trustworthy
___ helpful
___ other (please specify)
The top 5 skills that I excel at are (list below):

___ memory for detail

___ organizing data
___ observing
___ note taking
___ developing a budget
___ accounting
___ detailed instructions
___ accuracy
___ imaginative
___ drawing
___ photography
___ creating visual displays
___ performing
___ directing
___ group facilitating
___ team building
___ motivating
___ supervising
___ delegating
___ decision making
___ teaching
___ mentoring
___ developing procedures

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