Food School Brochure

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The Food School eae any Peeonet rarest Perr ernie) Peer r rereery pores Pee Poeerereecern ne eng re eC peer ese eT es rome et) Pernt tr erry {hat since 2000, Color pamecectrearid errr itn re re rae rer remeron orereets eters peop ener) Insecure. There are approximately co eres nity who are unsure where THE FOOD SCHOOL The Food School WHO WE ARE WHAT WE DO Perey Ground Urban Farm is a service and education-focused Doers eens cry ete onic ad Peo sa tet) ee eens Rereretr et overall health of Larimer Der ee ‘County citizens through nor ete atts SSeS ae PS eee eee Yi) aca perereeer tie ties eee ee) educate through seed-to-haryest programming and hands-on _gardening experiences and food eae ene ees foster the growth and maintenance ‘of local food systems; provide Pe eae aren eed Peron ee ne een skill-sets of food PSD students, and local resi as they connect to the land, es WHAT WE BELIEVE eee ret Tn right. -Education empowers people and diminishes the food gap eer reir) -Food education should be a priority at every level of public re Saree nets een eri et ee Se eee era) community provides physi Pen eet eas See ee eer oe

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