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APUSH Chapter 27: Empire & Expansion, 1890-1909

Read pages 626-633 and complete the following :




America Turns Outward/Spurning the Hawaiian Pear

1. Define: Imperialism
2. In his book, The Influence of Sea Power upon History, Captain Alfred
Thayer Mahan argued that
3. What impact did foreigners have on the Hawaiian Islands?
4. From the perspective of American planters, why was it important for
the United States to acquire the Hawaiian Islands?
5. identify: Queen Liliuokalani
Cubans Rise In Revolt/Deweys May Day Victory in Manila/
Confused Invasion of Cuba
6. Which European country controlled the island of Cuba?
7. Why did American investors have an interest in Cuban politics?
8. Define: Yellow journalism
9. Describe the journalism tactics of William Randolph Hearst and Joseph
10.What impact did yellow journalism have in shaping Americans view of
the Cuban crisis?
11.In your own words, describe the historical significance of the battleship
12.The United States went to war with ___________ in 1898.
13.In your own words describe why the United States declared war against
Spain in 1898. Why do you think the United States declared war
against Spain?

Read the rest of the chapter and identify/ define the following
( you may also use your notes):
1. Emilio Aguinaldo
2. The Treaty of Paris
3. Spheres of influence
4. Protectorate
5. colony
6. Rough Riders
7. Open door notes (policy)
8. Boxer Rebellion
9. Panama Canal
10.Monroe Doctrine
11.Roosevelt Corollary

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