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Ways to give


W e lc om e

Donate food
Volunteer time
Educate others

C on t a c t I n f o:
Street Address
359 South Main St.

Logan, UT 84321
Tel: (435) 753-7140

Food Pantry

- The food pantry has been
The Cache Community Food
Pantry is a community
partnership, and our goal is
to ensure that no individual

a huge blessing. And I do

hope that someday I wont
have to use it anymore.

Youre not alone

1 in 7 people
struggle with hunger
in America
In America ~ 12
million children need

in Cache County goes to

- I do have to reach out to

food help, and 7

bed hungry. We are

food banks at times when I

million seniors

responsible stewards of all

do not have food to feed

donations. We strive to

my family. I also spread the

treat our clients with

word to others that are in

respect and dignity, and

need but at the same time I

know that to need help

do donate and give back

Stagnant wages

feeding ones family, is a

when I can and there is

Rising cost of living

difficult situation. We

food drives in my area.

Medical issues

believe in emergency


assistance today for selfsufficiency tomorrow.

Reasons people
need help

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