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THIS IS YOUR YEAR to finally change your body and shed that gut for good. Losing
weight and shaping up will help you look better, feel amazing and significantly improve
your health almost immediately! You know this, but maybe fitness hasnt been a priority
before. If you are overweight or havent exercised much in many months, you are about
to embark on the perfect plan to change your life. With the help of Belly Off! training
advisor David Jack, weve developed our easiest, most effective beginner program
everthe 20-12 Workouts--to transform your body from totally out of shape to lighter,
fitter, healthier, and more muscular in just six weeks max. (In reality, youll start feeling
and seeing substantial results within the first week!)
Some of you may already be fairly fit and used to exercising regularly; you may want
to start with the Belly Off! Classic or the Dumbbell Blast workouts, which are more
advanced. But if youre just getting back into exercise or would like to take things
more slowly to build a foundation of fitness, our Basic Training: 20-12 Workouts
are perfect for you.
Basic Training: 20-12 consists of two workouts, the 20 and the 12, performed on
different days with at least one day of rest in between workouts. The 20 refers to
the number of seconds you will perform each exercise in the 20 Workout; 12 refers to
the number of repetitions you will perform of each exercise in the 12 Workout. You will
do these strength training programs three times per week (in other words, one of the
workouts will be performed twice in a week) On at least two days when you are not
doing a strength workout, you will do a short activity that gets your body moving and
raises your heart rate. You can choose any aerobic type activity that you enjoy, such
as walking, running, biking, swimming, playing racquet sports, basketball, tai chi,
hiking, etc. Theres not a strict time limit. Just shoot for at least 15 minutes of light
cardio activity.
And thats it! Thats your plan to turn your life around, establish a framework for
healthier habits, start losing that belly, and building your best body ever!

2012 Mens Health - Belly Off! 2012

Heres what your 6-week schedule might look like if you begin on a Monday:

Week 1







Week 2

Week 3

Week 4








Week 5

Week 6

















What youll need for the Belly Off! Basic Training 20-12 Workouts Program:
Workout clothes and running shoes
An exercise space of at least 6 feet by 10 feet
An elastic exercise band (available for a few dollars online or in sporting goods stores)
Optional items:
A watch or wall clock
Source of music for motivation

2012 Mens Health - Belly Off! 2012

How to do the workouts:

WARMUP (for both the 20 and 12 workouts)

Warm up your muscles and joints to prevent soreness and injury by doing the following
before each workout:

Arm Circle
Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold your arms out to your sides, forming a T-shape
with your body. Hold light fists with your palms facing up and your thumbs pointing
behind you. Stick your chest out and pinch your shoulder blades down and together
as you make backward circles with your straight arms. Start small and gradually make
the circles larger. Do them quickly, 20+ reps. Stop and then turn your palms downward
with thumbs pointing straight ahead. Do another 20+ reps, but this time circle your arms
forward, making smaller to larger circles.

Stand with your back against a wall and your heels about six inches from the wall.
Raise your hands over your head and lean back until your shoulders, head, butt,
elbows, and wrists make contact with the wall. This is the starting position. Slowly
slide your arms down the wall and tuck your elbows into your sides. Try to maintain
contact at wrists, elbows and shoulders throughout the movement. Return to the
starting position and repeat for a total of 10 reps.

Split Stance 3-Way Hip Series

Stand an arms distance from a wall with your left side facing the wall. (The wall is
there for you if you lose balance.) Assume a split stance with your left leg forward
and right back. Reach both hands (1) toward the ceiling to elongate your spine, then
keeping your arms straight, bring both (2) down in front of you, parallel with the floor,
pause, and then rotate your still parallel-to-the-floor arms and torso to the left as far
as you can without rotating your hips and leading with your upper back and your
eyes/head. Think of your hips as two headlights that shouldnt move as you do this.
Return to the starting position and repeat 4 more times. (3) from the split stance reach
your right straight arm toward the wall as you allow your hips to slide away toward the
left, return to the standing position and repeat 4 more times. Then turn around so your
right side faces the wall, switch foot positions (right forward this time) and repeat the
warm-up move by rotating to your right.

Russian Wall Squat

This warm-up move also teaches good squat form by forcing you to push your hips
back as your knees bend. Start by standing facing a wall with your feet shoulder-width
apart and your toes 1/8th of an inch from the wall. Hold your arms straight at your sides,
palms touching the wall at your hips. Now, slowly sit back, pushing your hips back as
you squat. Your nose and knees should almost scrape the wall as you lower yourself
as low as possible without changing your form, with the goal being until your thighs are
parallel to the floor. Drive back up to the standing position by pushing your feet into the
floor and squeezing your thighs and glutes. Try to go deeper with each repetition and do
not let your knees bow out or in. Do 8 to 10 squats.

2012 Mens Health - Belly Off! 2012

Front-and-Back/In-and-Out Line Drill

Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent in an athletic stance.
Make believe there is a line in front of your toes. Staying on the balls of your feet, step
over the line one foot at a time and behind the line one foot at a time. Do this quickly,
but relaxed for six seconds leading with the right foot, and then repeat leading with the
left foot. Next, imagine a line right under the center of your body. Assume an athletic
stance, feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart. Step laterally toward the line one foot
at a time leading with your right foot, and then back out one foot at a time. The pattern is
in-out, in-out. Do this for six seconds rapidly, and then repeat leading with your left foot
for six seconds.

Push the Wall

This move helps to open up your hips and stretch your low back and ankles. Stand
facing a wall about 2 feet away from it, your feet hip-width apart. Take a step back
with your left foot, then bend forward and place your hands on the wall with arms
outstretched and parallel with the floor. Now take weight off the lead foot slightly,
bending that knee. Your back leg should be straight, bent very slightly. Push into
with wall, keeping your arms locked straight. Keep your head and torso up straight.
Youll be pushing from your back leg and low back. Continue to take weight off that
front leg to increase the tension in the back leg. Hold this position for a few seconds,
then drive the right foot into the ground and use your core to stand straight with both
feet together. Rest a second then repeat the stretch 6 to 8 times. Next, repeat the
move, stepping back with your right foot.

Spread the Wall

This drill activates your core in rotation, prepping it for your workout. Stand in the center
of a doorway facing the hingeless side so you can place your hands on either side of
the wall. (You can also use the wall of a room that allows you to do the same.) Assume
an athletic stance with feet a bit more than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
Stand an arms length from the wall so your left shoulder lines up with it and the back
of your left hand, from fingertips to wrist rests against the wall. Hold your outstretched
right arms hand palm-to-palm with your left hand. This is the starting position. Press
the back of your left hand into the wall with your right arm, rotating your torso from your
hips to apply more pressure. This engages your glutes, quads and core. Keep your head
relaxed. Hold the stretch for 3 to 5 seconds, exerting just enough pressure to feel it in
your core without contorting your body and breaking form. Dont turn your hips. Next,
bring your palms-together hands to your sternum and rest. Do up to 5 repetitions. Then
shift your body to the left so your right shoulder lines up with the opposite side of the
wall and repeat the move, pressing the back of your right hand into the wall for 3 to 5
seconds and the same number of reps.

2012 Mens Health - Belly Off! 2012

The 20s Workout

Remember: 20s stands for 20 seconds of vigorous work with good form. Perform
the following four exercises in the 20s Workout as a superset. In other words, do 20
seconds of the exercise before moving on to the next exercise in the superset. Inside
of each exercise, rest only as needed or when you start to compromise proper form.
Rest at least 30-45 seconds between each exercise, or as needed up to 1 minute.
Each exercise includes an easier version and a more difficult variation. Choose the
one thats right for you and progress as strength and endurance improve.

Bodyweight Squat with Arms Extended
Stand with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly
outward. Now sit back at your hips to lower your body. Go as low as possible without
allowing your back to round. Squeeze your glutes and push yourself back to the starting
position making sure to keep your heels on the ground and your knees over your ankles.
Your arms should be out straight in front of you at the bottom position and can come
down to your sides as you stand up. This will help keep your chest up and maintain
good form during the squat. Repeat the move quickly for 20 seconds.
Easier: Assisted Bodyweight Squat
Hold onto a sink, sturdy table or straps secured to a pole for assistance and balance
as you perform the squat.
Harder: Squat Reach and Return
With feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, squat into a deep athletic stance.
As you squat, drive your straight arms down and back behind your body. Pause for a
second, then quickly drive your arms up overhead while simultaneously driving your
feet into the floor to stand and straighten your legs. At the top of the move your arms
point toward the ceiling and you should be standing on your toes. (The drive is
aggressive, but not so forceful that your feet leave the floorthats another exercise!)
Pause for a split second at the top and then forcefully swing your arms down and
back as you sit back into another deep squat. Thats one rep. Keep doing them
rapidly for 20 seconds.

REST for 30-45 seconds.

2012 Mens Health - Belly Off! 2012

Pushup Plank
Assume a pushup position with your hands flat on the floor directly under your
shoulders, arms straight, and your feet together, toes on the floor. Your body should
form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Brace your core by contracting
your abs as if you were about to be punched in the gut, and squeeze your glutes and
thighs. Your head should be in line with your body and holding very little tension. Be
sure to take small breaths throughout the hold. If you have high blood pressure, or
feel pain in your back, do an easier form of this exercise or skip it altogether. Hold
this position for 20 seconds.
Perform the pushup plank with your knees resting on the floor. Or assume a
regular pushup position with straight legs, toes on the floor, but place your
hands on a bench, chair or railing. Keep your head in line with your body.
Squeeze your core and glutes.
Hold the pushup plank, and while at the top position, raise one leg and hold
for a few seconds, return it to the floor and then raise the opposite leg at the
top position and hold. For extra work, you can add a full pushup in-between
each leg hold. Continue this pattern for 20 seconds.

Rest for 60 to 90 (or as needed, letting your heart rate settle to comfortable level) seconds then repeat Superset 1 before moving on to Superset 2. For weeks 1-3 you will
do 2 total rounds of each superset; for weeks 4-6, you will do 3 total rounds of each.

Lateral Step and Hold
For this aggressive exercise, you will keep an upright posture while performing
a high-knee run (try for about 60 percent of your top speed) laterally left and right
while staying on the balls of your feet. Begin by taking three lateral steps to the
right quickly. Keep your knees high and your body tall as you run and drive your
elbows and hands back as if you would holding hammers in your hands and driving
nails behind your hips. Do not cross your feet as you run. On the third step, pause and
maintain your balance on your right foot for a second or two before running laterally in
the opposite direction for three steps. Again, on the third step, pause and balance on
your left foot. Continue running laterally and balancing on one foot for 20 seconds.
Do the same exercise but instead of running, perform a high-knee lateral march and
balance hold instead of running.
Take wider lateral steps and run faster at up to 90 percent of your top speed.

Rest for 30 to 45 seconds.

2012 Mens Health - Belly Off! 2012

Reverse Step and Band Row

For this exercise, you will need a resistance exercise band. Stand with feet hip-width
apart and anchor one end of the exercise band to a sturdy pole, object, a door handle
with the door closed or have a partner hold it, and hold the other end of the band in
your left hand. Take a giant step backward with your left foot and then row your left
hand to your ribcage. Initiate the pull from your shoulder blade, and back squeezing
your shoulder blade toward the center of your spine and bending your elbow. Be sure
not to shrug your shoulders during rowing movements. Extend your arm straight, step
forward and repeat the move quickly with good form for 20 seconds. Then place the
band in your right hand and repeat the movement on that side after resting for a few
seconds to regain your composure.
Do the band row from a split stance instead of stepping back. Assume a split stance,
your right foot forward and left behind you. Complete 20 seconds, then reverse foot
position and row with the right hand.
Reverse Lunge Isometric Band Row. In this version, when you step back you lower
into a deep lunge until your front right thigh is parallel to the floor and your back left
thigh is perpendicular to the floor, the left knee just an inch above the floor behind
your hips. Hold that lunge position for a second, then with the left hand row the band
to your ribcage while simultaneously punching with the right fist forward. Then stand
into the starting position. The action is: lunge back, row/punch/return, stand. Do this
for 20 seconds, then repeat the move on the opposite side.

Rest for 60 to 90 seconds (or as needed, letting heart rate settle to comfortable level)
and repeat Superset 2 once more (for weeks 1-3). Youll do 3 total rounds of each
superset during weeks 4-6.
After the workout, cool down for 3 to 5 minutes by walking and stretching.

2012 Mens Health - Belly Off! 2012

The 12s Workout

Begin by loosening and warming your body with the warm up described above
the 20s Workout.
For this workout, 12s stands for 12 repetitions. Perform the following exercises as a
circuit. In other words, do 12 repetitions of each exercise, rest up to 30 seconds (or as
needed up to 1 minute) then move directly into the next exercise. After completing one
set of the eight exercises, rest for 90 to 120 seconds, then repeat the circuit. For weeks 1
and 2, try to complete two total rounds. For weeks 3-6 try to complete three total circuits.
As a challenge try to do the rounds quicker, with good form and less rest, during each
subsequent workout. Your goal should be to perform three rounds of the 12s workout
using little rest and performing at a higher intensity in each exercise by week 6.

Split Squat
Stand in a staggered stance with your left foot forward and your right foot back.
Slowly lower your body as far as you can. Your back knee should be about an inch
off the ground and slightly behind your hip. Your front knee should be over the ankle
and shoelaces (dont allow it to travel in front, or to either side of your toes to avoid
injury). Pause then forcefully push yourself back to the starting position by driving your
front foot (more) and trail foot through the ground. Repeat six times, then switch foot
positions and do another six reps for a total of 12.
Note: as you build strength, you can perform the split squat while holding dumbbells in
your hands at your sides or one dumbbell held against your chest with both hands for
increased resistance.

Band Pull Apart

For this exercise, youll need a lightweight elastic resistance band or tube. Stand
with your feet hip-width apart. Hold an end of an exercise band in each hand about
shoulder-width apart, palms facing down. Hold your arms out straight in front of you,
the band slightly stretched between your hands and parallel with the floor. This is the
starting position. Now spread your arms apart and squeeze your shoulder blades together
and down to pull the band apart until it stretches against your chest. Quickly release the
bands tension by bringing your arms back in front of you and repeat as fast as you can
with good form. Be sure to keep your shoulders down (not shrugging) during the move
by pulling your arms slightly down and back. Do 12 reps rapidly with a slight pause
when they are out and extended.

Single-Leg Balance and Touch

Imagine standing inside of a large clock: 12 oclock is straight ahead of you, 3 is directly
to your right side and 9 to your left. Start by balancing on your right leg (keeping the
whole foot flat on the ground at all times) with your left foot off the floor. Now reach your
left foot as far out toward 12 as you can while maintaining control and tap your heel to the
ground. Youll need to bend your right knee slightly. Spread your arms for balance. Return
to the middle, and then reach toward 9 oclock and tap your heel. Finally, bend at the
waist and reach your leg back toward the 6 oclock position and tap your toe. Return to
center each time. Complete 6 repetitions, then repeat the move on the other side, reaching your right foot toward 12, 3 and 6 oclock for another 6 reps. Be sure to keep your
knee from caving in, maintain good posture and do not let your body follow your leg
it should stay centered in the middle of the clock. The tap should not be used for you
to gain control of the movement.
When you improve your balance and strength, you can make the move more
challenging by balancing on a low box or step.
2012 Mens Health - Belly Off! 2012

March with Arm Swing

March in place with knees lifted high while swinging your arms out and across each other
over your chest. Your hands should reach for your opposite shoulder blade as you hug
yourself across the chest, then open wide and out the side of your body. Do 12 repetitions
(two steps equals one repetition. To make this more challenging, add a skip to the march with
arm swing, then try skipping forward and back and side to side in a cross pattern 3 or 4 feet
in each direction and coming back to center with each skip. Out and back is one rep, so three
full cross patterns would equal 12 reps.

Bodyweight Romanian Dead Lift (RDL)

Stand straight with your feet hip- to shoulder-width apart and your back against a wall. Your
heels should be about 8 to 10 inches from the wall. Dont lock your knees. Now, bending only
at the waist and keeping a neutral spine, reach your outstretched arms between your legs
toward the wall behind you. The idea is to hinge from the waist by pushing your hips back.
Return to the standing position and repeat for a total of 12 reps. Once you feel you have the
hinge pattern set, you can step away from the wall and perform the movement in space.
When you improve your strength, try a Single-Leg RDL. Stand with your feet slightly more than
shoulder-width apart. Raise your left foot and extend it behind you, just off the floor. Contract
your glutes, brace your abs, and keep your spine naturally arched. Focusing on balance on
that right foot, bend forward at the waist and raise your left leg behind you until that leg and
your torso are parallel to the floor. (Allow your arms to hang naturally straight down.) You will
initiate the move by pushing your hips back. Your body should form a straight line from your
head to your left heel with your hips and your shoulders pointing toward the floor. Push back
to the starting position and repeat for a total of 6 repetitions. Next, switch leg positions and
repeat for another 6 reps.

Muhammad Ali Line Drills

These speedy foot drills are called Alis because they mimic the boxers float-like-a-butterfly
footwork. Start by placing one foot forward and one foot back as if standing over a line. Stand
on the balls of your feet. Now, quickly switch (or scissor) your feet while driving your arms
aggressively. Over and back is one repetition. Next, staying on the balls of your feet, step over
the line one foot at a time and then back behind the line one foot at a time in an up-up, backback pattern. Up and back is 1 rep, do 12 total and lead with the opposite leg the next time
through. Next, imagine a line right under the center of your body running with your body.
From an athletic stance, feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart, step laterally toward the
line one foot at a time leading with your right foot, and then back out one foot at a time.
In and out is rep. Do 12.
Continue to increase your speed to make this more challenging, and/or perform the drills
on a low box.
Rest for 2 minutes and then repeat the 12s for a total of 2 circuits.
Cool down for 3 to 5 minutes by walking and stretching.
During weeks 3-6, do 3 circuits. Your goal is to complete 3 rounds without
resting between circuits by week 6.
Remember to
Check your weight once a week
Stand at work whenever you can
Substitute water for high-calorie beverages
Force yourself to walk more by parking farther away from the entrance to work, stores, etc.
Share your questions, comments and successes in the forums at
Pick up a copy of The Belly Off! Diet book for more tips and strategies
2012 Mens Health - Belly Off! 2012

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