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1- Cloud Initiation

Diigo can help teachers stay much more organized. Having the diigolet helps by
letting you bookmark all your teaching websites and saves them all in the same
place. You no longer have to create a new folder. It also helps by keeping them
separate from other things you have saved on your personal computer and by being
able to access it on any other computer as well.

2- Face of your Classroom

This is a great resource to explain in detail what you are about as a teacher. It
can also be used to focus on a certain topic. It can allow students to work in
groups and you see their discussions. It can also be used to allow teachers to
stay organized, by having different pages for different subjects or different hours.
And lastly it can be used to stay connected to parents throughout the year.

3- Collaboration Tools
Lesson plan google template

Comment insert


The google document templates are helpful to get started. I think its good for good
for helping you to not forget anything needed in a lesson plan. Back to the basics, it
is clear and concise. I think that I personally would use the Trello account more. It is
a great way to keep your to do list organized and be able to track your progress.

4- Communication Tools

Skype is a great tool for staying connected. It is easy to use and easy to stay connected
with people that may not live close to you. It would be great for students to use for a pen
pal activity. They could write letters and proofread them and then at the end get to
skype them in person.

Back Channel Chat

The back channel chat is a good way for teachers and students to communicate from
different locations in a secure location. It is good for posting homework and student

5- Content Area Tools

The first activity I choose was 100th day activity. Every elementary school
celebrates this and is always great to have new and fun ways to incorporate this
into your day.

The second activity I choose was one giant leap for humankind. It is a great way
to talk about the landing on the moon. It can incorporate into your planet unit.

6- Differentiated Instruction and UDL

Learning cycle:

Identifying components:
acts, concepts, generalizations or principles, attitudes, and skills
Align tasks and objectives to learning goals
Instruction is concept-focused and principle-driven.
Flexible grouping is consistently used
Classroom management benefits students and teachers
Initial and on-going assessment of student readiness and growth are
Students are active and responsible explorers.
Vary expectations and requirements for student responses.
Additional Guidelines That Make Differentiation Possible for Teachers to Attain
Clarify key concepts and generalizations
Use assessment as a teaching tool to extend rather than merely measure
Emphasize critical and creative thinking as a goal in lesson design.
Engaging all learners is essential
Provide a balance between teacher-assigned and student-selected tasks
Principles of the Universal Design for Learning Framework
Principle 1
To support recognition learning, provide multiple, flexible methods of

Principle 2
To support strategic learning, provide multiple, flexible methods of
expression and apprenticeship.
Principle 3
To support affective learning, provide multiple, flexible options for

Something to support a struggling reader that I found was Reading

Instruction Grades K-3: Beyond the Workshop Course. It is a course that
dives deep into reading instruction. It goes through different strategies
that will help a wide variety of students.

This is a quick and easy way to find reading strategies for multiple
reading levels in one area. There are games, guided reading,
informational text, connected text, phonological awareness, and sound

This tool would be very helpful for students who have a hard time
sounding out words, audio learners, and visual learners. It would help
students match the visual words to the sounds they are hearing without
the pauses. It will help students with word flow as well.

7- Digital Citizenship
One of the things I would do is introduce my students to the AUP, the
acceptable use policy. I believe a great deal of time and care should
be put into this. Students need to know how to be safe and keep
information private on a very public internet. This would cover
personal information on the web as well as acceptable use of the

I would also do an activity on cyber bullying. I believe this is a huge

problem in our schools today and needs to be addressed. I really like
the colorful posters on this website. It shows them key points that
should have already been addressed and is a constant reminder. I
also liked the bracelets they displayed. I think it would be great to get
the students and their parents to make a pledge against cyber
bullying and with their pledge they would get the bracelet to wear.

ID theft Face-off

8- Visual Learning


QR Code

Websites like, gliffy and popplet are great way for students to get their
thoughts organized and out of their heads. It is great for visual learners. It also
helps them to stay neat and their thoughts and connection clearly readable.
Things like the QR code can be great too if you are in a setting where the
technology to use them is available. And lastly creating things like wordle can be
great for students to just see things in a new perspective.

9- Copyright and Creative Commons

Copyrighting is the creator of something exclusive rights. It is let set of laws to follow
and punishments if broken. As a teacher you need to make sure how your students are
using their media, like music, movies, videos, documents and anything else you know to
be copyright. We need to make sure our students are getting the media they want
correctly without breaking the law. And teach them the difference between fair use and
copyright. This is important because as a teacher I had misconceptions about fair use.

Digital Images

11-Presentation Tools

Prezi is a good tool for students to use as a visual during oral presentations,
slideshow, and power points. It gets their points down and the moving from bubble to
bubble helps them stay on track and no where they are.

My computer would not accept zoomit. I could not download it.

12- Evaluation and Assessment

After taking the pretest I felt much more confident to take the post test. I was not
very familiar with the material. Taking it twice helped by making you more familiar
and comfortable with the material. Not only does it help with becoming more aware it
helps with memory and the material sinking in.


Google Earth


Additional Resources

I think these tools will be very helpful in the future. I believe that Google Earth will be
very useful for a geography lesson. I also think that the flash cards are going to be a
great tool for the students. They can fill them out with any subject and it also is
economically friendly.

14- Productivity Tools


Saving as PDF

Google Calendar

URL shortener

15- Staying Informed

5 ways to stay informed: This week in education

Planning for BYOD is a plan to help keep things running. This plan set into motion about
a year ago. It means that students can bring their own devices and use them in the
classroom. The schools have amped up their wireless connections and networks to
prevent viruses. First starting out this program had a lot of questions but they seemed
easily resolved and the program was doing well. The schools decided on programs and
used new software. The BYOD program did not officially end the need for tablets,
IPads, laptops, etc. in the classroom. They still needed to provide kids without the
technology and students in repair with them. But it did provide them with the ability to
make their spending more efficient. The schools and teachers also had to decide how
much freedom the students would have with the devices. The main issue seemed to be
social media cites and cyber bullying.
Research Section
The first thing that stood out to me was the article about digital technology and hand
writing. It said that most people agree that technology allows students to share their
work with a wider audience but hand writing needs attention. Teachers refer to students
work as mediocre rather than excellent. Students using slang and text have majorly
affected their writing and spelling capabilities. This article went further into depth about
the pros and cons of this topic.
The second thing that stood out to me was College and Technology. This is because it
relates directly to me personally. It discussed how we are leading the way in this
technological revolution and the difference between college students in a community
college and a university. Researchers took a survey that calculated the population of
students that attended any type of college. Its results were students that attended a
four-year college were more technology savvy and had a better understanding than
those at other colleges.

eLibrary for kids:

I believe that this website would be a great convenience for kids. Online library
are hard to navigate for someone of the younger age. It can get confusing and
overwhelming especially if they are struggling readers. I think this is great for
students like this to easily maneuver and do it with ease.
Academic OneFile

This is a way for advanced or older students to find the resources they need in
one location. Instead of having only internet sources it is great to have articles
written and published in actual journals and books. It is a way for students to
become well rounded in all areas of academics.
Hoaxes and Bogus Websites
Using the CARDSS method I analyzed the website The flow of the
writing is not very cohesive to start. It doesnt have the content something like the
Academic One website has. It doesnt show who is responsible for the entire
thing just the individual authors of articles but no credentials of that author. It is
written at a very average intelligence level. The website design is very chaotic
and almost over whelming. There are no sources cited, only adds to join the
authors newsletter. They are almost all personal pages. I would not deem this
The second website I analyzed using the CARDSS method was and
the first thing I saw was follow us on twitter. To me that is an immediate red
flag. Another red flag was that the slogan underneath the logo was Rumor Has
It. To me that says anything on this cite may or may not be accurate. The
spacing of the categories were very bunched together. Their articles had no
authors at all. No resources, citations, bibliography, anything. It was very clear
that this website was completely bogus.


Manchester, William. The glory and the dream: a narrative history of America, 1932-1972,. [1st
ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1974. Print.

17-Personal Learning Network


Twitter is a great way to see what other teachers are doing around the world.
You can bounce of ideas, see what new, and what people are working on.

18- Virtual Classroom


MLO is online courses. It is a k-12 interactive school system. Students can take all kinds of classes here that
support schools all over Michigan. Students still have to complete assignments and make deadlines. It also
says they are learning behavior skills, but I think that would be more effective in an actual classroom.

19- Digital Story Telling


Digital Story
Digital stories can be a great way for students to get involved in the creative process. Not only
can their writing be creative but they can draw, express through pictures and use their voice!

20- Onlie Video and Audio Resources

I liked the discovery education website. This section had several great videos for
each content area. I personally thought that the science one would be great to do
in the classroom. The kids get to see everything.
I also like this streaming video because it explained exactly what this segment of
the 21 things course was about and had visuals to accompany it.

Podcast are great for students to develop their listening skills. Not being able to
see something forces them to really focus. It also helps if you have the students
take notes. This way they are working on their note-taking and comprehension
skills as well.

21-flipping the classroom

My webcam is broken so the only video I could upload was a sample video from
my library.

I think that both of these tools could have been used much more successfully by me. I would like to have a
better understanding of them with a webcam that worked properly. Because I didnt really get the full
concept of the assignment I dont think fully understand how to use the technology.

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