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Jerrica Crandall
Kelly Pinckney
Martin Bower
Richelle Cisco

High flow oxygen therapy
Vapotherm uses nasal cannula (nasal cannula is an
oxygen delivery device with two prongs that fit into your
nostrils) attached to a water reservoir, filter, heater
system and air mixer to provide warm, humidified,
oxygenated gas up to 40 liters/minute.
Vapotherm is an alternative to continuous positive
airway pressure, which would require a face mask.


Why is Vapotherm used?

To provide fast relief of difficulty breathing, low oxygen
levels, and increased carbon dioxide levels in patients
that require HIGH flow oxygen.

How does Vapotherm

It forces carbon dioxide from the nasal cavity
and upper airway and replaces it with fresh gas
between breaths. This provides more fresh
oxygen with each breath and thus more oxygen
is available to the body.
The heated and humidified gas protects and
soothes the tissue inside the nose and can help
to loosen mucus and phlegm that builds up in

Who is Vapotherm appropriate for?

Patients experiencing shortness of breath or trouble
breathing that require high flow oxygen therapy and are
able to breath on their own.
Patients with respiratory distress disorders such as:
-General Respiratory Failure
-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
-Chronic Heart Failure

Pros to Vapotherm
Heated and humidified gas lowers the rate of your
breathing, improves your ability to clear mucus from your
airway and reduces your work of breathing. This improves
your ability to eat and communicate without disruption of
your oxygen therapy and provides increased comfort
when sleeping.
Allows for higher levels of O2 administration because of
the heated gas
Helps inflate air sacs in the lungs increasing the amount of
oxygen absorbed.
Helps avoid intubation and reduces length of hospital stay.

Cons to Vapotherm
Infection risk is increased due to warm, humidified
oxygen therapy which supports bacterial growth. There
is a vapor transfer cartridge that filters impurities from
entering the air passageway within the Vapotherm
Runny nose
Less effective if a person normally breathes through
their mouth
Long term use can cause sores around the nose and
ears from the tubing

Traditional Therapies


Mechanical Ventilation

High Flow 02 Face


Evidence Based Practice

Long term (1 year) use of high flow therapy in the home
108 COPD patients randomized to typical care or high
flow therapy
High flow therapy resulted in fewer exacerbation days,
increased time to first exacerbation and reduced
exacerbation frequency
High flow therapy resulted in improved quality of life
scores and lung function

Five Key Points

It provides respiratory support without placement of a breathing tube or mask covering the
face. High flow therapy reduces the work of breathing using a nasal cannula instead of a
Vapotherm forces out exhaled air from the nose and upper airway and replaces it with fresh
air between breaths. This gives more fresh oxygen with each breath and more oxygen
available to the body
The nasal cannula must block less than half of the nostrils to circulate air freely inside the
nose. This allows the used air to be flushed out. Vapotherm provides a variety of nasal
cannula sizes to ensure you have the right fit
The air you breathe is heated and humidified for safety and comfort of the high flow therapy.
The humidification protects and soothes the tissue inside of the nose and can help loosen
mucus and phlegm that builds up in the lung
The delivery tube has an insulating channel where warm water is constantly circulating. It
will feel warm to the touch, but will not burn you if it is up against your skin. It only heats up
to body temperature

Vapotherm Therapy


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