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Pythagoras - Concrete Math

Spring 2015 Gabor

1. Prove the Pythagorean Theorem

2. Find an example of a Pythagorean Triple that is not generated by (2 2 , 2, 2 + 2 )
for any integers , .
3. Give two distinct Pythagorean triples that have the same hypotenuse.
4. Give two distinct primitive Pythagorean triples that have the same hypotenuse.
5. Find a Pythagorean triple that has 43 as one side
6. Prove that the product of the legs is divisible by 12 for any Pythagorean triple.
7. Find two distinct primitive Pythagorean triples with a common leg.
8. Prove that one of the sides of a Pythagorean triple is divisible by 5.
9. Prove that the number of triangles whose smallest side is no greater than is finite.
10. Write a program to output the number of Pythagorean triples whose smallest side is less than
or equal to .
2 )
11. Prove that ( +3 , 2+1 +2 , +1
+ +2
forms a Pythagorean triple, where is the

Fibonacci number.

12. Find three distinct integer right triangles having an area of 840.

13. Why does a mirror reflect from left to right, but not from top to bottom?
14. Well say that a graph of size is friendly if it has nodes numbered from 1 to such that two
nodes have an edge between them iff the sum of their numbers is a square.
a. What is the smallest, connected friendly graph? Include a proof that it is smallest.

b. What is the smallest, friendly graph with a Hamiltonian cycle? List all the Hamiltonian
cycles it has. When you display your Hamiltonian cycle, it should start with 1, and the
second value should be the lower numbered vertex adjacent to the first vertex (ie. the one
numbered 1) that is on the cycle.

Csaba Gabor

p 1/1


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