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LT-Spice Analysis 3

Electrical Circuits 1
ELECENG 301-602
Tyler Doro


This report describes the use of the LT-Spice program, and its use as a problem
solver using opamps.


Open LT-Spice

Develop circuit so that Vo = -2V1 4V2 ( Figure 2)

Create a new schematic

Add circuit elements such that the circuit created resembles problem 4.45
( Figure 1)
Using DC analysis check that your circuit produced required voltage

Figure 1

Figure 2

Worked out solution


R 1+ R 2
R1+ R 2
(V 1 )
(V 2)
R 3+ R 4


10 k +10 k
10 k +10 k
(V 1 )
(V 2)
10 k

40=2(10) 4 (5)


40=2(10) 4 (5)

Discussion and Conclusion

The results from this lab were very promising. At the end of this lab I had a greater
understanding of how I can use the program LT-Spice for checking opamp circuits.
As you can see from the results the V o does not exactly equal -40 but it is only off by
.0028. This value is small enough to ignore.

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