Ebook Assignment

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E-Book Assignment

Overview: How do the systems of the body work? Could I take away a body
system and still have a functioning body? These questions are going to be
answered in our next assignment. The e-book provided gives an example of how
to describe the function and anatomy of a body system.

Students will be able to:
Create an e-book showing the anatomy and function of a
body system.
Analyze the function and importance of a specific system on
the function of the body.
Describe the physical parts of a body system and explain the
importance of those parts.
Standards to be met:
6.S.1.1.1 Analyze different systems.
6.S.1.3.1 Analyze changes that occur in and among systems.
6.S.3.3.1 Identify the different structural levels of which an
organism is comprised (cells, tissues, organs, organ systems,
and organisms).
Online Tools:
Students will need to use the program at Mixbook.com (a
site for creating a digital book to either share w/ others or order for a
hard copy) to create their e-book.

The teacher will have set up, prior to the activity, a teacher
account with the students login and password information.
This previously established information will be given to
students individually.

1. Ask students choose which of the the body systems they
would like to create an e-book for. The system options are
as follows:



1. Skeletal System
2. Muscular System
3. Nervous System
4. Digestive System
5. Circulatory System
6. Excretory System
7. Respiratory System
Teacher will provide each student with a rubric, which
contains the expectations of the e-book assignment.
Teacher will assist students in creating an outline of both
the anatomy (physical parts) and physiology (what the
system does) of the system they have chosen.
Students will start writing the storyline of their story.
Take students to the computer lab.
1. Students will login to Mixbook with their previously
assigned username and password.
2. Walk students through the creation of a Mixbook.
3. Students will create an 8-10 page Mixbook relating to
the body system they chose.
Students will peer edit their 5 oclock partners Mixbook for
correct information, spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

1. Students will be graded, by a peer, with a rubric to be
created and provided by the teacher. The e-book will show
mastery of their individual body system and how all the
systems work together as a person.
2. Students will also be graded by the teacher, using the
provided rubric.

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