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Re-write this poorly written persuasive speech so that it becomes

an effective persuasive speech.
Use the A-FOREST approach when re-writing. Feel free to make up
information, facts and figures to allow your persuasive speech to
become most effective.

A - Anecdote Use a personal story or experience as proof

F - Facts and Figures These help to make you sound wellresearched.

O- Opinion Add in your opinion but politely!

I believe that

R - Rhetorical Questions These engage your audience but dont

use too many.

E - Emotive Language Try to make them feel guilty or sorry for you!
We are being deprived of our freedom!

S - Superlatives Exaggerate using superlatives this is the worst

choice or the harshest punishment..>

T - Tripling Lists of three (using alliteration as well?)

It is cruel, callous

and criminal to


Ladies and Gentleman,
I dont know why my kid is expected to clean up the schoolyard during
class time. Isnt the whole point of school to come and learn so that kids
can get a good job and support a family when they are older. But now
Principal Skinner thinks that students should be cleaning instead of
learning. I think we should just employ cleaners to do this job so students
dont have to walk around in the cold picking up rubbish they didnt even
drop. Its not what my I pay for my kids to go to school for. If they miss 2

days a term to do this stupid cleaning then thats 8 days a year. Thats 48
days in total for the high school almost adding up to a whole term missed.
This needs to stop before it gets taken too far.

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