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Unit G

Workplace Readiness
Demonstrate effective
employability skills.

A method of making
links through the
people you know to
the people they
know to expand the
base of contacts for
sharing information.

Importance of Networking
Source of information, knowledge, new ideas, and
Contacts become resources for leads and referrals
and a way to qualify research or secure career
Networks are not formal groups that operate with
formal rules. No one is in charge; they are shaped
like a spider web that varies in size. All networks are
optional and built on support. They may not provide
immediate rewards but are resources to be utilized in
the future.

Importance of Networking (cont.)

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful
forms of communication in the business world.
Contacts can be a source of endless possibility
if the relationships are managed well and new
ones are constantly developed.
Successful businesspeople may spend a large
portion of their day networking and
establishing contacts.

How do you establish and nurture

Attend functions that Join networks that are built
around activities you enjoy
provide opportunities
and that will help you
to meet and connect
achieve your goals. Be
with other people
willing to give, and you will
interested in doing
Work to improve your
Join clubs and trade
conversational skills. Read,
associations and
listen, and ask questions to
attend conferences.
learn all you can so that you
Go to lunch with
become a more confident
and interesting person with
Network at church,
whom others will seek to
community functions,
and athletic events.

What are some

networking obstacles?
Personal barriers. Many Lack of foresight. Some
people do not look ahead to
people are either
the value of what networking
uncomfortable reaching
may bring them in the future.
out to others or see no
They do not have time to
value in doing so. This
can stem from shyness,
network today and will not
selfishness, or an
make the time tomorrow.
unwillingness to trust
Lack of work ethic. Some
people are satisfied doing
Lack of knowledge.
just enough to keep a job
Some people do not
and do not see the value in
understand the benefits
putting forth the extra effort
of networking or do not
to network.
know how to find a
network to join.

Fashion Networks
Trade associations: Nonprofit, voluntary
organizations made up of business
associates that have common interests.
Work to improve their
segment of an industry
and the success of their
Often sponsors trade

Examples: American
Textile Manufacturers,
The Fashion Group
International, National
Retail Federation (NRF),
and the Council of
Fashion Designers of
America (CAFDA)

American Apparel

Fashion Networks

The Fashion Group: A global, nonprofit

association of women executives who
represent every segment of the fashion
Members must have a record
Headquartered in
Regional and local
chapters around
the world

of achievement and
executive level success in
the fashion industry.
Members include fashion
designers, magazine editors,
and retail executives.

Fashion Networks

American Society of Interior Designers (ASID): An

association of home fashions professionals.
Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI): A
main trade association for industrial textiles
businesses. IFAI holds an annual conference and
exhibition and produces two trade publications.

Documents for use in promoting

oneself for employment

Cover letter
Reference letter

A personal data
sheet that provides
a summary of the
skills, abilities, and
accomplishments of
an individual.

Many resumes are

completed online
and emailed to
potential employers.

Resume (cont.)
Personal information provides the heading for the
resume. It should include the name, address,
telephone number, email address, and fax
number for contacting the applicant.
Job Objective identifies the position for which
the applicant would like to be considered.
The Education and Training section provides
information about formal education and any
additional training acquired. This information
should be listed in reverse chronological order.


The Work Experience section describes

work history, including any related volunteer
work experience, and any specific skills one
has acquired to enable him/her to perform a
task more effectively. This information should
be listed in reverse chronological order.
The section for Activities, Honors, and
Interests provides information to show that
the applicant is a well-rounded person.


The References section, if included, lists

individuals who can and will give the
applicant a positive recommendation. Each
reference should include the persons name,
title, business name, address, phone number,
fax number, and email address. Current
practice is to omit the reference section and
write a statement at the end of the resume
that reads References available upon


The resume should provide information

related to the job you are seeking. Irrelevant
information may draw attention away from
your strengths.
Keep the resume simple and limit it to one
page if possible.
The resume should be attractively formatted
and completely free of errors.

Cover letter
A personal business letter that
accompanies a resume and introduces a
person to the company.
May indicate how the applicant
became interested in this particular
Usually addresses a few strengths
that qualify the applicant for the job
Requests an interview

A company-provided form on which the job
applicant supplies requested information to
be used in making a hiring decision.
With increased use of the
Internet, applications are
often completed online.

Reference letter
A letter written by a former employer or
business acquaintance describing an
individuals previous position, duties, job
performance, and personal characteristics.
It is wise to keep a portfolio of
these letters that can be used
even if you lose touch with
previous employers.

The Interview Process:

Create a Positive First Impression
A good appearance has
nothing to do with brand
labels in clothing,
beauty, good looks or
sex appeal.
A professional
appearance looks fresh
and clean, appropriately
dressed, and appears
poised and confident.

The Interview Process:

Create a Positive First Impression (cont.)
Dress in clothing that would be appropriate to
wear to work if you are hired for the job.
Executives wear business suits. White-collar
workers wear dress clothes. Blue-collar
workers sometimes wear dress clothes, but
may wear work clothes or uniforms.
Clothes must be neat, clean, and pressed.
Shoes must be clean and shined.
Trendy fashions may be appropriate for a job in
the fashion industry. Otherwise, avoid extreme
fashions, patterns that clash, and excessive
jewelry, make-up, and cologne.

The Interview Process:

Create a Positive First Impression (cont.)
Attitude. Employers say a positive
attitude separates the winners from the
losers. Be alert, enthusiastic, and
motivated to work. Look the interviewer
straight in the eyes, give an honest
smile, and ask questions. Dont be
afraid to say you want the job.

The Interview Process:

Advance preparation
Plan ahead of time for
what you will wear.
Make your
arrangements to
arrive at the location
10 minutes early.
Study the company so
you can be

The Interview Process:

Advance preparation (cont.)
Think about your
answers to questions
the interviewer may
ask you.
Why do you want this
Why are you leaving
your current job?
What do you have to
offer this company?

The Interview Process:

Advance preparation (cont.)
Think about questions you
will want to ask the
What opportunities for
advancement does the job
Who would be your immediate
supervisor? What is his/her
management style?
Ask questions about the job,
but refrain from asking about
salary and vacation.

The Interview Process:

Advance preparation (cont.)
Practice for the interview.
Have a friend or parent practice with you in the
interviewing process.
Practice giving a firm businesslike handshake. A
handshake should begin as well as end the
Practice answering sample interview questions.
Think of ways to sell yourself.
Remember that projecting your positive attitude is
the key.

The Follow-Up Process

Thank-you Notes
Thank-you notes should be
used with all of your
contacts, not just following
an interview.
Never take someones good
nature for granted.
It is important to thank the
interviewer for his/her time
and for considering your
Always send a thank-you
note within a couple of
days after your interview.

The Follow-Up Process

Phone Calls
Follow up after sending a resume.
Call to confirm that your resume
has been received and to determine
if you can schedule an interview.
This implies you are serious about
wanting to work for the company.
Follow up after the interview. If the
interviewer indicates a decision will
be made within a week, then call
after one week and ask if that
decision has been made. This
demonstrates assertiveness.

Resigning from a Job

Give the current employer at least two weeks
notice. For executive level jobs, a longer notice
might be required.

Resigning from a Job

Write a resignation letter politely announcing your
intention to leave the job.
State your resignation.
Mention your acceptance of another position or
other reasons for your decision to leave if that is
Include the date of your last day of employment.
Thank the employer for the opportunity to work
for his/her organization.

Resigning from a Job


Make an appointment and personally deliver

the resignation letter.

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