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Girls Basketball Agreement

A Team 7th and 8th Grade

I, _______________________________ want to play basketball with Coach Ferraro this
season. In exchange for the privilege of being on the team, I promise to do the following:
1. Attend practice on time every day or notify the coach ahead of time (if possible)
why unable to attend.
2. Focus on what the team is doing and use the practice time to improve skills and
physical abilities.
3. Treat everyone involved with our team respect. This includes teammates, coaches,
officials, opponents, and fans of both teams.
4. Go to coaches first if there is a problem related to the team.
5. Work hard to develop good leadership habits by practicing with appropriate effort.
6. Practice good health habits.
7. Keep grades up in school. Play failing a class at any time will not participate in
practice or games until improved to passing.
As a parent of the above-mentioned player, I promise to do the following:
1. Influence my child to abide by the contract she has signed.
2. Be an example of good sportsmanship at games by making only positive
comments to and about players.
3. Be respectful of the officials and the opponents.
4. Be patient with players and coaches.
5. Contact coaches first if you have a complaint.
The coaches promise to do the following:
1. Treat each player with respect and dignity.
2. Give each player who pays attention and tries hard approximately equal practice
time in scrimmage and drills.
3. Distribute playing time fairly.
4. Be examples of good sportsmanship and character.
5. Teach your child to be the best player she can be.
6. Listen to any complaints players or parents my have and respond fairly with
Please note:
1. All practices are required. Circumstances will arise when you must miss a
practice. When this occurs, the player is to inform the coach in advance when
2. All players are to treat teammates and coaches with respect and courtesy.
Behaviors that put other players and coaches down will not be tolerated. Profanity
or lack of self-control will not be tolerated.
3. Being apart of this basketball team is demanding, will require sacrifices,
adjustments to schedules, and commitments on the part of the players, families,
and coaches. WE will work hard to achieve team and individual success, which

requires effort on all of our parts. In return, we have an opportunity to create a

positive experience.
4. Players will be evaluated on their demonstration of hustle, mental and physical
toughness, and loyalty to the team, unselfishness, and their desire to improve their
skills. Our goal is to field a team of players that consistently demand more of
themselves than is demanded by the coaches.
5. The members of this team are expected to work hard with discipline, hustle,
enthusiasm, teamwork, and dedication.
I understand, that as a player on this team, I agree to abide by these expectations describe
in this contract.
X __________________________________________ (player)
My child has shared with me the expectations described in this contract, and I agree to
encourage her and help her meet these expectations successfully.
X __________________________________________ (parent)
I have designed these expectations with the intention of positive outcomes for all parties
involved. I agree to create an environment where meeting these expectations is possible
and strongly encouraged.
X __________________________________________ (coach)

Please see the San Gabriel Mission Handbook for further information regarding athletics

San Gabriel Mission Athletics Handbook

San Gabriel Mission Elementary School has a proud tradition of athletics. Interscholastic
sports are an extension of a strong-based physical education program geared to meet the
needs of every student and is considered a vital part of our curriculum. Participation in
the after-school sports program is strictly optional, and there is a fee collected from each
participant to defray costs of referees. We offer an after school sports program to all
students in Grades 4-8. Our sports program is sponsored and organized by the C.Y.O.
(Catholic Youth Organization).

Boys' program offers "B" and varsity level football and basketball, and varsity

Girls' program offers "B" and varsity level volleyball and basketball, and varsity

Track and Field is open to boys and girls in grades 3-8.

Tournament competition is an extension of league play. Parental permission is required.

Students must maintain a satisfactory G.P.A and Behavior/Work Habit grades. Either a
faculty member or volunteer parent/adult coaches teams.
It is the parents responsibility to provide transportation to and from all extra-curricular
activities. Student participants pay a fee/sport to cover uniforms, referee fees, equipment,
tournament fees, etc. To help support our program, parents are required to support our
school tournaments and games throughout the year by donating needed items, helping at
tournaments in the snack bar, and cheering for our teams as fans.

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