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Position Paper Redo by Erin Rutschke

To what extent does historical globalization shape modern society?

The topic of how greatly historical globalization has shaped modern society is a
very controversial issue. Historical globalization is a cornerstone for todays modern
society, as it opened up trade routes and interaction between several countries.
However, contemporary globalization may have gotten its start from such legacies, but
we have expanded on and created ideas that are so significantly beyond the original
goals of our ancestors that the impacts they have had are very miniscule. Due to our
further advanced society, historical globalization has had a minimal impact on todays
modern society. You seem to contradict yourself a bit, you say historical globalization is
the cornerstone of modern society but then say it has had a minimal impact on modern
society. So which is it, what is your position? Also no thesis.
Some believe that historical globalization has had a substantial impact on in how
todays society operates. They argue that globalization started thousands of years ago,
and it was during the period of historical globalization that we came into contact with
other countries and opened trade and communication between them. This led to
advancement in technology and the ability to move wherever we please in the world as
immigrants. However, it was because of recent efforts that make trade accessible and
free flowing so that we still have contact with the countries we trade with. It was
consumer demand and the desire to maximize contact with the rest of the world that
technology has advanced so greatly. Additionally, it is communication advancements
that allows international migration to remain relatively fast and a feasible opportunity
to the modern world. Through the inventions of computers and cell phones, trade
between countries is significantly faster than they were in the past. Technology has
exploded because humankind has advanced to a stage where we desire maximum access
and at an efficient rate. Our generation has made trade agreements and advanced fair
trade rights that extend to other countries. We do not come in, take over, and potentially
destroy the cultures and economies of the people already living there.
Historical globalization gave us the starting point, but did not forge the path. It
started the interactions amongst numerous countries worldwide, and it opened up trade
routes that allowed luxury goods to be bought and traded with on a global scale.
However, it was modern generations that advanced the relationships and trade
partnerships between the countries of the world. We established free trade, and have
developed technologies, such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram, that gives
us immediate contact to anywhere on the globe. Other technologies, such as the
Internet, cell phones, and webcams were not around in the historical era, so contact
with countries that generated luxury goods was limited. Today, buying products from
across the world can happen with a phone call, or the click of a mouse.

The accessibility people in the historical era could only dream about has quickly
became our reality. Historical globalization may have started many of the ideologies that
shape our society, but it was us that developed these ideas into fully operational notions.
Colonization, trade, and capitalism were initiated by historical globalization, but our
modern era has made immigration to any country in the world possible, and brought
free trade and consumerism to fruition. In the historical era, trading between two
countries was a long and difficult process. Luxury goods had to be produced, packaged,
bought, and sent by ships or horses to another country where it had to be unloaded,
accounted for, and put into shops. That process alone could take months, and such
materials were not always in stock. As a consumer in this era, acquiring many goods,
such as sugar, truly was a luxury! Today, items that we cannot produce ourselves are
imported from other countries, and it takes days, rather than months. Privatized
trading, such as online shopping, can get an item to you quickly as a result of freer trade
and advanced technology.
Mistakes that were made in the historical era set up a new path for us today, so
we can avoid those same faults in our societies. As a global community, we have
established laws and have given rights to countries that been wronged in the past. World
War II was a result of the German currency being outdated and nearly worthless.
Because of the catastrophic events that occurred during the most devastating war in
history, we now have the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank to stabilize
currency throughout the world to help prevent a similar episode from taking place.
Organizations such as the WTO have entrenched laws and rules for world trade that
ensures that no rights are being infringed upon. Every country involved is paid a fair
price for their goods, and often tariffs and other taxes are removed. These organizations
have helped achieve a more peaceful trade practice on a global scale and have
established partnerships and alliance between various countries.
Historical globalization has had minimal impact on shaping contemporary
society. Historical globalization gave us essential foundations for expanding our own
society, but it did not truly affect how we operate today. Much better way of phrasing
your point, it was much more confusing in your intro. Technology advancements have
led to prolific trade opportunities and communication between countries and citizens.
Migration is significantly more streamlined and readily accessible, as is international
and privatized trade, consumerism, and capitalism on a global scale. Organizations have
been formed to promote peaceful, equitable practices and to ensure world trade is
accessible, efficient, and fair. Ideologies, methods, and mistakes made in the historical
era have all been considered and improved upon in todays society, and the upgrades
and improvements have changed us into a global community. Historical globalization
gave us start, but we continue to write the rest of the story. We are the force that

controls the impact of globalization on us and that influence is far more powerful than
that of history. Very good conclusion. Awesome summary.

Other than you intro which is a little bit confusing this is a very well written
paper. Your body paragraphs are very well structured with your arguments and
supporting evidence and you write really well.
Good job!

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