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Engage diversity and

difference in practice

Core Competency 4
Practice Behavior 4.1
Recognize the extent to which a cultures structure
and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or
create or enhance privilege and power.

Working their way through the progressive system,

students earn privilege to go off campus for eight
hours, due to lack of resources certain students
never get this incentive, parents lack of funds and
transportation; Staff advocated for student to go
with youth counselor. Giving then a sense of

Core Competency 4
Practice Behavior 4.2
Gain sufficient self-awareness to
eliminate the influence of personal bias and
values in working with diverse groups.

Reading through NC-JOIN, learned of the

increase in Latino Juvenile population as
well as aware of the importance of
communication for these family so that
effective treatment may be received.
Currently DJJ does not have interpaters.

Core Competency 4
Practice 4.3
Recognize and communicate their
understanding of the importance of
difference I shaping life experiences; and
view themselves as learners and engage
those with whom they work as informants.

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