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My Religion

Belonging to a country popularly called as a secular one, I feel proud to be an

Indian. The social institutions in my country have evolved since the ages when men in the other
part of the world were still learning to travel. These institutions grew up to follow certain code of
conduct, in which somewhere my fellow citizens unknowingly mentioned a space where the
politicians could use these institutional aspirants to gain popularity and a chance to play with
their sentiments and emotions.

I belong to a country where a particular sect ' the so called minority' offers food and
shelter to the poor and tempt them to change their religion. For this they have a systematized
way of brain-washing. First they offer the Bribe and then they request them to take part in their
communal prayers and then slowly will attract them to the conversion. The intention in the
public eyes is to help humanity, but for them it is only a holy way of spreading their religion. If
they really want to serve the divine purpose of helping, why do they take into account of one’s
religion as a criterion to receive the helping hand’s blessing? This isn’t fair. Because there exist
another part of the society who equally have the bloodiest of the emotions to safeguard the
population in their sect. They safeguard only the population’s number but not their basic needs
and development. Such was the case in Orissa. My question to the Hindu leaders of my country
is that, ‘ If you can’t fight for the bread that your brother cries for in hunger who on this green-
blue earth have assigned you the duty of cutting the hands of the one who serves him the best
brown bread?’. You fight for erecting tall pillars and temples in the name of a god that we
worship who taught us the lessons of gentility and sacrifice. Such a stupid intention! I wonder if
you are getting a helping hand from the other side of the LOC.

We already have terrorists from the north-west and the naxalists from the north-east.
Why do you fine people intend to add on the number in the line of people who really want to
destroy our harmony and secularity? Let this be a kind request to my fellow countrymen, Please
don’t fall prey to these regionalistic or religionalistic politicians in the country. And let us be a
family of no sects and differing parts.


Thank you,


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