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increasingly important role in our lives. But in the
meantime whether it is a blessing or a curse has
sparked much debate. Some people argue the
.. has fundamentally beneficial influence on
our lives while many others contend that it has
detrimental effect as well. This essay will examine
the positive and negative aspects of .. and
discuss its benefits for ..


( 70 .

The most important weapon we have to

fight is education. This
should start at a very early age i.e. before
children even go to school. TV cartoons
and childrens programs can be used to
educate the very young. At high school
level, students can be taught about the

problem more directly. At university level,

scholarships should be made available to
students who wish to study further in this
field. International exchange groups may
also help to increase awareness.


In summary, I would concede that come
with some adverse effects. Despite that the
benefits created by it far outweigh the
Overall, I convinced that we should further
government/parents should take some measures
to otherwise it would have a negative
consequences on the future.


To sum up, health problems should be handled

by local and international governments and every
single person should take care of his health. In
addition, enough education and strict laws are the
best way to reduce or limit the risk of illnesses.
Why is fast-food so popular in the UAE? What are some of the implications for society?

Write about Cause and Effect

Why is fast-food so popular in the UAE? What are some of the implications for society?

Fast-food and the UAE

Past: In the past people in the UAE used to eat healthy, freshly prepared food with their families
in the home. Present: Today however, many people, particularly young people, prefer to eat
fast food such as hamburgers, fried chicken, shawarma, or pizza. TOPIC SENTENCE: There
are many reasons why this change has occurred, but fast-food also has some serious effects on
individuals and society.
Causes Topic Sentence: There are many reasons for the popularity of fast food.Cause 1:
One of the main reasons is the change in lifestyle. Example 1a: Many people in the UAE are
working long hours, shifts, or extended school days. They dont have time to find ingredients or
prepare good food. Example 1b: Women are now starting to work in the Emirates, and this can
result in less time being available for preparing family meals. Cause 2: Another cause is the
huge number of young, affluent people in the UAE. Example 2:The rapid development of the
country has meant that young people, who comprise over 75% of the population, have money to
spend. Cause 3: A third reason is advertising. Example 3: The UAE is a very modern, freemarket country, with all forms of media such as the Internet and satellite television, and people
like to try new products and different kinds of fast food.
Effects Topic Sentence: However, this change in diet can have some serious effects. Effect
1: One effect is on health. Example 1: Many individuals in the UAE are becoming obese.
These people will be less productive and have conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.
Effect 2: Another result of fast food is the loss of the family tradition of eating together.
Example 2: Children and adults rarely eat together now, and thus get less opportunity to talk.
Effect 3: A further effect is economic. Example 3a: Although fast food is not very expensive,
it is more expensive than cooking properly for yourself. Example 3b: Many of the fast-food
companies are franchisees of foreign corporations, so profits leave the country.

Conclusion: Summary: In conclusion, fast food, although it is convenient and a tasty

addition to a diet, can have serious health and social effects. Future statement: People should
learn to choose fast food carefully and remember the pleasure of eating good food in good

Traffic Congestion in Abu Dhabi

Although Abu Dhabi is one of the most modern cities in
the world, it is facing a problem of traffic congestion.
Many residents spend hours stuck in traffic in the city
every day. This is a complex problem with many
serious effects.
There are many reasons why we suffer traffic jams every
day. One of these is the rapid growth of the population.
As a result of this, the number of cars is increasing
annually. A further point is that there are more women
drivers and younger drivers today than in the past. The
increase in the number of trucks and commercial vehicles
also causes traffic congestion. These vehicles move very
slowly, sometimes stopping to unload goods, and
blocking traffic. Road works are another major
problem that can lead to streets being very crowded.
Traffic congestion has many effects. One of the most
important is parking problems. People find it difficult to
park their cars especially in the city center. Long delays in

getting to and from work are another result, leading to

less productivity from employees. There are also more
accidents, because people become frustrated or angry
due to the traffic jams. Pollution in the city center
worsens as a result of car emissions, and the city
becomes a less attractive place to live. Shops are
forced to close in the city center and have to relocate
to malls or to the outskirts of the city, where parking is
In conclusion, although Abu Dhabi has good roads and
modern infrastructure, it is suffering from traffic
problems. There is no simple solution to this problem
because it has many causes, but the effects are
damaging both the city and the people who live there.
Traffic Congestion in Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi is a modern city but also has a modern
problem: traffic jams. In the early mornings, and again in
the evening, around 8 pm, the streets are crowded with
cars, taxis, and trucks. This essay will explain the causes
of gridlock in Abu Dhabi and discuss the effects of this
Abu Dhabis traffic problems stem from several causes.
The rapid economic growth of the emirate has enabled
most residents to buy their own cars. This has put intense
pressure on the road system, which although it is highly
developed, has not been able to keep up with the

expansion in population. Another cause is the absence of

any major public transport system such as buses or
trains. Because of this, residents rely on hordes of taxis,
thus adding to the congestion. Yet another contributing
factor is the layout of the island. This limits road
The resulting gridlock has several adverse effects. First of
all is the frustration and anger felt by road-users. This can
result in tension and accidents, and, ironically, emergency
vehicles may not even be able to reach the scene of such
accidents. Another effect is the waste of time spent in
traffic. This lowers productivity at work and contributes to
reduced time at school and with family. There are also
additional costs to the city in terms of air pollution and
unnecessary fuel consumption. Shopping and daily
errands become more of a chore, and the city suffers.
Commuters and road-users will need to cooperate with
municipal authorities as they introduce measures to
reduce congestion. However, Abu Dhabi has shown its
ability to rise to challenges in the past, and most
residents are confident that the city will still be an
attractive place to live as the problem of traffic is

Obesity in the UAE

Obesity has become a major problem in the UAE. Over

60% of Emirati nationals are overweight. This is a
difficult problem with many serious effects on the
individual and country.
Obesity can be divided into three main causes - diet,
lifestyle and education. One of the chief causes is diet.
Young Emiratis eat more and more high-carbohydrate,
high-fat burgers and pizza in fast-food restaurants.
However, some traditional foods are also very oily, and
because of increasing affluence are eaten more often
than in the past. Lifestyle is a second main cause of
obesity. As a result of cheap foreign labour, many
Emiratis now have sedentary jobs, and do not exercise
regularly. However, one of the main causes is lack of
education and awareness. The society's attitude to food
often leads to over-consumption. Parents do not teach
good eating habits to children, and many people lack
knowledge about good nutrition or a balanced diet.
Obesity affects the individual and the country. The
biggest effect is on the individual. First of all, being
overweight has health risks. Obesity can lead to heart
disease, diabetes, and other conditions. The quality of life
suffers, as it is difficult to enjoy exercise or move.
Another result is lack of self-esteem. This can lead to
depression, eating disorders and crash diets. The country
is also affected. It becomes very expensive for the
government to provide advanced medical care such as

heart transplants. Unhealthy citizens are also less

productive. and their children learn poor eating habits.
Obesity or even being overweight has serious effects
on the individual and the society. Both need to take
action to examine the causes of this problem and find

Many school children receive a lot of homework. Does this homework benefit the child? Do
you think homework serves a useful purpose?

Introduction: Present Situation Many children today have to spend hours
every evening doing homework. One side: Some people seem to believe that this
will help the children in their academic career. Other side: Others feel that
homework is mostly useless. Thesis: This essay will examine the positive and
negative aspects of homework and discuss its benefits for schoolchildren.
Body Paragraph 1: (For) Topic: There are several advantages to
homework, if it is given in the correct amounts and at the right
time. Reason 1: First of all, students do need some practice of
new material learned in school. Supporting Detail 1:They need to
sit quietly at home and find out how well they understand the
new information and ideas. Reason 2: Secondly, homework helps
the teacher to know what the students have or have not
learned.Supporting Detail 2: The teacher can then change the next
lessons to match.Reason 3: A third point is that homework can
involve parents in the education of the child.Supporting Detail 3:
Family members can encourage the child and see his or her

Body Paragraph 2: (Against). Topic: However, too often there are

negative aspects to homework. Reason 1: Many teachers give too
much homework, and often teachers do not coordinate the
quantity given. Supporting Detail 1:The children do not have free
time to relax or play sports. Reason 2: A further point is that
unnecessary assignments raise the stress level of the student.
Supporting Detail 2:This can actually lower productivity and
performance, instead of raising it. Reason 3: However, the main
argument against homework is that most of it is just boring
practice. Supporting Detail 3:The students learn nothing new - the
teachers just give it because they are expected to. Summary/Extra
Information: I agree that some practice is good, but endless
practice of the same material does not lead to improvement.
Conclusion/Summary: In conclusion, the need to give homework
must be considered carefully. One side: It can be helpful in certain
circumstances, Other side but students and teachers must
understand the value and importance of homework. Future: In my
opinion, finding the balance between free time and homework will
lead to a happy and successful school experience for our children.

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