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2 0 1 4 A N N UA L R E P O R T

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The Friends mission is to protect, preserve and restore the wilderness character of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
and the Quetico-Superior Ecosystem. The organization was founded in 1976.

Defending the Boundary Waters at the Capitol

sulfide mines could
The Friends of the
bring to Minnesota.
Boundary Waters
In August 2014, a
Wilderness has been
dam holding back
at the Minnesota
over a billion galCapitol in St. Paul
lons of mine waste
mixed with polsession, defending
luted water burst
against proposals to
open. The waste
weaken Minnesotas
flowed over a mile
environmental laws.
downstream into
There have been a
two lakes. One of
host of bills to
undermine environLake, is one of the
mental protections
deepest and clearthat could affect the
est lakes in British
Boundary Waters
Columbia. In the afand the Superior
termath of this
tragedy, a panel of
Some of these inindependent
perts was hired by
the ability of the
the British ColumMinnesota Pollution
bia government to
investigate. They
(MPCA) to make
recommended endrules to protect Friends Policy Director Betsy Daub testifying at the MN State Capitol.
ing the practice of
water and air, elimimixing mine waste and water because of the risk of a similar
nating the MPCA Citizens Board, and suspending rules that protect
disaster. Here in Minnesota both PolyMet and Twin Metals
wild rice and aquatic vegetation from sulfate pollution. In addition,
propose to use the same approach that failed at Mount Polley.
sulfide mining proposals have been discussed in informational hearThroughout the legislative session, Friends members have been
ings. Were up at the Capitol all session to make sure the BWCA is
excellent at responding to action alerts. When bad bills are proprotected from water pollution.
posed, it makes a huge difference when citizens who care about the
At a February informational hearing in the Minnesota House
Boundary Waters show up at the Capitol. It gives friendly legislators
on sulfide mining proposals, Friends Policy Director Betsy
courage and puts unfriendly legislators on notice that people are
Daub testified about the risk posed to the Boundary Waters
paying attention. We cant do our work without that support, and
from the PolyMet and Twin Metals proposals. In her testimony,
youve always been there. Thank you!
she held up a full-page advertisement that Mining Truth ran in
The prospects for the end of the legislative session are unclear.
the St. Paul Pioneer Press that day calling attention to the
Our work at the Capitol this session is focused on preserving proMount Polley mine catastrophe in British Columbia. Daub
tections in Minnesota law for our water and wilderness. Keep an
stated, we in Minnesota do not want and cannot afford this
eye out for action alerts, and thanks for all you do protect the
kind of scene in our state.
Boundary Waters. !
The Mount Polley disaster shows the extreme devastation that
Masthead photo: ! Printed on paper using 100% post-consumer waste, processed chlorine free.

Executive Director Corner

Anyone who has ever traveled
through the Boundary Waters
has a place for it in their heart.
They have a memory of their
own place within it. If we travel
as part of a group, we also have
the memory or our relationships
with those other souls. Even if
one has been on many trips over
many years, special moments
stand out from each of them.
Strung together those memories
add up to incredible stories and Executive Director, Paul Danicic
for most of us, a feeling of life well lived.
One of the benefits of my job is that people want to tell me their
BWCA stories. I hear from several people every week about how the
Boundary Waters has changed their life in some way. They may be in
Minnesota or in far flung places of the globe but they all speak in the
same language about the border lakes country. They use words like
pristine, cathedral pine groves, cold, clear, drinking water lakes,
deep blue skies and puffy white summer clouds. And, of course,
bugs. These stories also share common themes: adventure, romance with nature, spiritual renewal and challenge.
To me, challenge is the theme that touches on most of our experiences in the Boundary Waters. Wilderness has a challenge component built into it because it is not designed for comfort - no roads,
no hotels, no air conditioning. The most comfortable one can get in
the wilderness may just be a spot of semi flat ground with a good supply of pine needles to cushion a tent floor. Or a cool swim after a hot
days paddle slog and portage trudge.
The miles over with for the day, going swimming, one can truly
relax and float out beyond the rocks, lilies and pondweed. This is
when I often get a sense of peace and yes, even a little romance with
nature. Spiritual renewal often comes to me through the form of a
subtly perfect sunrise, a starry sky or a moment where there is absolute silence - one of the disturbingly few places in the country
where one can experience that nowadays.
Einstein once said, Not everything that can be counted counts,
and not everything that counts can be counted. In the material universe, perhaps nowhere is that more true than with our wilderness
areas. How does one measure the value of personal challenge, a
sense of adventure, romance and excitement of the spirit? Some of
us believe this cant or shouldnt be measured. Others are striving to
calculate its value and enumerate the cost if this experience is lost.
In our work at the Friends we endeavor to increase the value of
the wilderness wherever and to whomever we can. In this issue you
will see some of the work weve done over the past year to that end.
These precious border lakes and streams create the stories of our
lives. They have done it before us and they will continue long after
were gone. Life is a collection of stories, lets make sure we have
some good ones! Heres to getting out into the Boundary Waters this
year - and sharing it with someone. Lets share this value with others
and watch the value of the Boundary Waters continue to appreciate.!


Cook County shortens proposed

towers to avoid visual impacts
After our legal fight against the Fernberg Road cell tower, we did a
lot of thinking about the need to develop a community consensus
around the value of protecting the BWCAWs wild horizons. Were
pleased to report that a set of communication towers in Cook County
have been lowered to avoid intruding on the wilderness. Unlike the
legal fight over the Fernberg tower, this decision was made by Cook
County citizens who showed how much they care about preserving
the wild character of the area.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) sought
approval from the Cook County Board of Commissioners to place a
number of communication towers near the BWCAW. Any tower over
200 feet in height must be lit 24 hours day to comply with Federal
Aviation Administration rules. Therefore, we were concerned when
MnDOT proposed 330 foot towers in locations near the wilderness.
The Friends was actively involved in seeking a compromise limiting towers to 180 feet, a height that would not be visible in the wilderness. We hired a surveyor to document the visual impact of proposed
towers, testified at Cook County board meetings, and worked with
local citizens. Ultimately, the Cook County board voted unanimously
for 180 foot towers. We continue to work with local citizens to ensure
that one more proposed tower, at the end of the Gunflint Trail, will
also avoid visual impacts on the wilderness.!

Dont Shrink Superior

The U.S. Forest Service proposes to turn over 30,000 acres of Superior National Forest land to the State of Minnesota in exchange for
state land in the Boundary Waters. If approved, the Superior National
Forest would shrink by 47 square miles, and land currently used for
recreation could be off limits. The best course of action is for the federal government to purchase the state land in the Boundary Waters
Canoe Area Wilderness, but this proposal does nothing to advance a
purchase of state land in the BWCA.
The lands proposed for exchange are inappropriate. 7,800 acres
of the Superior National Forest land proposed for the exchange are
currently managed to provide recreational opportunities. Over 6,000
acres of land have high or outstanding biological diversity. If this
exchange is approved, these lands would be managed by the State of
Minnesota to maximize economic return, not to protect natural resources or recreational opportunities. Or, as State Rep. David Dill
stated in 2012, we should mine, log, and lease the hell out of [exchanged land].
Ask the Superior National Forest to go back to the drawing board,
and come back with a plan that funds a federal purchase of state land
in the Boundary Waters. The Forest Service is accepting comments
on the proposal until May 15. You can add your name to over 17,500
signers of our petition at !

2 0 1 4 A N N UA L R E P O R T

Audited Statement 2014

2014 Accomplishments

Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness

Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
Action Network
Fiscal Year 2014
October 1, 2013 September 30, 2014
Support and Revenue

The Friends has achieved strong successes in challenging times

demonstrating smart, strategic advocacy and education that preserves
the wild character of the Boundary Waters and surrounding Superior
national Forest.
We advance innovative environmental solutions that make good
economic sense. We achieve strong results even in the face of political
gridlock, and we bring together strategic people and partners to get
things done and make a real difference for the wilderness.

Contributions and Grants

Contributions and Grants - Temp Restricted
Investment and Other Income (Loss)
Total Support and Revenue

MINING Preventing sulfide mining from ever

happening within the wilderness watershed

Program Services - 89%
Management & General - 6%
Fundraising - 5%
Total Expense

Drove the most effective public comment campaign in

the history of the state. Along with our Mining Truth partners, the Friends generated more than 12,000 public comments
on PolyMets sulfide mine proposal and inspired more than
4,000 Minnesotans to attend public hearings in the Duluth,
Aurora, and Twin Cities communities. The Friends coordinated
with universities, faith groups, arts groups, and other nonprofits to host 34 Comment Parties during the public
comment period.
Developed innovative ways to use social media as an
outreach tool for environmental advocacy. During the
PolyMet comment period, the Friends generated 28 million
Facebook ads that resulted in over 4,000 comments. Mining
Truths PolyMet Problems website also broke the mold by
providing concise, shareable content to dramatically
extend the reach of our mining efforts to new audiences.
Expanded our network of partner groups that we are
working with on the sulfide mining issue by joining the
Save the Boundary Waters campaign working at the national
level to secure protection for wilderness from mining within
the Boundary Waters watershed.

Program Services - 89%

Management & General - 6%
Fundraising - 5%

Program Services
Advocacy - 56%
Education - 34%
Building Wilderness Advocates - 10%
Total Program Services


Advocacy - 56%
Education - 34%
Building Wilderness
Advocates - 10%
An audited statement is available upon request.


and capacity for conservation locally
Continued to provide a strong staff presence for conservation in northern Minnesota. Engaged northern media to tell
stories that include conservation perspectives.
Sponsored 46 Wilderness Volunteers in partnership with
the USFS helping the Superior National Forest achieve a 100%
score at the completion of the national 10 Year Wilderness
Stewardship Challenge in 2014. The only Wilderness area to do so.
Assisted creation of a National Geographic Society Geotourism designation for the Heart of the Continent region
that will support eco-tourism based economies and create
international value for the BWCAW, while working creatively
with communities and agencies in the region to preserve
what makes it special. This is one of only 17 in the world.


EDUCATION Building the next generation of

stewards and advocates

Hosted Brews & Canoes, a craft beer competition

celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act
and the significance of the BWCAW to Minnesota. Nine
breweries from across the state submitted a beer that captured
the spirit of the Minnesota outdoors. The competition culminated at a sold out tasting and awards event in September.

Brews & Canoes built new relationships with non-traditional

allies and reached new audiences for the wilderness sharing
the issues it faces. Between online, television appearances and
print media, a targeted new audience heard positive messages
about wilderness in Minnesota over ten million times.
Inspired young advocates for wilderness by partnering
with the YMCA Youth In Government Programs Youth
Conference on State Issues. The three-day conference
focused on environmental issues including sulfide mining and
allowed students to learn about advocacy, develop their leadership skills, and present their own resolutions in a student-run
state government.
Sponsored 48 underprivileged youth for weeklong
BWCAW canoe trips teaching environmental stewardship,
wilderness values, and leadership skills in collaboration with
YMCA Camp Menogyn on the Gunflint Trail.
Friends staff presented in person to 2,700 people on
sulfide mining and other topics in forums, classrooms, and
public events.
The Friends presented at the Lake Superior Wilderness
Conference in Duluth and the National Wilderness
Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico highlighting our
collaborative work with community partners and the National
Geographic Society to increase awareness of the regions
natural value and preserve wilderness landscapes.!



2 0 1 4 A N N UA L R E P O R T

2014 Donors to the Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness

We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals, businesses and foundations which made gifts to the Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014

Continuing Sigurd Olsons Legacy

Sigurd Olson Circle
A program for donors who give $1,000 or
more. Thank you so much to those who
have made this significant commitment.
If you are interested in joining the
Sigurd Olson Circle, please contact
executive director Paul Danicic at:
612-332-9630 or paul

Richard Allyn and

Margo Brownell
Deb and Doug Anderson
Jotham Blodgett
Andrew Boling and
Jennifer Hau
Thomas Bostelmann
Clif Brittain and Peggy Ladner
Dianna Brown
Phil Cady
Gary Carlson
Shelly Catterson
Jennifer Church
Dodd and Ann Cosgrove
The Crown Family
Carl and Marina
Meila DeMarcken
Mairi Doerr
Karin Van Dyke
Steve Eggimann and
Dianne Van Tasell
David and Ardis Eide
Jill and Jonathan Eisenberg
Michael T. Evans
Mark and Lois Finney
Pete and Barb Fleming
Nancy Gibson and
Ron Sternal
Glenn Gilyard

Individual Donors
$500 $999
Verna Alt
Mary Kay Arthur
Joel and Sandy Aslanian
William Aughenbaugh
Heather and Ray Balestri
Mita Bell
Austin Brouns
Leroy Brown
Janet Cady
Jean Cary and George Danser
David Cline
Barb Coffin and Dan Engstrom
Joseph Conrad
Karen Cronquist
Stephen Dahl
and M.J. McGregor
Carol and Sheldon Damberg
Paul Danicic
and Carmela Nyemetz
Chuck Dayton and Sara Evans
Charlotte and Jeff Disch
Nicole Dotin
Robert Fast
Joseph Gliniecki
and Yolanda Garces
John and Vicky Graham
Joseph and Marjorie Grinnell
Jenny Hartley and Fred Rogers
George and Susan Hoff
The Huskins Family
Kurt and Jennifer Indermaur
John Ipsen and Kris Wegerson
M. Kristin Ireland
Eric Janus and Carolyn Chalmers
Sandra Johnson
and Steven Longbotham
Sally Johnson and Kay Kramer
Steven and Roberta Klar
William Lee Jr.
James Leigh
Cyrus Lyle
Hugh and Nancy Magill
Jerry Martin
Gregory Meyer
Michael Meyer
Margot and Bjorn Monson
Paul Mortell
David and Marla Olson


Bobbie and Christopher Gostout

Jan Hagen
Robert Hagge, Jr.
Roger Heegaard
Boo and Brad Hinker
David and Meredith Homans
Deborah Huskins
Don Janes
Paul and Heather Johnson
Steve Johnson
Kathleen Jones
Steve and Jane Koschak
Richard and Susan Krueger
Larry LaBonte and
Kathryn Shaw
David and Elizabeth Lee
Timothy Lewis
George Logan
Daniel Mahoney
Charles and Marilyn Marsden
Margaret Marshall
Julia and Mark Maunder
Shae McCowen
Andy and Corie McKibben
Mimi McMillen
Mark and Kathleen Mortenson
James Nystrom
Eugene and Julie Ollila
Daniel Pauly

Jason Peterson
Michael Plekkenpol
Dr. Albert and Mary Polk
Molly Redmond and
Steven Ring
Steven Rivkin
Jean Roberts
Anna Marie and
Richard Rosen
Brad Schaeppi and
Jessica Warren Schaeppi
Nancy Schultz and
John Eckfeldt
Robert Scott
Cynthia and Stephen Snyder
Joan Stanke
Lisa Tite
William and Barbara Welke
Beverly and
David Wickstrom
David and Nancy Willetts
Eleanor and Frederick
James and Sandra
Wolfe Wood
Anthony Wynohrad
Jason Yale !

Sally and Tom Patterson

Janet Peters and Alan Torborg
Tom Pilger
Paul and Pamela Rech
Jeffrey Reihle
Candy Roberts-Salter
Thomas Rock
and Melissa Raphan
Winthrop Rockwell
and Binky Wood
Paulette and Terry Royt
Steve Safranski
and Stacy Bettison
Conradine Sanborn
Charles Sethness
Phyllis and Roger Sherman
Linda and Spencer Silver
Janice and Mike Smith
Kevin and Leah Stanek
Joyce Stoker-Hadow
Catherine and Richard
Vernam Jr.
Jim and Dawn Voegeli
Elizabeth and Rolf Weberg
Richard and Mary Jean Weigel
Jerold Winzenz!

Jay and Page Cowles

John Cowles
and Page Knudsen Cowles
Sherry Crayne
Cheryl Dannenbring
and Walter Prentice
Robert Davis
Bruce and Judy Derauf
Doug Devens
and Jennifer Raeder-Devens
Barbara and Robert DuFresne
Laverne and Barb Dunsmore
Ralph Ebbott
Paul Egeland
Clayton Francis and Ann Ellis
M. Eugene Engle
Dave Ethier
Randy and Terri Ewald
Anne and Charlie Ferrell
John and Suzanne Gappa
Carol and Mike Garbisch
Miriam Gingold
and Al Gerhardstein
Beth and Robert Graves
Susan Hackney
Susan Heffron
Lonnie and Stefan Helgeson
David Hemstreet
Bruce Hendrickson
and Laura Wolf
Mark Hennessy
William Hoeg
Autumn and Nathan Hubbell
Erik Ibele
Chris and Val Jackson
M Torre Jorgenson
Margaret and Pete Jung
Jan and Mary Kaeter
David Kane
E.J. Kelley
Carlton Kittleson
Robert Koehler
Peter Lander
Jim and Penny Langland
James Lehman
Douglas Lemke
Pam and Peter Leschak
Brad and Jean Lewis
Jack and Rhoda Liebo
Keith Luehmann
Paul Lukens

$250 $499
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Allen
Edward and Ellen Allotta
Carlos Alvarez and Anna Lee
Karen J. Anderson
Donna Arbaugh
Paul Aslanian
Adam and Linnea Benson
Bruce and Mary Berend
Mary Berube and John Schrock
Donald and Judy Bishop
Mark Bixby and Keelin Kane
Mary Blickenderfer
Mary Bliss Packer
William Blonkowski
Donald Box
Anne Brindle
Erwin Brinkmann
John and Nancy Burbidge
Darlene and Lockwood Carlson
Charles Carroll and Lois Geist
Winston Cavert and Carol Witte
Patrick Chapman
Kirsten Clark

John Lundsten
John and Michelle Magdsick
Elisabeth Mason
Michael McCormick
Bill Meller
David and Kathleen Miller
Mary Miller
Scott Moen
Benjamin Moerke
George and Karen
Joan Mosher
Beryl and John Mulhern
Gwen and Mason Myers
Deborah and James
Roger and Susan Norberg
Chris and Sandra Norbury
Charles Norseng
Andrea and Todd Olson
Penny and Roger Paulsberg
Bear Paulsen
Steve Peacock and Kate Seng
Phillip Peterson
William and Mary Pettit
James Pierson
Albert and Dorothy Pooler
Carolyn Porter
Ann Possis
Larry and Michele Rivkin
Dan Rogalla
Robb and Jane Rutledge
Mike Salinas
Douglas Sandahl
Paul and Sue Schurke
Charles and Kathryn Scott
Jane and Jim Shinners
Marianne Short
and Ray Skowyra
David and Stacey Smith
Alberta and Paul Smith
Laurie and Perry Smith
Larry Snow
Heath Stanton
Roger Strand
Mark and Joan Strobel
Betty and Mark Sugden
Peter and Erin Surdo
Holly and Ruksapol
John Syverud, M.D.
Katherine Tomsich
Maressia Twele
Elizabeth Uihlein
James Wellman
Craig Wheeler
Douglas and Kristin White
Russell and DiAnn White
Paul Wilbur
Robert Wilke
Robert C. Williams
Thomas Winston
Robert Wolf
Tricia Wurtz
Dennis and Jan Wyckoff
Curtis Yoakum
and Anne Kanyusik Yoakum
Laurinda and Jame Young
Thomas Yurista
John Zakelj
Craig Zarley
Therese Zemlin !
$100 $250
Matthew Allen
Joanne Alt and Richard Starr
David and Paula Altekruse
Elise Amel and Rich Davies
Dick and Marilee Amendola
Colin and Lynne Anderson
Judith and Kenneth Anderson
John Anderson
David Arbeit
and Susan Jane Cheney
Hal Arkes
David Aughenbaugh
Jim Azarski
and Nancy Werner-Azarski
Kay Bach
Debra and Jeff Bacon
Abbie and David Bahnemann
Gordon Bailey
David Baird
Scott Baker
Roger Bannerman
Nicholas and Liz Banovetz
Charles and Janis Barquist
Ann Barta
Joel Bartlett
Jason Bartylla
Lucy and Mike Bauer
Mary Baumgartner
Donna Baumgartner
Barbara Beaumont
Benjamin Becker
Sarah Bell Haberman
Don and Mary Lee Benson

Anne and Henry Bent

Mark Bergemann
Shayna Berkowitz
and Phyllis Wiener
Irv and Janet Berlin
Gary Berman
Jacob Berning
Mark Berven
Bob and Cheryl Beymer
Glenn Binstein
Julia and Tom Bittinger
Betty Bjorge
Bruce and Judith Blackburn
Zachary and Tina Blankenheim
Marilyn and William Blew
Dina Bluhm
Thomas Boatman
Lois Boehm
Martha Bone
Frank Bonifacio
Amy and Ken Bonk
James Borden
Barb and John Bottger
Tom Boyce
Mark Brade
Eric Brandsness
Richard Bransford
Michael Breitling
B.J. Brellenthin
Cheryl and Randy Brenton
Kathleen Briguet
David Brisbin
Steven and Cynthia Broste
Deborah Bryant
and Nathan Winkelman
Caryl and Cynthia Buchwald
Erica Buffington
Cathy and Denis Burand
Harriet and Ronald Burley
Bret Burnham
Carol and Tom Burns
Annie Cady
Julie and Thomas Cahoy
Elwood and Florence Caldwell
Sally Cantwell
Erika Laitala Carleton
Janet and Jim Carlson
Richard Carlson
Kenneth Caster
Harlan Cavert
and Linda Odegard
Kathie Cerra, Ph.D.
Sharon Chadwick
Bob and Margaret Chasson
Mary and Robert Christenson
Norma and Larry Christianson
Michael Clark
and Thomas Slover
Renee Clark
Barry Clegg
Gary and Jane Clements
Dave Cole
Lee Coleman
Dorothy and John Collins
James and Joanne Collins
Bette Colville and Paul Goellner
Jerry Condon
Carol Connolly
Thomas and Carlyle Conrad
Scott Cooper
R. Bruce Cornwall
Lynn Cowsert
Ellie Crosby
Colleen and Jim Crow
John and Maida Cummings
Laura Cummings
Nancy Dahl
Susan and Bob Dale
Patrick Daley
Bruce Davidson
Joanie Davis
Noah and Heather Day
Wendy Dayton
Chadwick Dayton
Philip Dech
Flannery Delaney
and Paul McCormick
Janet Disteldorf
Manja Dobraca
Dean Doering and Lisa Scribner
William and Evelyn Donald
Lona Doolan
Lawrence Downing
Mary Downing
Doris and Joseph Drake
Deborah Drew
Edward Dryden
Andy and Jenny Duerkop
Deb Dunblazier
Richard Duncan
Michele Dunning
and Garry Yazell
Jim Duprey
Barb and William Durbin
Therese Durkin
Blake Durtsche

Earl Eberhardt
Joseph and Tiffany Eckberg
Brad Edgerton
Brad and Jackie Edgerton
Alison and David Edgerton
David Edland
Joyce Edstrom
Bruce Edwards
Samuel Eisenberg
Dave and Joan Ellison
Sue Elston and John Rogner
Carol and Mark Engebretson
Jonathan Engel
Mary Engel
David and Jill Engelstad
Jim Ennen
Chris and Joan Ennis
Kathy and William Erbes
Christina and Todd Erickson
Robert and Sandra Erickson
Bill and Karen Erickson
Ron Erickson
Ann and Dwight Ericsson
Jerry Esrig and Deborah Thorne
Michelle Evans and David Meier
Marcia Everingham
Lee and Mary Ann Fabel
Carol and Robert Fealey
Dorothy Feeney
David Feiock
John Fenoglio
Betty Ferris
Mark Finch
Sharon Finzer
Douglas and Janet Fiola
James Fisch
Michael Fisch
and Jun Mizukawa
Michael Fitzgibbons
Lisa and Mark Fitzpatrick
John and Besty Flaten
Linda and Rainer Fleschner
Jennifer and Daniel Flynn
Kathryn Foley
Samuel Folk-Williams
Bonnie Forsman
Katharine and Richard Fournier
Christopher Foust
James Fowler
Gary Fransen
Craig Freeman
Lee Frelich
Bernard Friel
Elizabeth Furber
Mike Galdys
Terrence Galka
and Pamela Sprecher-Galka
Bjorn and Britt Gangeness
Carol and Ned Gatzke
Mike Gellerman
Dan and Patti Gerhan
James and Yvonne Gern
Cindy and Thomas Gerst
Jane Gilles
Lynn Glesne
Janet and Richard Glidden
Sue Goldman
Saren Goldner
Laird Goodman
Robert Gosdick
Sharon Grady
Mary Graf
Donald Grant
Katherine Grant
and Keith Rodli
Clifton Gray
Cathy and Mark Gray
James Gray
Janet and John Green
Jonathan Green
and Joy Schochet
Dianne Greenley
William Griffiths
Bert Gross and Susan Hill Gross
Bob Guenter
Ken Guenthner
and Kathleen Swanson
Joseph and Peggy Guiney
Susan Gunderson
and Dan Raether
Cathy Gunderson
Joan Haan
Suzanne Haberland
Alice and Terry Hallaran
Nancy Hamill Winter
Richard Hamilton Smith
William Hammer
Brenda and Mark Hansen
Craig and Karen Hansen
Linda Hanson
Tim and Julie Harder
David Harding
David Hardymon
Roger Harmon
Paul Harms
Jeff and Joan Harn

2 0 1 4 A N N UA L R E P O R T

Volunteers cleared over 80 miles of portages in 2014

Jeff Hassing
Barbara Haugen
and Charles Horowitz
Brett Feldman and Elizabeth
Stephanie Hawkinson
and Flynn Opatz
Grant and Susan Hawthorne
Judith and William Hay
Kathy Heard
and Fitzhugh Pannill
James Hearns
Reverend Walter Hed
Paul and Michelle Hed
Carter and Florence Hedeen
David Hegdahl
Gregory Heide
Steve Henke and Nancy Peltola
Charles Hertlein
Carrie and Richard Higgins
Jeff Hlavacek
and Brian Vanderwaal
Cynthia and Russell Hobbie
Ben Hocker
Doug Hoffman and Jen Pearson
Sydney Holcomb
Phil Holdread
Ken Holmbeck
Julie Holmen
Anne Holub
Daniel Homer
Dr. Ken Howard
and Jane Gilbert-Howard
John and Judith Howe
James Howitt
Lynn Huiskamp Esch
Riley Humler
Gary Hunt
Stan and Mary Hunter
Keith Huth
Larry and Pam Hylton
Karen and Roger Innes
Robert Jackson
Candice and Stephen Jacobsen
Randall Jacobson
Mimi Jennings
Ron Jensen and Judy Ostendorff
Ellen Johnson
Steven and Lori Johnson
Claryce and Lyle Johnson
Gunnar Johnson
Jeraldin and Steven Johnson
Richard and Patricia Johnston
Dale Johnston
Catherine Jordan and Steve Lick
Wayne Kaiser
James Kalb
Melissa Kantola
Karl and Patt Karst
William Kaul
Margaret Keenan
Barbara and Kevin Keith
Gabriel Keller
David Kelley
Jennifer and William Kellogg
Joe and Joanne Kellogg
Charles Kelly
Loni Kemp
and Richard Nethercut
James and Linda Kemper
Mary and Ray Kent
Bill Kerchner
Todd Kerkow
Gregory Kieffer
Elaine and Robert Kirk
Seth Kirk
Russell Kivett
Jane and William Klein
Gail and Donald Kleven
Charles Kleymeyer
and Ann Delorey
Scott Knowles
Bonnie and Lee Knuti
Susan Knutson

Kevin and Tara Koschak

Andrew Kosmider
Bryan and Nancy Krantz
Lawrence Krantz
Elizabeth Kreider
Jan and John Kronholm
Hamilton Kurtz
Doreen L'Allier
Alexandra Lahr
Ellis and Pat Laitala
Ronell Laitinen
Kathy Landis and Miles Reimer
Darryl Landstrom
Bret and Wendi Lanning
Suzanne Lauer
M.T. Lawler
Brian and Jeanne Leckie
Bruce Lee
Don Lee
David Lee
Charles LeGros
and Karen Heegaard
Robert Lenobel
James Lewis
Lily Lim
Karen Lindig and Gary Bond
John Litch
Mitch Long
David and Kathleen Longton
Cam Lorendo
Sylvia and Vern Lowell
Chuck Lowrie
Rebecca Lucking
Ulrike Luderer and Kevin Olson
Lisa and Patrick Luetmer
Lisa and Rolf Lund
John Lundquist
Janice Lyons
R.G. MacDonald
Steve and Susan Macejkovic
Sandra Maguire
Patricia and Robert Mall
David Malmberg
Jim Manning
Andy Marine
Andrew Mariska
Eric Martin
Michael Martin
Dan and Caroline Mason
Catherine Mayer
Patricia McAllister
Leo and Katie McAvoy
Kay and Michael McCarthy
William McCoy
Robert McKlveen
and Ellen Jones
Robert McNattin
Jim and Marilyn Meier
Kurt Menning
Dale Merriman
Nancy Merritt
Jonathan and Emily Meserve
Lisa Miller and Ronald Sarachan
Linda Miller
Judy Miller
Mark Milz
Carol Mizuno
Jean and Mark Mondrala
David and Maureen Mordick
Cheryl Mulhausen
Diane Mundt
Paul Nachman
Floyd Nelson
Claire and Gary Nelson
Dottie and Eric Nelson
Sherri Nelson
Bonnie Nelson
Douglas Nelson
Chuck Nelson
Julie Nester
Matthew Nicoll
Debra Nielsen
Carolyn and Tom Niesen
Don and Gerda Nightingale

Dan and Maryanne Norton

Aimee O'Malley
Cori Ofstead
Clay and Mary Lynn Oglesbee
Rick and Susan Olsen
Dan Olson and Nancy Baker
Eric Olson
Dennis Ormseth
LaRaye Osborne
and Mark Ten Eyck
Carole Ostlund
Nelson Otto
Amy S. Owen
Beth and Tony Owens
Marion Padilla
Elizabeth Page
Andy and Kristin Palmer
Roger Parsons
Robert Payne and Paul Snyder
John and Linda Peck
John and Terri Penshorn
Leslie and James Pertzborn
Fern and Todd Peterson
Stefan Peterson
Allison and Josh Peterson
Michael and Martha Pettee
Elaine and Richard Phillips
Alex Pieke-Dahl
David and Jane Piepgras
Stephen Pierson
Leslie Pilgrim
Tom Plocher
Craig Poorker
Noelyn and Truman Porter
Consie and Roger Powell
Harriet and Walter Pratt
Chris Psotka
and Connie Theien-Psotka
John and Sandra Racek
Jim Rack
Cyrus Rafii
Robin Raplinger
Kaitlin Rasmussen
Michael Rathsack
Dean Rau
Ruth Reabe
Harry Readinger
J. Reddan
Betsy and Del Reed
Richard S. Reeves
David Reichert
and Jeanne Thoreson
Elizabeth and Norman Reid
Paul Renneisen
Aaron Reykdal
Jessica Rhyner
Barbara and Tom Richardson
Gregory Richardson
Bill and Joan Richner
Philip Rickey
Rodger Ringham
Kenneth and Carolyn Ripp
Jan Ritsche
Roger and Amy Ritzman
John and Mary Jo Roberts
Gaylan and Mary Rockswold
James Roe
Nathaniel Roiger
David Rolloff, PhD
Barbara Rom
Eugene Rondeau
Dennis Roscetti
Rebeccah Rossbach
Robert Rouse
Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel H. Rowe
Richard and Susan Ruach
Jim and Sandy Rummel
Bill and Judy Rummler
Jonas Runquist
Dennis Ryan
Ed and Jenni Ryan
Chuck Safris
Wayne Sampson
David and Mary Sandberg

Gurmukh and Harriet Sarkaria

Dovas Saulys
Janet Schaffer
Elizabeth and Nick Scheibel
David Scheierl
Anne and Jason Schlukebier
Otto and Mary Schmid
Bryan Schmidt
Betsy and Sumner Schmiesing
Barb and Peter Schmitt
Casey Schmitt
Harold Schneebeck
Steven Schroll
Margaret Schubert
Richard Schuler
Kelly Schuller
Catherine Scott
Buddy Scroggins
and Kelly Schroeder
Christopher Sebald
Barry Sedgwick
Maija Sedzielarz
Summer Seidenkranz
Priscilla Seimer
Carolyn Serrano
John Shasky
Timothy Shaw
Dave Sheffield
John Shepard
Will Short
Steven Sicheneder
Gary Silberstein
Carissa and Joseph Skorczewski
Susan Smilanich
Daniel and Kate Smith
Janet and Michael Smith
Nancy and William Smith
Conor Smyth
Margaret Sorenson
Craig and Janet Spatafore
Bruce and Donna Spicer
Joel Spoonheim
Cindy and Herb Stahnke
Lorraine Stanek
James Stark
Ronald and Sandra Starkey
Dr. Clyde Stauffer
Donald Stearns
Preston Steen
Alan and Julie Steiff
Rick Stein
Kathryn Steinberger
Amy Steiner
George Stevens
Christine and Tom Stoa
Matt and Jenny Stockhaus
Court Storey
Erik Storlie
Barbara and Gary Strandemo
Carmen Strauser
Charles Streiff
Shelley Strohmaier
Al Stromberg
Richard Struck
Charlie Sugnet
Jim and Cher Sulerud
Amy and Timothy Sullivan
John and Stephanie Sulzbach
David Sundstedt
Tom Sutherland
Karen Svien and Robert Lyman
Edward Swain
and Mary Keirstead
Merle and Belva Swanson
Donald Swanson
Jeff Swegarden
Daniel and Sandra Szymanski
Bruce Tammen
Jo and Margaret Teague
Marjorie and Robert Templeton
Marcel Theisen
Karen and Rick Thom
Barb Thoman and Chip Welling
Steve Thomas
Bethany Thomas
Fred Thompson
Bob and Carol Thompson
Katherine and Peter Tomsich
Helen Towner
Charles Upcraft
Mark Uscian
Thomas Uttech
Gary Van Erp
Bruce Holcomb and Lynn Vernon
Martin von Euw
Don and Kay Wall
Victoria Wang
Charles and Marjorie Wanous
Wendy Ward
Kathryn Ward
Bert and Cynthia Weberg
Carol Wehrman
Michael Weissenborn
Fred Weitz
Joan Welch
Lisa Wersal and Louis Asher
Janet and Jeremy Wight
Frances and Frank Wilkinson
Donald Williams
Holly Willis


Jeffrey and Sally Willius

Christopher Wilson
Bernard Wilson
Richard and Helga Winandy
John Windhorst
Julie Wissinger
Ralph Wittcoff
Barbara and Stephen Wolf
Gretka and Ralph Wolfe
Bradley Wolff
Edward Wood
Wes and Marie Wood
Corlett Wood
Don Yaeger
Kim and Mark Young
Barb Young
Mark Zach
Alexia Zarling
Andy Zelinskas
Peggy Zimmerman!
$50 $99
Tom and Cindy Adamson
Raylene Ahlgren
Michael Allen
John Alt and Chel Anderson
Bruce Anderson
Kimberly J. Anderson
Nathan Anderson
and Dan Rowell
Louise Angos
Rosemarie Archangel
Tom Arneson
Marilyn Ash
David Atkins
Joshua Awend
Michael Bahr
Ralph Bailey
Eric Baker
Robert Ballou
David and Diane Bangerter
Dave Banner
Jean Baregi
Karen Bartig
Diane Bauer
Valerie Bauer
Brian Beaubien
and Kendra Wilson
Kara Beckman
Romie Behr
Robert Benjamin
Mary Lynn and Michael Benko
Vivian Bentley
Eric and Lisa Berglund
Nadine Bergstrom
Gershon and Suzanne Berkson
Robert Bernard
Neil Bernstein
David Berry
Stephen and Susan Betcher
Laura Bier
Anna Biermeier
and Roger Hanson
Michael Blandford
Michael and Susan Blehert
Dennis Bobel
Ray Bodnar
Rocco Bonello
Lisa Bormann and Franz Ulrich
John Bowen
Hugh Brady
Orla Brammeier
Lois Braun
Andrew Bremer
Scott Brennan
Therese Brennan
Steven Breton
Alan and Nicole Brew
Doyle and Judith Britton
Roger and Ronnie Brooks
Nancy and Richard Brubaker
Paula Brugge
John Brugge and Sara Hulsether
Karen Bell-Brugger
Ellen Bruner
Jim Buczynski
Timothy Burns
Mark Buschmann
Joseph Cade
Frank and Kristi Cadwell
Bradley Cameron
Lisa Caplan
Daniel Carlson
and Barbara Pilling
Dave Carlson
W.E. Carlson, MD
John and Pauline Carroll
Ralph Casebolt
Robert Cashman
Matthew and Samantha
Christine Chandler
John Chapman
Lynda and Wayne Charles
Anne Chartier and James Oakley
Susan and Tom Chelstrom
Angela Chesney
Kathy and Steven Chesney
Bob Christenson
and Beth Ann Gaede
Gerald Christianson

Jeanne and Neil Cinnamon

Sarah and Whitney Clark
Sherren Clark
Jean and Malcolm Clark
Bruce Clark
Melanie Clarke
Daniel Cloutier
Andrew Cobb
Susan and Wes Cochrane
Mike and Leslie Cohen
Gregory Collins
and Kim Kleinschmidt
Freddie Contreras
Debbie and Jack Cook
Tracy Cooley
Meghan Cosgrove
Patricia Cosgrove
Laura Cover
Thomas Coyne
Charles Creager
Daniel Creaney
Stewart and Lesley Crosby
William Crozier
Mark Crump
Bill and Mary Cunningham
Charles Curry
Ed Cushing
Laura Dahleen
Paul Dahlen
Donald Dahlin
Molly Daugherty
Scot Dauner
Eric David
Patricia and Scott Davies
Amy and Ed Davies
Brad Davis
Dayna and Jeff Deaton
Dan and Linda Deitz
Steven Delapp
David and Page DeLong
Dan DeLorenzo
David Delzoppo
Al DeRuyter and Linda Peterson
Francie Domstrand
Bruce Drake
and Elizabeth Garren
Ben and Rhoda Drake
Roy Dray
David Drebert
Cheryl and Jeff DuBois
Elizabeth and Tad Dunham
Virginia Dunivan
Robert Dunn
George Dunn
and Donna Harris
Lary Dunsmore
Jason and Sara Dusbabek
Colleen Dwyer Tyson
Kenneth Eckstein
Karl Egge and Becky Moos
Lori Eggers
Bruce and Marlene Ehresman
George Ehrhardt
Linda Eichstadt
Blake Eickhorst
James and Jill Eisele
Chris Ellis
Ann and John Elward
Judith Emmett
Bruce and Liza Eng
Ralph and Sue Engebrit
Kevin Engelhart
Randall Engelmann
Thomas Erffmeyer
Bill Erickson
Becky Erickson
Caryn Evenmo
Kathleen Farrell
Tim and Noreen Farrell
David Feagler
Kay and Nile Fellows
Sharon and Richard Fields
Sherrill and William Filter
Kathryn Fini
Paul Finsness
Andy Flamm
Allen and Mary Jo Fleming
Dianne Fleming
Jeff and Lori Fleming
Richard and Carol Flint
Roger Folta
Leslie Foote
Roger Forman
William and Karla Forsyth
Kirk Fowler
Nicole Frank
Christian Franken
Kathleen Franzen
Amy Fredregill
Patricia Freeburg
Debbie Freedman
Amy Freeman
Eugene Frett
Thomas and Ellen Fridinger
Norma Friedrichs
Michael Fritsche
Mark Gabel
Suzanne Galloway
Steve Gantt and Jocelyn Shaw
Bruce and Lois Garbisch
Steven Garske


2 0 1 4 A N N UA L R E P O R T

Sharon Clark Gaskill

and Warren Gaskill
Nancy Gates
Dean Gayther
Roger Geddes
Jacob Geisler
Lynden Gerdes
and Doris Lawson-Gerdes
Barbara Gerten
Stefan Gildemeister
Carol and Thomas Gipe
Melvin Goldenbogen
Allen Gooch
Brittney Gould
Susan Granger
Debra and Todd Grant
Gregory Green
John Greene
Glenn Greff
Gretchen and Tom Griffin
Lillian Grothe
Steven and Karen Grovender
Bruce and Jean Grussing
Jeannie Gulstrand
Paul Gustad
Duane Gustafson
Glen Gustafson
Wendy Haan
Dave Hahn
Thomas Haines
Elizabeth Hallau
Janyce and Ron Halligan
Tim Halloran
MaJeana Hallstrom
George Halvorson
Anne Handford
Beverly Hansen
Dan Hanson
Nick Hanson
Peter Hark
Andrea and Syed Hasan
Liane Hatch
Raymond Hathaway
Beth Hedlund
Dee and Steve Hedman
Jerome Helfand
Nathan Hellyer
John Helvig
David Henning
Julie and John Henricksson
Al Herman
William Herrbold
Elaine and Wendell Herron
John Hesterberg
and Gena Berglund
Sharon Hestvik
Ralph Heussner
Liz Vanden Heuvel
Zol Heyman
Tom Hiendlmayr
and Jan Ormasa
Stephanie Hoepner
Lesa and Michael Hofer
Dawn Hofstrand
Greg and Linka Holey
Kathy and Steve Hollenberg
Phil and Phyllis Holm
Colleen and John Holmbeck
Paul Homer
Amy and Mike Hooley
Lance and Racheal Hovland
Michael Hovland
and Nancy Jones
Gladys and Peter Howell
Denise Hoy
Jerrold Hromatka
and Catherine Schoener
Richard Hruby
Earl Hubbard
Alan Hubbard
Diane Humphrey
Gene and Susan Huntsman
George and Gail Huschle
Elizabeth Hutchins
Bill and Jane Iacono
Doris Ikier
Steven Isaac
Sandra Iverson
Elmer Jackson
Joanne Jacobson
and Stuart Richter
C. J. Jacobson
and Rolf Thompson
Frederick and Janice Jannett
Maureen and Steve Jensen
Marian and Thomas Jerdee
Jean Johnson
Bill and Rosemary Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Pat and Paul Johnson
Lowell Johnson
Rick Johnson
Kent Jones and Nick Vavrichek
Nelson Jorgenson
Steve Jorgenson
and Kate Hathaway
Jeff Josephs
Shirley and William Weiss Jr.
Debra Kaibel
Katherine Skiff Kane
Roger Kapsner


Lynn and Steve Karges

David Karthauser
Lolita and Steven Keck
Anne Kelley Conklin
Chris Kent
Don and Phyllis Kerr
Carol and Kenneth Kidder
Wendy Kimmer
Janet and Ross Kimmerle
Maureen Kinney
Lynn and Marie Kistler
Allan Klein
Elton and Lois Klug
Deb and Leif Knecht
David Knoblauch
and Suzanne Woodrich
Darwin and Linda Knochenmus
Mark Knox
Gary Konkol
Robert Koubsky
John Kramer
Erin Krebs
Daniel and Kathy Krebsbach
John Krenn
Jean and Richard Krohn
Ron and Winnie Krueger
Cameron Kruse
John and Nanciann Kruse
Deb Kuehne
Frances and Jeffrey Kuhs
Susanne Kukkonen
Suzanne and Thomas Kunze
Burton and Dale Kushner
Jessica Laabs
Susan Lamour
Carolyn and Clinton Larson
Greg Larson
Jennifer Larson
Kathleen Larson
William and Carol Lauder
Richard Laue
Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Lee
Sharon Legg
Brad Lehrman
Steve and Sue Lekwa
Karen Lemke
and Randy Schukar
Ralph Lentz
Elizabeth and Herb LePlatt
Ann and Richard Leppert
Frances Lesicko
Marcia Leussler
Abe and Pat Levy
Mary Lewis
William O. Light
Stephanie Lightner
Marilyn Lindbeck
William Lindberg
Susan Long and Douglas Mayo
The Longenbaugh Family
Armin Luehrs
James Lundborg
Jennifer Lynch
Ken and Sue Madsen
Bernice C. Maertz
Jack and Mary Magnuson
Beverly and Sheldon Mains
Beverly Manroe
and Joe Maxwell
Angelica Marden
Dean Marriott
Ewart Martens
Carolyn and John Massey
Thomas Mathieu
John and Judy Mathwin
Virginia Maturen
Marlyn Mauritz
Bill Maxey
Jim and Mary Alice Mayerle
Robert McCabe
Jim McCaffrey
Jean McCurdy
Marsha McDonald
and Amos Rosenbloom
Ed McDowell
William and Diane McFadden
Sarah McGee
Nina and Rex McGehee
Richard and Tamara McGehee
Mary McGilligan
Mark and Sarah McGuire
Stuart McKernan
Anne McKinsey
Robert McMurchy
Hugh McTavish
Richard Meier and
Madeline Sutherland-Meier
Rob Meyer
Nancy Middleton
Rod and Nancy Miley
Patricia and Thomas Miller
Erika and Jay Miller
John Miller and Faith Russell
Paula Miller
William Minarik
Casmer Miskavige
Kenny and Kathy Miskavige
John Mlinar
Karine and Paul Swensen Moe
Marianne Moesch
Joseph and Marilyn Moore

David Moore
Anthony Morley
and Ruth Anne Olson
Jeanne and Jerald Mortenson
Christopher Mortenson
Jeylan Mortimer
Michael and Miriam Moss
Agnes Mulvihill
John and Judy Murphy
Howard Myers
Lee Nafziger
Rick Neal and Kristen Parr
Kathy and Stephen Nelson
Darby and Geri Nelson
Devin Nelson
Barbara Nelson
Eric Nelson
and Robin Galliard Nelson
Dave and Sandra Neuendorf
Becky and Don Newberg
Robert Newbery
and Nancy Sugden
Carolyn Nicklow
Frederic Nordeen
Gary Noren and Marty Harding
Matt Norton
John Norton
David Norton and Virginia Peery
Linda Nygren
Sue and Tom O'Connor
Shelley O'Neill
David Oatman
April Oertwig
Charlotte and Brian Ogdahl
Bonnie and Brian Ohm
Carl Ohrn and Peggy Reichert
Brian and Marilee Olin
Michael Oloughlin
Gordon and Margaret Olsen
Carole Olsen
Gary Olsen
Sally and Steve Orr
Alan Ose and Anne Sherve-Ose
Cindy Ostberg
and Paul Schroedl
Timothy Ostberg
Jessica Ostrov
Lena Otolski
Dick and Christine Ouren
Debra and Kent Overbey
Peter Paine
Parker and Sharon Palmer
Jonathan and Ruth Paradise
Charles Parish
Wendy Paulsen
Marianna Paulson
Roger Peck
Nancy Pedersen
Gretchen Pederson
and Robert Medcraft
Robert and Alice Peters
Mel Peterson
Mark and Erica Peterson
Steve and Bonnie Peterson
Sheryl Pethers
Roberta Pisa
Fred Pongratz
Richard Ponthan
Michael Ponto
John and Sandra Potter
Dan Prince and Laura Johansson
Carole and Michael Raap
Jason Rabuck
Charles and Nancy Rader
James A. Radosevich
Linda Ramsden
Thomas Randgaard
Pamela Ransom
Alison Rasch
Martin and Pam Reeck
Jean and Ron Regal
Tricia Reil
Brent Reimnitz
Fred Retzlaff
Rebecca Rhodes
Ken and Mary Richards
Kent Richardson
Paul Richtman
Erik Rigelhof
Matthew Risley
Jodell and Walter Rockenstein, II
Patti Rogness
Joan and Robert Rohlf
Mary Rollefson
Tom and Dorcey Rose
John Rosenberger
John Rossing
Dennis and Mary Kelly Rude
Helen Rudie
Eric and Anna Runestad
Mary Ryan
Mary Claire Ryan
Bradley and Teresa Sagen
Brigitte Sandager
Jim and Rita Sanner
Laura Savat
Barbara and Douglas Scherich
Craig Schimnich
and Maureen Martin
Rick Schlicher

Over 4300 people attended hearings on PolyMet

Shirley Schoberg-Hebda
Emily and Kenneth Schroeder
David Schuettler
David Schuldt
Hollis and Pat Schwartz
Laura Schwarz
Oliver Scott
and Yvonne Wu Goldsmith
Lisa and Perry Scott
Dana and Mary Sears
David and Jennifer Seely
Doug Seitz and Joan Beaver
Joyce and Terry Seldomridge
Gregg Severson
Patrick Shannon
Christa Sherman
Paul Shuman
Judith Siegle
Dave and Pat Siljenberg
Eric Siljendahl
Jane Simpson
Carol Sinden
Walter Sitz
Keith and Nancy Sjoquist
Will Skelton
Richard Smaby
Rich and Kimberle Smith
Matthew Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Thomas Smith
Frannie and Robert Snediker
Robert Snediker
Kristin Snow
Suzanne Stanke
and Conrad Figueroa
Mary Ann Start
Tyrone Steen
John Stephens
Mark and Ann Stewart
Kathryn Stingl
Allen and Ann Stolee
Amos Stoll
Larry and Margaret Stone
Jim Stratton
Elizabeth Styrvoky
Marty Sudar
Ann Sudoh
Barton Sutter
Jake Swaggert
John Swanson
Amy and Bret Swenson
Robert Tank
Barry Taylor
Mark Taylor and Jane Mercier
Michael Tegeder
Susan Teggatz
Jennifer Teggatz
Alfreda Terry
Diane Tessari
Jeffrey Therkelsen
Grant Thomas
Jill Thompson
David Thurber
Ingrid and Lloyd Thyen
Ethel and Tom Tincher
Bob Tindell
Diane and Gary Titusdahl
Tu and Jennifer Tong
Richard Towner
DeWayne Townsend
Todd Truby
Margaret Tyler
Bill Underwood
Gerald and Marilyn Uppman
Lowell Urban
Mary Vagt
Gloria Van Essen
David and Theresa Vanveelen
Frank Verderame
Ann and Bruz Vollmar
Swanny and Ted Voneida
Jenny Vorpagel
Gerald Vukman
Gale and Herschel Wallace

Adrienne Walts
Edward Ward
Linda and Robert Watson
Mary Watts
David and Joan Weber
JoAnn Wedin
Matthew and Regina Wehner
Nancy Weidler
Joyce and Larry Weiner
Robert Weinstock-Collins
Dean Weisenberger
David and Gloria Weiss
David Wennlund
Kim and Linda Werner
Traci and Lee Werner
Buster West
Doug Westfall
Susan White
Anne and Charles Wiebe
Jodie Wierimaa
Lawrence Wiesner
Jim and Rebecca Wiinanen
Stephen and Deborah Wilbers
Sara Williams
John and Sherry Williams
Kenneth Williamson
James Winn
Barbara and John Winters
Ellen and Robert Wojciechowski
Susan Wolf
Barry and Ben Wolfe
Teresa Workman
Greg and Jeanne Wright
LaVonne Wuertz
Bryan Wyberg and Lisa Steidl
Steven Yetter
Laura Yockey
Reginald and Roberta Yoder
William Youmans
Christine and Mark Young
Anita Zager
Randolph Zimmerman
Bill and Mary Zimmerman
Michael and Sheralyn Zlonis
Charlie Zwisler!
$30 $49
Barbara and Sheldon Ajax
Edward and Margaret Alberg
Frank Andersen
Lesli Anderson
Barbara and Ronald Anderson
Lucas Anderson
Karen Anderson
Dean Anderson
Peg and Will Anderson
Douglas and Nancy Anderson
Donn Arnold
Dennis and Jane Arnott
Richard Arpi
Bruce and Kathy Ause
Mary Bach
Richard and Sharon Bachman
John Badger
Brian Balanoff
Gretchen Bangerter
Alex and Mary Bart
Christine and Jonathan Bayer
Patricia Bell
Frank Berg Jr.
Barbara Bergerson
Ronald Berman
Ann Berry
Howard Bichler
Janet Bilden
Robert Bishop
Burt Bisson
Megan Boatman
Ann Bock
Eymard and Mary Boehmer
Celine and William Boisvert
Jerry Bonet
Alyssa Boock
Marta Bowman

Arthur Bowron
Robert Brabbit
Barbara and Carl George
Nancy Brucken
Bill Bruins
Brent Brye and Lucy Nitz
Mary Ann and Tim Cady
Ann Campbell
Robert Carr
Jim and Sandra Carroll
Jack Cedarleaf
Thomas Chambers
Jack Chambless
Tom Cherveny
Patrick Christie
and Stephanie Barbee
Holly Church
Kenneth Cichocki
Barbara and Donald Cohen
James Coleman
Jack Collingsworth
Doug Connell
Casie Cook
Stewart Corn
Jeanne and John Cound
Arielle Courtney
James Cowan
Scott and Betsy Cram
Dean Creighton
Tom Cummins
George and Kate Dailey
David and Karen Danielson
Katie and Tim Dawson
Diadra Decker
Elizabeth and James Deitz
Joseph Dickinson
and Karen Schleske
Bill Diers
Jim Dimick
Timothy Dirr
Douglas Doffing
Larry and Nancy Dolphin
Darlene Doran
Richard Dubiel
Roderick Duff
Matt Edwards
Wally Elton
Peder Engelstad
Arny and Karen Engman
Mark Erickson
Brian Ernste
Mary Ferguson
Carol and Conrad Fialkowski
Daniel Fisch
Wayne Fretheim
Chris and Gail Frethem
Holly Frye
Melva Furst
George Gabauer
Kazimiera Gajl-Peczalska
Mark and Susan Galatowitsch
Diane Gamm
Roger Garton
Karen Geislinger
Cathy Geist
and Carol Schoenecker
Ron Gerdes
Joshua Gerdes
Robert Gibson
Barry Gilbert
Matthew Gilbertson
Shirley Gilmore
Michelle Gobely
Sharon Godfrey
David Goetz
Barbara and Ronald Graham
John Graham
LeRoy Greenley
Michael Grossman
Edna and Thomas Groves
Kelly Gryting
Mark Gustafson
James Hale

2 0 1 4 A N N UA L R E P O R T

Mark Halverson
Robert and Jeanne Handberg
Jon and Marilyn Hansen
Eileen and John Hanson
Eric Hanson
Ronald Harrigan
Carol and Jay Harris
Ernest Harris
Susan Hartjes Holman
Scott Haskins
Molly Hasse
Katherine and Peter Hawkins
Marcia Heeter and Peter Slonek
Corrine and Elvin Heiberg
Jerome Herro
William Herzberg
Ron and Audrey Hicks
Jennifer Higgins
Erika Hiller
Bruce Hoem
Anthony Hoffman
Megan Hoffman
William Hofmann
William Holden and Louise Reid
Ronald Horn
Wayne Hoshal
Fred and Kathryn Hund
Sarah Hutson
Gerald and Joan Jacobsen
Jane Conger
Jim Janssen
Wayne Jennings
and Joan Sorenson
Bob and Trimby Jensen
Don and Linda Johaneson
Barbara and Greg Johnson
Ted Johnson
Jayne Johnson
Glenn and Karen Johnson
Lorraine Johnson
Alice H. Johnson
Bill Johnson
Betty and Cliff Johnson
Kathryn Jones
Gayle Jorgens
Robert Jostes
Phyllis Kahn
Charles Kalina
Sherrie Kamm
Marc Katz
Denis Kazelas
Frank Keeler
Howard and Sharon Keene
John Kelsall
Sandra Keplinger
Janice Ketelle
Mary Kilbourne
Brad and Tina Kimball
Scot Kindschi
Bonnie and Clark Kirkpatrick
Alan Knaeble
Mary Ellen
and Stuart Knappmiller
Barb and Steve Kokotovich
E.C. Kragenbrink
John and Liga Kropp
Barclay Kruse
Bruce and Julie Kuehl
Carol Kuhre
Kim Kvale
Elise Kyllo
Randall Lake
Gertrude Lambert
Tanya Lampland
Donna Lanciotti
Ross Lange
LouAnn Lanning
Gary and Melody Larson
Jim and Laurie Latimer
Elaine Leach
Lindsay Lee
Tom LeFevere
Brett Lehman
Margaret Levin
Thomas Liebl
Meira Lifson
Thomas and Linda Lincoln
Mary C. Liston
Christopher Loch
Ken and Betty Loewen
Basil Loney
Julie Ludowese
Elizabeth Lund
Jeff Lunde

Beverly Lutz
Sarah MacDougall
Allison Maier
Michael Majerle
Danuta Malejka-Giganti
Shelly Mallard
Angelo Marasco
Mathew Marty
Timothy Mason
Janet Masterjohn
Mary Ann Mattox
Pat McCauley
Jean McClelland
Bonnie and Jon McCluskey
O. Ross McIntyre
Dave McTeague
Jim McWethy
Mary Mead
Phyllis and Skip Messenger
Adam Meuler
Mary Milbrandt
Norman Miller
Jim and Mary Mirick
Deb Monacelli
Gary Mondale
Karen Monk
Mary Montagne
Gregg Moore
Paul Moss and Craig Miller
Anna Mosser
Dan and Linda Murray
Marlene and Ronald Nauman
Gordon and Vernie Nethercut
David Newman
Daoco Nguyen and Ting Kong
Richard Nicholls
Kathleen Nicoletti
David Novak
James Novotny
David O'Donnell
Brian Ogren
Joseph Olsen
Ronald Olson
Linda Oster
Mark Parr
Kymm Paulson
Ray Payne
Gary Pearson
Jim Pearson
Laura Pepper
Alan Peterson
Lawrence and Ruth Peterson
Sherry Phillips and Paul Tine
Marilyn and Philip Pikaart
Randall Pottebaum
Colleen and Robert Powell
Pat Pratt
Tim Preiner
Dianne Prieditis
Kevin Proescholdt
and Jean Swanson
Victoria Rader
John and Marilyn Raplinger
Erin Jordahl Redlin
Scott Reese
Mary and Red Rehwaldt
David Reich
Jon and Karen Reising
Katherine Remus
Marietta and Stephen Rice
Kevin Rivers
Joan Robare
Joe Robelia
Keith and Sandra Roberts
Sara Roberts
Gary Rose
Jeanne and Steve Rosengren
Laura Ross
Virginia Ruddy
Ted Rueff
Edward Rutledge
Charles Ryan
Judy Saeger
Harland Samson
Craig Samson
Charlie Sawyer
John and Phyllis Schei
Carla Schils
Gerald Schlabach
James and Claudette Schluck
Ced and Janet Schrankler
Val Schroeder
John Schroeder
Tersenia Schuett

Shannon Schulte
Beth Schwehr
Carolyn Scott
James and Judith Scoville
Glen and Marlys Shirley
Greg and Becky Sievers
Ellen Silva
Tiffany Simenson
Mark Skelton
Judy and Lawrence Skupien
Kirby Smith
Natascha Smrekar
Scott Sorenson
Jane Sparkman
Charles Staples
Carol and William Steele
Seth Stein
Kurt Stone
Jeffrey and Kathryn Stonehouse
Vernon Storm
Gerald Strom
Richard Swanson
Rick and Helen Sweitzer
Loretta Szweduik
Mark Tade
Kathy and Gary Tapp
Elizabeth Tegeler
Chris Tews
Edward Therrien
Mike Thomas
Darrel Thompson
Mary and Tom Thompson
Frank and Nina Terry Thorp
Grant Thrall
Lyndon Torstenson
Linda Toussaint
Mark and Sky Troksa
Jennifer Tuder and Aaron Klemz
Matt Turner
Thomas Umhoefer
Edwin Urban
Michelle Valadez
Mary and Michael Vanderford
Doug Vanvalkenburg
Mark Verstegen
James Walburg
Mike Walker
Judy and Roger Wallenstein
Matthew Waller
Karen and Kelvin Walton
Shelli and Thomas Wappes
Susan Ware
LynnAnne Warren
John and Mary Wauer
Graeme Webster
Sarah Wein
Lisa Weisensel
West Michigan Cancer Center
Douglas Westby
Lois Whitcomb
Alan White
Elizabeth Whitman
Michelle Whitman
Boak Wiesner
Bob Wilhelm
Cheryl Wilke
Dyke Williams
Clark Williams
Shawn Willy
Charles Wilson
Jennifer and Bryan Wilson
Dwight and Lisa Winger
Michael Wiseman
and Michelle Javornik
Paula Witt
John and Wanda Wochos
Barbara Wolfe
Jane Woods
Andy Wright
Crystal Yakacki
Duane Yockey
Jason Zabokrtsky!

Every effort was made to

ensure the accuracy of our
records. Please contact us
if this list contains errors
or omissions so that we
may extend our apologies
and correct our records.

Leave a Legacy
Include The Friends In Your Estate Plans
If you or your advisor would like information on how to
name Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness as a beneficiary of
your estate or about the benefits of a planned gift, please call
612-332-9630 or email the Friends at: !

Foundations and
3M Foundation
Allina Health
AmazonSmile Foundation
Ameriprise Financial
Baird Foundation, Inc.
Bent Paddle Brewing Co.
BI Worldwide
Boston Scientific
BP Fabric of America Fund
Bromelkamp Company LLC
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Chevron Humankind Matching
Gift Program
Choi-Chiu and King-Wo Lam
Family Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
Colymbus Foundation
Community Foundation
of New Jersey
Dick and Joyce H. McFarland
Family Fund of the
Minneapolis Foundation
Dr. Daniel C. Hartnett
Family Foundation
Exxon Mobil Foundation
Fabricon Foundation
GE Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Gorman Foundation
Gray Plant Mooty Foundation
IBM International Foundation
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Irwin Andrew Porter Foundation
John Hancock Financial
Services, Inc.
Klein Family Foundation, Inc.
Loll Designs
Lynn Salmon-Easter Little
Women's Fund
Microsoft Corporation
Minnesota Environmental Fund
Modestus Bauer Foundation
New World Somewhere
Norcross Wildlife
Foundation, Inc.
Prudential Foundation
Red Wing Shoe Company, Inc.
Saturday Walkers in Rock Creek
Family Foundation
Steven and Carolyn Jones Fund
of The Greater Cincinnati
The Edward R. Bazinet
Charitable Foundation
The Lundeen Foundation
The Martin and Esther
Kellogg Fund
Thomson Reuters
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Toyota Motor Sales USA
Travelers Community
U.S. Cellular
United Way of the Capital
Western Organization of
Resource Councils Education
Wiley Publishing !
Thomas Flint Fund
Cynthia and Stephen Snyder
The Edward R. Bazinet
Charitable Foundation
Trillium Family Foundation
Michael Walsh!
Carl Richard Anderson
Robert and Marienne Anderson
Fern Arpi
Brian Bent
Jock Bishop
Nadine Blacklock
Hans August Burmeister Hicks
C. Linn Cowsert II
Ned and Wilma Crain
John and Mary Ann Danicic
Margaret Eberhardt
Barney Englund
Thomas M. Feeney
James Finney
Vernon Finzer
Bob Fleming
Thomas Flint
Troy F. Godfrey
Grace Goei
Barbara Goodman Vlaming
Steve Granger


Jim Greenley
Florice and Clarence Haight
Michael E. Hart
Charlotte Hed
Don and Jean Hegdahl
Bud and Fran Heinselman
William E. Huskins, Jr.
William James
Kenneth J. Jilek
Bruce Johnson
Waid Johnson
Laura Jorgenson
Don Jurgs
Eva Kaslova Fritz
Marilyn Kittleson
Mary Lee La Course
Charles "Chuck" Lohman
Karin Lowrie
David Martin
Mary Lee Dayton
Chet Meyer
Kirk W. Meyer
Milton Meyer
Todd C. Miller
Robert A. Moore
Geoffrey A. Moran
Jan Nelson
Jean Nethercut
Dr. Richard Owen
Carol E. Peterson
Stan Pollock
Hans Jon "Pete" Rasmussen
Timothy Rasmusson

Charles Hallau
Nini and Bop Hawkinson
Topher Hawthorne
Fran and Bud Heinselman
Al Johnson and Jan Nicodemus
Brian Knudson
Diane and Jeff Kooistra
Karen Listgarten and Steve Ro
Tom Liston
Leo St. Martin
Max, Minne, Moose, Maia
and Mozart
Terry and Drew Maxwell
David Meier
Dean Alvin Meyer
The Miller Family
Donn and Janet Mosser
Kevin Mulrane
Fitzhugh Pannill
Tenesa Pate
Robert Payne and Paul Snyder
Judy and Dave Pearson
Patricia Zelinskas Piekenbrock
Mark Hampton
and Gayle Pigatto
Howard and Erla Polsfuss
Carolyn Sampson
and Kathleen Connelly
Paul and Sue Schurke
Karen Slaght
Kevin Smith
Jane Stockman
The Supanich Family
Paul Swanson

29 acres on Fall Lake is now protected forever

Frank A. Renneisen
Bill Rom and Deb Ehre
Sue Rossbach
Jidge Ruth
Franklin P. Schoberg
Lois Margaret Schurke
Ruth and Bob Seitz
Nick Siedow
Linda Skrainka
Natascha Smrekar
Walter F. Stanke
Gregory Starr
Ted Staskiewicz
Ronald Strauser
Howie Swanlund
Mike Swanson
Betty Syverud
John Thomas
Nancy Tredway
Chris Twarok
Bradley Waryan
Scott A. Weisensel
Connie Woodrich Myhre
Art and Helen Wright
Kenneth Wuertz!
In Honorarium
Jason, Charity, Henry,
and Erik Andersen
Ed Barnett
Richard Beaudet
Christina Bellert
Kent Bergemann
Dr. Jock Bishop
Neena Cohen
James Cook
Sue Cook
Kelly and Elizabeth Dahl
Al Dickinson
Greg Easter
Bob and Kathy Focht
Laura Giaquirto
Nancy Gibson and Ron Sternal
Grandpa Ralph
and Grandma Gitta
Amy Laurel Hadow

Mark Taylor and Jane Mercier

Jeff Tegeler
Amy Schwarz and Tyler Teggatz
Michael Toussaint
The W.E. Chi Gals
Gerald Walther
G. Michael Werdick, M.D.
Dave Werntz
Sandra Wolfe Wood
Elle Zenner!
Planned Estate Gifts
Marlene Banttari
Donna Baumgartner
Ann Bergstrom and Gay Wilker
Irv and Janet Berlin
Dianna Brown
Frank and Kristi Cadwell
Brian and Sue Carlson
Reid Carron and Rebecca Rom
Susan and Tom Chelstrom
Ann and Dwight Ericsson
John V. Fisher
Richard and Carol Flint
Irwin Gooen
Dan and Mary Anne Hammond
Linda Hanson
Raymond Hathaway
Earl Hubbard
Barbara Jones
Richard Laue
Barb Maley
Jean McCurdy
Mimi McMillen
Ronald Moline
Darby and Geri Nelson
Becky and Don Newberg
Jim Rack
Barry Sedgwick
Alberta and Paul Smith
Janice and Mike Smith
Richard Struck
James Wellman
Karen and Mark Wise!


401 N. Third Street, Suite 290


Minneapolis, MN 55401-1475

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P: 612.332.9630

Twin Cities, MN

Address Service Requested

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From well-managed forests Cert no. BV-COC-940655
1996 Forest Stewardship Council

The Friends of the Boundary Waters newsletter

is printed on paper using 100% post-consumer waste,
processed chlorine free.
Design and production donated in part by
Mike Tincher, T DESIGN


Paul Danicic, Executive Director

Betsy Daub, Policy Director
Tonia Kittelson, Northern Communities
Program Director
Aaron Klemz, Communications and
Engagement Director
Cori Mattke, Membership and
Operations Director

Upcoming Events
April 24 26 Outdoor Adventure Expo
Midwest Mountaineering, Minneapolis

Brews and Canoes Adventurers Series

June 2

(featuring Lonnie Dupre)

Bauhaus Brewing Taproom, Minneapolis


Nicholas Banovetz
Margo Brownell
Dodd Cosgrove, Treasurer
Mark Hennessy
Steve Hoffman
Dick Krueger
Tim Lewis
Tom Mahlum, Chair
Dan Pauly, Vice Chair
Matt Poppleton, Secretary
Steve Safranski
Kim Young

Richard Flint

Chel Anderson
Lee Frelich
Frank Jewell
Lynn McClure
Steve Piragis
Sue Schurke

Minnesota Environmental Fund

Helps Protect the BWCAW

If your company does not have MEF as a giving option,

please contact Friends at 612-332-9630.

June 12 14

Boundary Waters Expo

Seagull Lake Landing, Gunflint Trail

Check for more information.!

Leave a Legacy
Keep the Wilderness Forever Wild
The Friends is excited to introduce the new Forever Wild Society, a league of donors recognized
for their commitment to supporting the Boundary Waters through planned giving.
Benefits of membership include special updates and communications from the Friends office,
invitations to private events, and the knowledge that your contributions will help us ensure the
long-term protection of the Boundary Waters Wilderness. By including the Friends in your estate
plans, you will continue to provide the necessary funding for our ongoing projects including our
work on sustainable development in northern communities, campsite and portage management
in the wilderness, internship opportunities for young advocates, and the sponsorship of conservation focused youth paddling experiences.
Designating the Friends in your will is not difficult, and we are happy to discuss planned giving
options with you. We hope you will help us ensure that the wilderness has an advocate for years
to come, and that our grandchildren are able to enjoy the same life-changing Boundary Waters
experiences we have known.
If you have already made a bequest to the Friends, please let us know so we can thank you
for your contribution and welcome you to the Forever Wild Society. !

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