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11th Amendment
Suing the States (1798)
A state government can
be sued only in its own courts.

12th Amendment
Election of President and
Vice President (1804)
Electors vote for President
and Vice President on
separate ballots.

13th Amendment
Abolition of
Slavery (1865)
Slavery is
abolished, or
made illegal, in
the United

14th Amendment

Rights of Citizens (1868)

Every citizen of the United States is
also a citizen of the state in which
he or she lives. No state may pass a
law limiting the rights of citizens or
take away a persons life, liberty, or
property unfairly. Every person must
be treated equally under the law

15th Amendment
Voting Rights
No person may be
denied the right to
vote because
of race.

16th Amendment

Income tax (1913)

has the
right to tax

17th Amendment
Direct Election of Senators (1913)

United States
senators are
directly by the
people of their

18th Amendment
Prohibition (1919)
Bans the
manufacture, sale
or transportation
of any alcohol in
the United States.

19th Amendment
Womens Rights to Vote (1920)
Gives women the
right to vote in

20th Amendment
Terms of Office (1933)
Describes the process
between the election
and when the new
President officially
takes office.

21st Amendment
Repeal of Prohibition (1933)
Erases the 18th
amendment the
prohibition of alcohol.

22nd Amendment
Two-Term Limit for
Presidents (1951)
Limits a
President to two
terms of office.

23rd Amendment
Presidential Elections for
District of Columbia (1961)
People who live in
Washington, D.C,
have the right to
vote for President
and Vice President.

24th Amendment
Poll Tax (1964)
No citizen may be
made to pay a tax
in order to vote for
President, Vice
President, senator,
or representative.

25th Amendment
Presidential Succession and
Disability (1967)
Sets up the order
for replacing the
President in case
there is a death or

26th Amendment

Voting Age (1971)

Gives all 18 year
olds the right to
vote in elections

27th Amendment
Salaries (1992)
Any increase in pay
for legislators must
take place after an

Grab a Pen
and a piece of

Quiz time!
What do the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth
amendments all have in common?
A. They each define rights of all citizens.
B. They each undo previous amendments.
C. They each give voting rights to a group that did not
previously have them.
D. They were each adopted in the 1800s.
Which statement reflects on the Nineteenth amendment?
A. Taxes are needed to help the government do good for
all of us.
B. Women deserve the right to vote.
C. Banning alcohol will help businesses and improve
family life.
D. One positive result of Reconstruction is the end of

Poll taxes were outlawed by the Twenty-fourth Amendment:

A. To prevent discrimination against certain voters.
B. Because the government no longer needed to raise
money from such taxes.
C. In all elections-state and national.
D. During Reconstruction in the 1870s.
A person may be elected to no more than two terms in a
row as President, according to which amendment?
A. Twelfth
B. Seventeenth
C. Twentieth
D. Twenty-second
Slavery was abolished, or made illegal in the United
States. According to which amendment?
A. Twentieth
B. Thirteenth
C. Twenty-fifth
D. Twenty-sixth

was abolished, or made illegal in the United States. According to which ame

Check your answers!

[C. They each give voting rights to a group
that did not previously have them.]

[B. Women deserve the right to vote.]

[A. To prevent discrimination against
certain voters.]
[D. Twenty-second]
[B. Thirteenth ]


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