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I am so proud to be a part of LPs 2012 grad.

These past four years have given me friends
that will last a lifetime. I want to thank my
closest friends, G.G., M.S., B.C., A.B., G.L.,
W.A., M.N., and B.M. for making high school
the best years of my life. The teachers here
at LP have treated me like an equal and have
only added to my amazing experience. In
particular, I want to give an extra big thank
you to my girlfriend, Ava Hogan. She has
helped me through my toughest days and
supported me in all my achievements. She
makes every day bright and special. Thank

Of the eighteen some-odd years Ive been

alive, twelve of them have been spent
doing schooling. Thats about sixty-six
percent of my life dedicated to learning a
bunch of stuff that I will probably never
use again. But, there have been some great
memories that I will never forget. I would
like to thank my family for supporting
me each and every grind of a day. Also
thanks to Chewp and Rocky for doing
what you do in Academy every day. Shout
out to C block spare crew for keeping me
entertained. Grad 2012, best of luck in the



If opportunity doesnt knock,

build a door.
-Milton Berle

Entz-Von Zerssen
Life moves pretty fast. If you
dont stop to look around once in
a while you could miss it.
-Ferris Bueller

The Skin Horse: When you are

Real you dont mind being hurt.

I dont even know where to start...
If it wasnt for my friends I dont
think I would even be writing this.
As soon as youre thinking
youre down, find how to turn
things around, now things are
looking up.
- Wiz Khalifa.

Shout out to all the Original Grinders
out there! Even though high school is
over, the grind lives on. Thank you to
all my friends for making each year fun.
Also, a big thank you to my parents for
guiding me along the way. I dont want
to grow up.

Good times spent here at LP.


High school never ends. Ill see

you guys in ten years. I LOVE you
guys ALL. Peace out!

GRAD 2012, STFU! Yeauh! Yeauh!

Congratulations to all grads, it all
went by so fast! Best of luck to
everyone. Love my bros!
Things may come to those who
wait, but only things left by those
who hustle. Abraham Lincoln



GRAD 2012!! These past four years

have been the most amazing times of
my life! I want to thank my friends
and family for helping make these
years great. Shout out to the C block
spare group! Youre the reason I never
did homework in my spare! Ive made
tons of lasting memories and lifelong
friendships. I love you all!!...squirrels
for life!
Life is not about how many breaths
you take. Its about how many
moments take your breath away.

I would like to thank everyone

at Lambrick for making my four
years here memorable ones. I will
never forget the friends I have
made at Lambrick. Special thanks
to my parents for believing in me
and pushing me to do my best.
Also, thank you to Rocky and
Chewp for doing what they do for
all of us in Academy.



Time you enjoy wasting was

not wasted.
-John Lennon


Some things stand out in my mind when I think of

these twelve years
In Elementary school, we armed our Pen
License - the privilege to play on the top field
with the big kids - and I did countless crafts
with my big buddy. Middle school was where
every day big groups of us played various sports
on the grass during recess (sometimes in bare
feet)! There, I met many of my close friends that I
still have today. L.P. high school turned out not to
be a crazy drama show like the ones Ive watched
on TV; rather, a place where I have acquired all
the skills and awesome friends that I will need to
be happy and successful. Success is not the key to
happiness; happiness is the key to success!
Thanks mom, dad, and Alan for everything.

Well, what can I say? These past
four years at Lambrick have been
an amazing experience and Im
glad to have shared them with
friends Ive grown up with and
the new friends Ive made. I wish
everyone the best in the future.

So many great memories of our last
four years of high school! I cant
wait to see how many amazing
things we accomplish in the years
to come. GRAD 2012! xx

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Congrats everybody! We survived!

Quality. What a crazy four
years. I dont think I would
have been able to pull
through without the support
of my incredible parents, my
wonderful girlfriend, and my
various coaches throughout the
years. To all of my supporters,
thank you! For the boys.

3/28/2012 2:50:20 PM

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