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Lr. [ldgts Konrad teteginsk@elnori>ranchun.06> Censure of Mayor ‘message irsten Hagen-Kennedy Joyce Borchardt Thu APF, 2016 at 1:05 PM ‘To Brdglt Konrad Please pace tis Subject on the April 14" Agenda ofthe City of North Branch Giy Counc ‘Atte City of Neth Branch City Counc! meeting on January 28, 2016, City Altomey Squles stated "It ‘doesn preclude a member fom effeing ther postion but must qualify it by saying that this fs their indvidual_ positon and nat the position ofthe City of Noth Branch.” Complete statement from the altomey is paragraph 5.0n page 7 of the Cty Council Minutes, January 26, 2045, ‘on March 16, 2015 curing the State and Local Government Committee hearing of Senate Bil 1006. Mayor Fagen eonedy Inlroduces and represented horse as the Mayor of Neth Branch. Mayor Kennedy failed to present a disclaimer that she was atthe heaing as a pvale cizen, not as a representative of the Gly of Noth Branch, Mayor Hiagen-Kennedy chose to isrogad the City Altomey’slogal counsel. For the Improper actions and fale to dscloseldisclaim, 1 move the Cy of Nath Branch Cy Counel censure Mayor Kisstan Hager Kennedy. {t cansure passes, | then mave that Mayor Kirsten Hager: Kennedy be removed from commission and ‘committee appeinimants due fo her demonstration of fallue to represent the Counc as a wale and the ‘Councils positions on matters conceming the Cty Respectfully submitted, Joyce Borchert 12e Bridgitte Konrad cera FW: Censure of Council Member Kathleen Bloomquist ‘Joyce Borchardt “Thu, Apr, 2015 at 1:29 Pa To: Brogitt Konrad Please place this Subject onthe April 14! Agenda ofthe City of Noth Branch Caty Council [At the City of North Branch City Council mesting on January 26, 2016, City Altomey Squires stated It ‘doesnt prectuge a member fam affering thelr postion but must qualify it by saying that this fs tei india positon ard not the postion ofthe City of Nevin Branch." Complete statement frm the altomey is parsgraph ‘Son page 7 of the City Council Minutes, January 26, 2016 ‘On March 16, 2015 auing the State and Local Goverment Committee heaing of Senate Bll 1085. Counelimember Bloemaust introduced and represented herself as a Counciimember ofthe Noth Branch City ‘Council. Counciimember Bloomguest fled to presenta disclaimer that she was at the hearing as a private cltzen, not as a representative o the Cy of Noth Branch. Ccounclimember Sloomaust chose to estegaed the Cty Attomey’s legal counsel, For the improper actions and flue to dsclosefcsclaim, I move the Ci of Noth Branch Cy Councl censure Counclmember Bloomauiest If consure passes, | thon move that Councimember Bloomquist be removed fram commission and committee appoiniments due to har demonstration of failure to represent the Counc as a whole and the ‘Councils pastions on matters conceming the Cl. Respect submited, oye Borcharst

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