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CHAPTER 2 ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS Let Q be a region and let 2, € 9. Let f£:93€ be a function. We say that £ has a de: ivative {'(z,) at 2, if the following limit 7 _ f(z) ~ flzo) Wo) = Mp, SD TEs) exists. If f has a derivative al every point in @, we say that £ is analytic (holomorphic) in 9. The sot of all analytic functions in 9 will be denoted by H(A). Plainly, if £, g € H(M), then f + g, f£.g €H(Q). Further, given £(2) 9, and g €H(%), then we have gof ¢ H(@) and (eof)! (2) = gE) (2) for ze a. Given any complex function f(z) with z= xtiy, let ulxyy) = Re £Getiy) vouy) = Im £Oeriy) denote the rea! and imaginary paris of f(z) respectively. Note that u(x.y) and v(x,y) are both real-valued functions of two variables x and y. THEOREM 2 (Cauchy-Rienann equations). Let f € H(Q). Then u(x.y) and v(x,y) have partial derivatives which satisfy the following equations ou ox 3y cam ~ 8x by Further, for 2%, (xg1¥g) € 2, we have £2) = BE Gerye) + 1H Ooi¥o) FE love) ~ 1FE Oe. ¥0) Proof. Let z= Oy.) €Q. Then we have £2) = £(2g) abaya) ~ w0%e.¥e) yy ¥G¥e) = _VlK Ve) z= By XS Re nme As f is analytic, the LHS tends to f’(z,) as xX —> Xo. It follows that Boe, yo) = lpg, ORYeds ubtes ve) exist and we have “ ov, £(24) = GE (Ko, Yo) + Lg lor Yo) a Similarly, considering z = (xo, iy) € Q, we have £(2) = £25). Vix, y) ~ v(Xo, Yo) _ y _UGor ¥) = Ul%o, Yo) z= 2 yo ¥> Vo : av au : and it follows that $¥- (tg, Yo) and Gy oy Yo) exist, and also 7 av. ou £1 (20) = GE Choy Yo) = 15y- Oos Yo) (2) Comparing (1) and (2), we obtain the Cauchy-Riemann equations. REMARKS. (1) In polar coordinates, the Cauchy-Riemann equations have the form: au 1 av (2) The converse of Theorem 2 is false. For example, the function f(z) = ¥|xy| z= Guy) satisfies the Cauchy-Rienann equetions at tn fact - ou = Xe, 0 = Meo, od = (0, 0) = Fe (0, 0) = alo, 0) By 6 0) 0 Bowever £/(0) does not exist. We have and if x= or, y= fr where a, B are non zero constants, the above tends to as 130. THEOREM 3. Let £: Q——»€ be a function such that ou Gu WN exist and are continuous in a neighbourhood of x! By! Ox! “By Zo = %e. Yo) €% If f satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations at that is, aa av FE Mor Vol = Fy Ker Yo) av = -* x, SB (evo) = - HE bos Yo) then the derivative f(z) exists. Proof. Let 2 = (x,y) ¢@. By the Mean Value Theorem, we have Ge, ¥) - Uke, Yo) = UG, y) = UK, YI + UlKes Y) ~ UL. Yo) = 8 Gg z Mee sy) ye = BO, y). Ge%s) + Boy) ye) and = 6" Vy) Ge) + Oey VORY) = VO%—s Yo) = BOR" yO) + FE Okey" Ye) where x’, x" lie between x, and x, but y’, y" lie between y, and y. Therefore we have F(z) - £(25) = £O4y) - FO, Yo) (ule) = Ulxes oI) + LivGay) = vbK.¥0)) = Be yoex) + FE lx, VIG.) + 1 Boer yiGerg) #1 FE Ore, yh Vyr¥e) = (Boe +i Boe 9] (o-%) + ily-yo) + Beet yrly-ve) + Ko, ¥-¥e) a 7 2a is + ARE Orory" Myryo) = ge *VIO-Ve) and so PEF) 2 Mp yg Mee yy e CX Gey) + OY 1) Yo BERD a Baty) + Ge ORY) «CE ORY) © Gp OD) EE a nye eye + AC GS Otory" Do ge Gy) Hence f(z) = £25) au wi La EGe) 4 Bi ero) 1G Herve) a8 Z —> Boy by the continuity of the partial derivatives and the Cauchy-Riemann equations EXAMPLE. Let @ = G\{xtiy : x 50, y = 0} Define the principle branch of log on Q by log z = log |2| + iargz (- ate) = na } 3 meee OP a ot +d *y, 2 #4 - ok") = E on(e-eg +2289 4.4 (net) dy*). £(z)-£(Zo) _ . EE eta Tt fottows that | SGA) ~ giz4) Eqlenlleze hE _ ant) oy = foto Elen BS pom? Jez] =n ele? W As p <4, the series £n?[cy|p%=2 converges. Letting z > Zo, i we obtain £/(z,) = g(z9). This completes the proof REMARK. Since f’ satisfies the same hypotheis as f does, the theorem applies to f/. Hence f£ has derivatives of all orders, each is representable by power series in @ and we have £09 (2) © Batt). (n-k#t Je, (2-a)rn which gives £6) (a) = ktoy EXAMPLE. The exponential function f(z) = e* is analytic in © and f/(z) = e? In the next Chapter, we shall prove the converse of Theorem 4, namely, every £ € H(Q) is representable by power series in 9. 12

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