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Numerology Psychomatrix Chart for

Oprah Gail Winfrey, Fri Jan 29 1954

Character (1) - 3
Energy (2) - 2
Interest (3) - 1
Health (4) - 2
Intuition (5) - 1
Labour (6) - 0
Luck (7) - 1
Duty (8) - 0
Memory (9) - 3
Purposeful (1-4-7) - 6
Family formation (2-5-8) - 3
Stability (3-6-9) - 4
Self appraisal (1-2-3) - 6
Finance (4-5-6) - 3
Talent (7-8-9) - 4
Spirituality (1-5-9) - 7
Sexual life (3-5-7) - 3

Character (1) - 3
In your psycho-matrix, number "1" stands for a person's determination. If you have this goal, you
are always determined and always striving to prove to others that you are right no matter what.

This is an interesting type of personality because there are two different characteristics involved. You get along well with
other people. You are able to have conversations with anyone. With this type of personality you do not seek to argue
with anyone, but you'd see the other person's point of view even if they are a person with a type "1" or "8" personality. A
person with a type "1" personality will usually have tendency to switch over to type "1 and 8", because there is not
necessarily a type "8" to begin with. People like this are usually very patient with others and gentle. This way of acting
can be sort of deceiving to some people though.
If you have a dominant personality then you should look for a partner who will obey you and is easy to influence. When
you are dominant, it is best to find a person with a type "11"personality to marry. Being with someone who is very patient
and who will listen to you would be the ideal partner. This would be someone who is of a type "111111" personality or
higher. The main goal for a person of this characteristic is to find a perfect spouse that is type "111" so that they can
easily influence or control them.
If you have this sort of personality then you need to be very careful not to let people run over you. People will notice
quickly and try to take advantage of you. You would pay the ultimate price for this, because then people will think they
can treat you the way that they want. Being soft spoken, people will always want to take advantage of you; so be careful
and show some confidence.
If you have a child who has the type "111" personality, you should make sure that you encourage them to stand up for
what they believe in. Sometimes it is up to the parent to raise their child in a way to help them to gain confidence; this is
paramount. Don't lecture your child too often about petty things because it could cause them to become insecure. Your
child will later remember these punishments and feel insecure with certain situations dealing with others. Your child will
also grow up thinking that it is okay to treat their children the same way.

Energy (2) - 2
Dating all the way back to the ancient days, the number 2 has always been seen as a number
which represents core energy. The number 2 often stands for human energy. Numerology 2 is the
energy that is used when family interacts with one another. The number 2 is used for social
What can be used when describing a person who is energetic? This is not a concept that is very
easy to explain. A human full of energy is capable of doing what is necessary regardless of his or
her feelings about those actions. The action that needs to be done may be accompanied with a number of barriers and
difficulties, yet the energetic person always has enough energy to overcome those and eventually succeed. Energy of
such a person is usually directed into:
a) Setting goals for yourself
b) Getting through the strategies and plans for that goal
c) Achieving your goals by following the plans that you have in store
Before we proceed, we need to talk about another important concept that relates to the number 2 digit. The energy that
a person has will determine how they communicate with a different person of another energy type. The number 2 will
determine what capabilities a person has to be able to communicate with someone else. The number 4 is a genetic
number that can be compared to the number 2. The number 2 paired with the number 4 shows how society can be
attracted to a person that is physically beautiful. The number 2 balances number 4 when it comes to looking at a
person's mental state of mind instead of just their outer beauty. Beautiful individuals generally use their looks and their
calm nature to get others to notice them; this is why they are so attractive to people.
During conversations, one person is typically the one who does all of the talking while the other basically listens to the
conversation. This is something that is important to remember and understand. How do we see which person is the one
who is taking over the conversation? This isn't something that would be difficult to figure out. The person who starts to
talk about the other person to hold their interest is the one who is in control of the conversation. The person who only
talks about himself is the one who is feeding off of the other person for attention. Generally, this is the way that a
conversation will go between two people with this type of personality.
Being intimate, drinking water, eating food, and having sex are obvious ways that a person can receive energy and
certain types of energy at that! There are those who also turn to narcotics and drinking alcohol to get the energy that
they want or need; but any return they get out of it they can damage nerves and the health of their bodies by doing this.
Now let's take into consideration what can happen with a person who has a number 1 in their psycho-matrix.
In case there is "22" in your psycho-matrix, you must know that you're fortunate. This is a normal amount of energy, a
"must have" for everyone. The energy of "22" is considered to be favorable for social contacts and productive activity.
You're communicative and cooperative, get on well with people around. People having this energy are good public
speakers, storytellers, lectors. You can set considerable goals, knowing that you have enough energy to achieve those.
With this energy, a person never tends to be lazy. If they show laziness, it has nothing to do with their energy - the
problem can be found in lowered self-esteem, lack of purposefulness or the like). Provided you have one or two
additional "4" in your psycho-matrix, you can go for some handicraft. This way, monotonous and boring labor is not a big
deal for you. If your psycho-matrix also includes many (two or more) digits of "3" and "5", you're an innate technician. An
occupation of a teacher can be advised only under condition of having a strong character provided with additional "111"
or "1111" in the psycho-matrix.
A person with sufficient energy is not the one avoiding confrontation. They will readily stand for their own interests should
it be necessary.
In terms of marriage, the person having "22" energy is the optimal partner for any other energy. The only thing which is
not advisable is the complete similarity of spouses' energies (both being "22"), but even then we can't say that such
marriage will be unsuccessful. The compatibility should be primarily tested in terms of individual characters. If your
character demands leadership, it would be better to be the one who donates energy - this way you have a chance to
become a leader without much problem. In this case a partner having "no-2", "2" or "222" energy is preferable. On the
other hand, if your character is weaker compared to your partner's one, it will all depend on you. If you can't stand to
obey the partner's power, you should search for someone who is weaker in terms of energy, and then he or she will
(sometimes) yield to you in return for the energy you will donate. Otherwise, if you give in to your future spouse, you may
search for a person with stronger energy like "22", "2222" and greater. Anyway, energy is not playing the main role in
your case.
What can be recommended for a person with "22" in psycho-matrix? This is the case when recommendations deal with
the question of using the energy instead of its cultivation or conservation. Remember, a person given a sufficient amount
of energy is capable of setting and achieving goals. However, they may need help in developing purposefulness and
raising self-esteem. Another point is not to let the energy be used promiscuously. It's important to direct it into revealing
all the person's abilities. That's exactly what energy is given for.

Interest (3) - 1
If you meet a person highly interested in science and technology, it is undoubtedly that they have a
"3" in the psycho-matrix. The thing is that not all people have the potential of revealing their talents
in science. If we take mathematics or physics (i.e. precise disciplines), then the required number
set is one of the following: 22, 55, 9 (or greater), 33 (or greater). Interest for humanitarian
disciplines doesn't require "3" to be present, though.
Basically, "3" is responsible for any kind of interest, not only the scientific kind. When analyzing the
influence of this digit, we should not forget that it can belong to one of several lines, namely the first column (1, 2, 3),
ascending diagonal (3, 5, 7) and the third row (3, 6, 9). In case the person's psycho-matrix doesn't include a few digits of
"5" or "9", the person may be not interested in science at all. The reasonable conclusion is that if the science isn't the
matter of interest of a "3" person, then something else is. In order to get an idea on what that interest can be, we need to
define which line the individual "3" exactly belongs to.
The first column (1, 2, 3) is responsible for the person's self-appraisal. If "3" belongs to this line, it can be stated that the
person cares too much about their self-esteem, which as a rule leads to overestimation of self. In its turn this leads to the
underestimating of others ("Many people are not as clever as I am"). Such a feature is usually recognized by the
person's greed for giving advice, although they usually have neither the knowledge nor the experience on the matter of
advice given. Along with "3", the psycho-matrix of such people usually includes one of the following set: "no-2", "2" or
"222", "no-5", "9".
The ascending diagonal (3, 5, 7) concerns sexual, flesh-originated, material interests. In other words, if the person's "3"
belongs in this line, their interests are limited to sexual adventures and money (note that money often loses to sex, since
earning money is much harder). Promiscuity in sexual relationships is the most certain sign of "3" belonging to ascending
The third row (3, 6, 9) is all about the person's stability. If "3" proves to be found in this line, the owner of such psychomatrix is "drowning" in their own habits (lots of those). They put a great amount of sense and importance into habits and
self-made rituals. What's worse, such a person will usually try hard to convince others to copy their habits. As a rule, the
ones who suffer this kind of obsession are people granted with power. Making their appearance in a new place, the first
thing they do is involve people around them into self-made habits and rituals. Obviously, this behavior suppresses
surrounding people, which means that a person having "3" belonging to the third row should never be appointed as an
executive or head manager. The absence of business and creativity skills in such people's character should never be
ignored while recruiting them for a particular job.
A single "3" in your psycho-matrix is an extremely versatile interest-generator. If you're a "3" person, you're not too far
from the humanitarian disciplines, at the same time you're not close enough to the precise disciplines. A good idea is to
find the golden middle and go for studies like biology, economy or law. However, this versatility, which is said to be the
main advantage of "3", is also its main disadvantage. This is for the reason that "3" doesn't concentrate the interest on
certain branch but spreads it over. That's why it is very important for you to choose the direction in order not to harm
yourself by being interested in everything yet nothing for real. Even those who are keen at science quit doing their
studies because they do not clarify their direction or branch and so their knowledge may be referred as "scattered pieces
of information". If you can't make your choice, you probably aren't interested in any branch, especially if "3" is combined
with weak energy of "no-2", "2", and "222".
You may be curious about why "Interests of a 'No-3' Person" section doesn't include a recommendation concerning
marriage and handling the character itself. The thing is that digit 3 has no significant influence on marriage (omitting the
influence of lines it may belong to). Now concerning handling the "no-3" and "3" character. There can't be any advice for
the reason that "3" doesn't denote a feature of character. It just defines the branch of interests of a person. Nothing can
be done about the innate set of interests predefined by the line to which "3" belongs. The other digits of psycho-matrix
also make their effect; refer to corresponding sections for recommendation regarding those digits. Can a person
strengthen their interest in a certain branch? Well, if they are hardly studying one of precise disciplines or techniques,
their "3" becomes more intensified. But the caveat is that it deliberately falls out of lines and the person loses the
features provided by those lines: stability, sexual interests, and self-appraisal.
Don't kid yourself by making up your nonexistent abilities and trying to be involved in the branch you're not interested in.
It's better to apply your talent to the branches you're good at. Don't try to convince yourself that you've done enough
already on one or another study. You are unaware of what you are capable of doing, having all your natural skills
The main reason of why children with "3" in psycho-matrix grow up unaware of their real personality is that parents didn't
know how to detect the interests of their child properly. So parents are strongly advised to avoid suppressing their child's
natural development, otherwise it leads to fading out of innate talents. Just because you think your child's talent is not
useful, that doesn't mean it is in fact not useful. Instead, find the club or school where they could find use of their own
talent and develop it.

Health (4) - 2
Do you think it is possible to depict the information on a person's health during their life just using
the data of psycho-matrix (the date of birth etc.)? Of course, it's not a matter of defining it as
"weak", "normal" or "strong" health - can we define more than that? Well, the answer is yes. And
the digit "4" is exactly the one responsible for a person's health. As a rule, people are careless
enough in health-related questions until "the lightning strikes" - they become sick, or suffer from a
periodic disease. And then it's the time to refer to effects and consequences of "4".
Before we pass to discussing features of "4", let's see where the roots of health prediction originated from. There was a
specialized numerological system in Ancient China. That system was combined with a scheme of organs' interaction
according to Wu-Sin (five principal elements). Later we will analyze this scheme in detail. The original Chinese
numerological scheme depicted correlation between organs included in Tjan (5 organs) and numbers between 5 and 9.
Nowadays, the modern interaction scheme is extended to depict the correlation of 10 organs. Only by means of analyzing
the "Scheme of health" may we get an idea on possible diseases that a person can have over time, estimate the strength
of particular organs and the organism as a whole.
As for digit "4", it is not capable of defining local weaknesses; neither can it highlight illnesses which a person is
vulnerable to, due to their energetic peculiarities. Basically, "4" is responsible for a person's body. Surprisingly, presence
(or absence) of "4" in one's psycho-matrix gives enough information to assume what a person may look like, how
attractive and physically strong they are; even without seeing or knowing anything else about this person. This fact
makes "4" even more interesting than the detailed "Scheme of health".
"4" belongs to following numerological lines:
a) The first row (1, 4, 7) - purposefulness of a person;
b) The second column (4, 5, 6) - financial support of a family.
Therefore, not only digit "4" can define overall body health; it can also answer the questions about the person's ability to
set and achieve goals and their potential of making their own family wealthy.
When it comes to estimating a person's health according to the amount of digits "4" in their psycho-matrix, this should
never be compared to the real health state of that person. If the subject is an extremely sick and suffering person, who is
unable to carry themself out of a problem, it's very probable that the problem is not solely medical and you should find
out what the energetic cause of the disease is. Now let's discuss what "energetic cause" stands for and what ways of its
detection exist. You see, there are diseases that start for no apparent reason. In such cases it's time to talk about not the
disease itself, but more complicated events that preceded and eventually caused it. Such diseases cannot be cured with
medicines or general practice. Following are the possible reasons of this:
1. Illness as a means of testing the person's strong features - kindness, tolerance, thoughtfulness (many digits of "7" and
"8" are present).
2. Disease is given as a punishment for offences made to parents, a widow, an orphan or a certain individual.
3. Loss of digits "8" and "7" during transitions: 8 transits to 11 losing 4; 7 transits to 6 losing 4 (or 22 instead of 4).
4. Illness caused by someone else's evil force or evil eye.
5. Illness given as a contradiction (a person insisted and told everyone that he or she will not ever get this certain
6. Disease acquired by a donor or extrasensory person, as a deal (explicit or concealed) with another person.
Your psycho-matrix includes two or more digits of "4", it can be stated that you have strong innate health along with a
well-built strong body. Besides, you're granted with a decent purposefulness, which makes way for setting goals and
achieving them. However, do not let yourself be overly obsessed by earning money for your family, since this interferes
with your own goals and often makes them unachievable.
You can become a professional sportsman. You're also well suited for physical labor; however, you should take other
numbers included in your psycho-matrix into consideration. For example, digit "6" is responsible for the interest for
physical labor, so it's better if you have two or more "6" for this matter.
A "44" (or greater) person is normally not susceptible to diseases and should never be ill. If this person nevertheless
gets some serious sort of disease, it's very probable that the cause of it lies in what we discussed above (list of 6
possible reasons).
In terms of relationship and marriage, digits of "4" show their influence by focusing on one's appearance. It's a wellknown fact that we choose our partner by estimating his or her appearance, more seldom is when we pay attention to the
partner's mind, and hardly ever we pay mind to sexual and temperament compatibility of partners. But if the features of
one's appearance and mind can be revealed in a relatively easy way, the things get complicated when we try to find out
whether the partners' tempers are compatible or not. The thing is that there is a good tradition of saving the virginity until
wedding day, and thus it is impossible to test the temperament compatibility in terms of intimacy (which undoubtedly is
very important in marriage). It is good of young people to respect this tradition, and even better is that Numerology allows
knowing the peculiarities concerning temperament without need of breaking that tradition. Just analyze flesh-related
diagonals of each partner (3, 5, 7), and everything will be set straight. Now, suppose that one of the partners have many
digits of "4", which provides they have a beautiful body, but their flesh-related diagonal is weak. There could be a
problem with this if the other partner is much stronger in terms of temperament. Looking for the right partner, do not trust
solely on their appearance, as it may be misleading. Strong arms or wide shoulders do not guarantee that the person's
sexual activity is on the same level. Digit "4" has nothing to do with a person's intimate life, so be sure to take a look at
flesh-related diagonal (3, 5, 7). It's advised that the husband should be stronger than the wife by 1 digit or have the
equal amount of digits on this diagonal.

Intuition (5) - 1
In psycho-matrix, digit "5" is responsible for a person's logical skills and intuition, which determines his
or her abilities to make plans and analyze situations; it also signifies keenness in precise disciplines
and techniques. The digit "5" occupies the central position in psycho-matrix, which means that along
with its primary characteristics, it also has auxiliary influence. That is due to the fact that "5" belongs to
four lines which may interfere with it:
1) the second column (4, 5, 6) - prosperity of the family;
2) the second row (2, 5, 8) - "family guy" features;
3) flesh-related diagonal (3, 5, 7) - flesh-originated interests, intimate life;
4) spiritual diagonal (1, 5, 9) - spiritual (religious) life.
The strong logical skills of a person are hardly ever expressed directly, because most of the time "5" is captured by one
of the first three lines listed; however it rarely becomes captured by the spiritual diagonal (in such a case a person can
become a religious fanatic).
Virtually nothing can be done to improve your intuition (the ability to make decisions with awareness of the consequences
beforehand) since it's typically innate. Sometimes a person doesn't know how to use this ability, though. As for logical
skill, it can be explained as an ability to make consistent and reasonable conclusions which guide the person towards
right decisions. By the way, it often happens that we assume people without "5" in their psycho-matrix to be logically
skilled. This mistake is caused by the fact that such people surely have many digits of "9" - thus they can use their
excellent memory to recall similar situations they have encountered, and make the right decisions based solely on
experience. It can be said that the presence of two digits of "9" can make the same effect as one "5".
As for digit "5", the strong logical skill provided by it helps the person to recollect the information split into many pieces by
uniting those. That greatly improves the person's memory, so we may say that the presence of two digits of "5" in the
psycho-matrix has the same effect as an additional "9". That's exactly the way a number transition occurs - "55" transits
to "9", and "99" transits to "5".
People whose psycho-matrix includes two or more digits of "5" become a little dull, since they separate all their thoughts
and conclusions to numerous steps which are often preceded by a long introduction, which is disliked by people around
them, especially those lacking "5". Looking for a partner for a relationship or marriage, it's important to testify that
difference in the amount of digits "5" doesn't exceed 1, and it would be better if the husband had the greater amount. It's
crucial to understand that lines can empower the digit "5". As we already discussed, "5" may belong to four different lines
which may empower it in the way the person wants it to.
If there is a single digit of "5" in the psycho-matrix, logical skill is present, yet it is very low and hardly any better than that
of a "no-5" person. The only notable difference comes up for persons that have many digits of "3" and "9" simultaneously
(two of each and more). A stiff interest for techniques and precise disciplines pushes people towards studying those,
while an excellent memory collects examples of logical behavior, which has good results in improving the memory. During
one's lifetime a person is capable of cultivating an additional "5" (transition: "99" transits into additional "5").
Before you get your child oriented towards precise disciplines, pinning hope on a newly acquired digit "5", you should
look through his or her psycho-matrix and make sure that your child has enough energy for scientific occupation ("22",
"2222" or greater), a good character for studies ("111" or "1111") and a strong memory ("99" or "9999" and greater).
The most important thing you should realize is that every person is unique. Don't make your child change his or her mind
according to your interests or the time's trends - this will result in losing another talent and suppressing genius within the

Labour (6) - 0
Digit "6" is one of the most controversial and complicated numbers within the Numerological
system. Right before we move on to describing its characteristics, it's worth mentioning a wellknown commentary regarding this number. Remember the passages in the Bible under Johan the
Apostle's Revelation? An exact numeral, namely 666, is stated there as "the number of beast" and
"hominid number. "So nowadays "666" is known as a beast's or Satan's number. Do you feel like
we're entering the world of legends and tales? Let's find out how close it is to common sense.
For every aspect of this world there is always the corresponding opposite, and they both are set against each other.
Examples are: truth-lie, small-big, right-wrong, soft-hard, water and flame, Good and Evil, God and Satan. Opposite
concepts supplement each other as two sides of the truth. That's all there is to it: if there is God, in the same way there is
Satan. But what about that part of Johan the Apostle's Revelation that states "666" to be a "hominid number?" Consider
this simple idea: if God and Satan are equal in power, then why would God create the world, but Satan (as a
representative of destructive force) cannot destroy it? I think we can treat those words literally: Satan (number "666") is
an image or sign that belongs to people. Knowing that, we may find a way to secure ourselves and our nearest ones from
the effects of this sign if it appears in the psycho-matrix. The methods of securing it will be discussed later.
If you look closely at all numbers together, you will easily notice that digits "6" and "9" are similar in their notation, and
this is for a reason. Digit "9" is responsible for one's memory and mind, which are always devoted to accumulation of
knowledge directed towards experience and wisdom. As for digit "6", it copies basic features of "9" (mind, knowledge), but
"transverses" the goals: a person becomes a forgetful relative to his or her nearest ones; a person's mind works towards
power by means of suppression, humiliation and eventual extinction of another personality (not to be confused with
murder, a person stays alive, yet his or her personality is completely destroyed). The knowledge concerning means of
affecting personality, psychics, breaking one's health and vitality (including murder) has been accumulated for ages.
Such knowledge acquired a status of "dark" and the people familiar with that knowledge are called "warlocks".
Now let's examine the minor meaning of digit "6" - interest for physical labor. There is a very simple explanation of this
aspect: in the early ages works in the field were performed by means of collaboration of a man and a horse. Now what is
the total count of legs within that partnership? Amazing yet simple, isn't it?
But why is the interest for physical labor just a minor meaning of "6?" The reason is that it often loses to the interest for
power and "dark knowledge". In other words, personality is grounded and suspended by power.
One doesn't have interest for physical labor if he or she lacks digit "6" in the psycho-matrix. Such a person is a reluctant
worker, who does physical labor only under force or by necessity. In rare cases a "no-6" person can make it as a favor or
tribute to another person. Such people are closer to the arts and sciences. It's pointless to suggest they go for physical
labor as they won't ever become good workers. They primarily imagine any given task as it is already completed, seeing
an excellent result. For this reason they work accurately, in a slow pace, overly drowning in detail. But it shouldn't be
confused with love of labor, as such people are not time-efficient and are only interested in getting the result which
satisfy them personally. They are most interested in the arts and sciences, the specific branch can be highlighted with
other numbers present in the psycho-matrix. If, along with absence of "6" the person has "no-2", "4" or greater, "9", "no5" - the winning option is dancing (doing ballet), since such person is agile and has a strong body. The occupation of an
actor is recommended if we slightly change the above set: "no-6", "no-2", "4" or greater, "99". Provided with strong
energy, one can succeed in music: "22", "2222" or greater. Painting requires purposefulness together with energy,
therefore the optimal set is: "22" or greater, "111" or greater.
"No-6" persons also tend towards scientific studies, but not related to techniques. Depending on other numbers in
psycho-matrix, it can be advised to stick to humanitarian disciplines ("no-6", "no-5" and "9"), or to precise ones ("no-6",
"55" or greater, "9").
Suppose your child (primarily concerning girls) is having an interest in handicraft: sewing, making clothes; carpentry (for
boys). Is there anything to be done about that interest? Well, you need to develop the child's will to become a master of
their occupation so the level of his or her handicraft is art rather than merely being a hobby. Remember hand-made
carpets: an extremely difficult and precise work which makes every carpet a masterpiece that is comparable to, say, a
museum-grade picture or sculpture. Carpentry may also become an art if we think about carved furniture, mosaics etc.
Never strive to suppress your children's interests. The main concept is to help a child to be revealed as a master who
creates masterpieces. There's no point in avoiding such occupations as dancing, acting, singing, or playing music. Think
of Al Pacino - can you imagine the cinema world without this great actor?
Now what if your kid shows an interest in sports? First, you need to estimate the strength of his digits of "4" (health) in
order to find out how serious this interest is. Professional sports are not advised unless your child has "44" or greater.

Luck (7) - 1
Historically, this number has been associated with good luck and often meant the sign of an angel.
Number 7 is a sign of luck, which can be granted only by supernatural forces and not earned by your
actions or skills. And people did not treat only the number itself as a 'special one,' the same was with
the 7th day of the week - Sunday. In many religious cultures people prayed on Sundays and asked for
solutions to problems or asked for luck in important events.
But let us go back to our topic. Yes, number 7 is related to success, but did you not ever wonder how it works? The old
explanation of the number was based on the following: amount of '7s,' which were present in the matrix of a person, and
signified the number of guardian angels this person had. This is not the best explanation and the picture itself is not a
clear one to imagine, but we had to mention this explanation in order to compare it to the actual meaning.

Human nature is very complex and often it is just impossible to explain why a person behaves the exact way they do, or
why there are no two identical people with similar characteristics. The world is too large and diverse; it is impossible to
explain every aspect of our life and behavior. Each one of us has our own mind, differing world views and talents given at
When we were creating schools for children to develop their abilities and interests, we could not determine for a long time
what the cause to make a child learn was. It is extremely hard to make a child sit calmly for about 40 minutes and teach
him something. If you want to do that you better have a strong reason, which you will need to tell the child as a
justification. And this justification has to be understandable for a child - do not use such rationales as 'your parents will
be pleased,' 'it will have a great influence on your future' or 'you just need to do it.' The answer is hidden in something
more global.
A good example of differing world views may be presented by a famous parable telling about three old blind men who
were presented an elephant and had to describe what it looks like. None of them had ever seen an elephant in their life,
but each was claiming to be the wisest. They all were taken to the animal and given only one part to be examined: one of
the old men was given the elephant's trunk, another examined its tail, and the third one put his arms around the huge
legs of the animal. After this the old men were asked 'What is an elephant?'
The first old man told that the elephant was like a big strong snake, the second one tried to prove that it was like a rope long, strong, and shaggy, and the third old blind man thought the elephant was a big and tall column.
Can these wise men be called fools? Surely no! The reason was - they studied only part of an object and did not see the
picture as a whole. This is very similar to how all people study the surrounding world and what tools they use. Many
things and events in life cannot be fully examined and understood by a pair of eyes and a pair of arms. Everything is
more complex. Mother Nature did a great amount of work and put a piece of knowledge about herself in each of us. Each
of these pieces is unique and grants every owner special talents and abilities. The task of every person is to understand
and develop those talents and abilities. Nobody else but you is responsible for discovering and developing your inner
Sometimes one life is just not enough for a person to discover himself, but in the second or third life he will surely release
life's potential. It takes about 100 years to discover and develop what nature has put into one person. After the death of
one person this knowledge is transferred to another person, who was just born? That is the proof that every one of us is
undoubtedly special!
Surely you must have felt that you are special and somehow different from other people. It is just the right feeling, and
what you have to do now is to analyze whether or not you have released your true potential and knowledge. Besides
basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, and reproduction, Nature has given you inner wisdom and a unique mind so that
you can live better and develop your abilities and strengths. When you are a grown-up and there came a time to give the
younger generation advice about life, teach how to solve problems or become better - think first: have you first released
your potential? Because your advice may not be the right one otherwise ? All knowledge we get at schools, colleges or
universities are important tools to understand the surrounding world and, what is more important, ourselves. Gathered
knowledge is the 'passkey' needed to open the 'door' to all treasures and wonders hidden in our mind.
Unfortunately, nowadays most teachers and tutors use old-fashioned education methods, which are not helpful for selfdiscovery. Ideally, teaching methods and programs should be changed in a way to help us determine what is more
interesting to us. It is not fair if a person has a strong interest in science, but is taught arts at school or college. He will
not succeed in this sphere, because it is not corresponding to his talents and abilities, inherent in our nature. Sometimes
it is enough just to believe in a child and help him learn the way he wants to. Inner feelings and intuition will guide the
There was an interesting fact, even mentioned in the Bible. Humans may have lived far longer than we do now -the first
man Adam is said to have lived for 930 years, and Noah lived even longer - 950 years. There were many scientific
studies which proved that human organs have enough energy to serve for about 900 years. And why did people start to
grow older? It is because they started to plan their lives and observed the nature: how animals became older, died, and
new ones were born. The secret of long life is easier than you think - do not make plans, just live for today. Tomorrow
everything will be fine. Introduction of such terms as 'birth date' and 'being x years old' led human beings to grow old.

Historically, our whole life was divided into several distinctive stages with clear tasks. In childhood we play games and
learn basic skills, youth is always associated with education and first application of acquired skills. Puberty is the time
when young families are created, middle-age is for giving birth and raising children, maturity is the time to strengthen the
family and creation of material wealth, old age is related to raising grandchildren, and elder age is the time when
acquired property is transferred to children and grandchildren, and preparation for upcoming death. There is only one
way to extend life - you should take care of every stage, take the maximum out of it and make it longer. The most
important stage is childhood, because during it a person acquires most knowledge and makes important discoveries.
Education and preparation to release inner potential fully depends upon our mind, how we use, treat, and develop it. If
the childhood stage could be extended, a person would have more time to gain knowledge (which is so crucial for selfdiscovery). Famous scientist, Albert Einstein, told that he had discovered the Theory of Relativity only because he
always stayed a child deep inside.
Long life is given to a person for self-revelation and development. As soon as he finds out the right sphere the
development starts. But if a person sets boundaries of knowledge he will get, the process of growing older begins. Nature
thinks that the person has fulfilled his role and does not need to develop anymore. Unfortunately, very often we judge
our worthiness by what others think about us, forgetting about tasks and responsibilities given at birth. Learning is the
key to development and well being. Also you will not grow old so fast, because as far as you think and reflect the events
of the outer world.
Modern scientific and technological discoveries are regulated by a group of people who think they are so important and
can control all the discoveries in various areas. This is totally unacceptable; true knowledge is not developed in a
vacuum. Most important discoveries belong to geniuses who did not care about public opinion.
Finally, we are up to the point to discuss the meaning of number 7, so important and influential for everyone's life task.
More and more frequently we face the situations when Nature has actually corrected the birth dates of people, allowing
predetermined numbers in psycho-matrix. Therefore, a person is born with specific talents and areas of interest. That is
why psycho-matrix is the most important determinant of a person's destiny - it has to be carefully examined and used for
unleashing the inner potential.
People who have number 7 in their psycho-matrix are occupying a special position in this list. The Nature itself was
interested in discovering and exploring such people.
Let us look at an example. Suppose that famous scientist I. Newton was born 200 or 300 years earlier or later, then his
discovery would've changed the technology progress and our history, because all mechanics, physics, and other
technical disciplines are based on his discoveries. He was meant to make the discovery when it was necessary most of
all. In some people's minds there is important knowledge, which will eventually lead to great discoveries. Special people
have their own communication channel with Nature: they use numbers 0 and 7 for those purposes. Zero is a sign of a
person, who is meant to make a discovery in predetermined area. As for number 7 - it means that person had important
data in his mind, which will be very useful during their life and vital for some discoveries. The Nature itself protects such a
person; that is where all good luck comes from. The more 7s a person has in his matrix - the more important role he has.

If the person has just one number "7" in his psycho-matrix, it means that he has insignificant fortune. This type is rather
weak; he is protected from failures, but just a little.
It is necessary to help the child to open himself if he has just one "seven" in his psycho-matrix. An important thing is to
open his preferences as early as it is possible. To find out his strong and weak sides is to avoid some unpleasant things
and accidents. It is necessary to notice important things for self-perfection of your child. To put the energy for
enhancement of weak features is not a good choice. It is more clever and rational to develop the strong suits of the child.
There is just one reason to work on weak sides - if they disturb and hinder the person.
If at least one "7" appears in the psycho-matrix it is obligatory for the person to open his potential in the definite direction.
But, the choice of direction is rather wide thanks to one "7". As soon as a person takes a step in a wrong direction, his
failures indicate that it is the wrong way. Exactly which range of "ways" and "directions" are the reasons of difficulties in
making a choice. The main recommendation here is to feel your heart and follow its instructions.
Having one 'seven' in your psycho-matrix does not mean to relax. Do not think that you are completely protected of all
troubles. All depends on you and just on you. It is always necessary to control yourself as for call of duty, tolerance and
kindness. Remember, please, that passage from number "6" to "7" exists. To that end people may lose not just fortune,
but also health.
It often happens that the person meets many troubles on his way, has difficult financial situations. Destiny does it
especially to activate the intellectual abilities of a person and to show that person what he can do, his forces. You will
have fortune, financial stability and power as soon as you do many useful things for other people. I'll remind you one
more time that the preservation of "seven" depends on your relation to your parents and your feelings towards them. It
appears as a conflict if you have one or more "6" in your matrix, as well as the conflict between features for which they
are responsible.

Duty (8) - 0
Digit "8" is responsible for kindness, tolerance and feeling of duty regarding parents and relatives.
These are important things to which we have to pay more attention. We can call "8" one of the
most important digits. All the psycho-matrix depends on it. Many features of character depend on
the presence of "8".
Composing the list of close relatives we see that there are eight: mother, father, brother or sister,
wife, son, daughter, father-in law, mother-in-law. You have special relationships and feelings
towards these people. That is why exactly "eight" is responsible for several of the most important features of a person.
But parents are the focal point on this list. We did not choose them, but they gave us life.
We are not always tolerant of our relatives; however, they are the closest people to us. We can be tolerant in society
when we need to be. We can be tolerant with clients of the company we work in. We can be tolerant with our boss, the list
of tolerance goes on. We often speak about this particular feature of our character. Different people understand it in
different ways. Somebody thinks that it means submission. Others think that it is silence and compliance. But tolerance
means the ability to be tolerant of the person near you and to his or her habits, wishes and opinions. In writing examples
of tolerant behavior, we did not say that tolerance is necessary in that situation. The same is with parents and relatives.
Try to understand that every person has his own weaknesses and imperfections. By the way, you are not perfect, either.
The other people are forbearing with you. You have to be the same. Sometimes maybe you think something like: "Why
do I have such parents? It would be better if they are?" But, if Nature gives you one thing, you can't have another: if
Nature gives to the person great health and high intellect, it will not give a slim body or beauty. All is in balance in this
There are no ''eights'' on matrixes. Is this a positive or negative thing? Let's make some philological analysis of this
situation. First of all, we can say that if a person has a raw temper, it means that the force of his temper describes only
his own 'ones.' For example, if a person has one or two 'ones' in his matrix and has no 'eights,' then we can say that
those two matrices are very similar. Those people are weak-willed and egotistical; they want to fight for their opinion
using any means necessary, but they don't want take responsibility. The difference between those two types of consents
is seen in the next fact: a person who has two ''twos'' demands praise, and this is a reason why such people often chose
a profession where they can show themselves and receive that praise (which they need so much). If we are talking about
tolerance of such people, the only reason why they are tolerant is a weak will; they just cannot overwhelm other people,
but because of their own interests they don't take part in conflicts. As we see from this example such a person can bear
another person nearby, but this is a consequence of kindness or tolerance ? it's just a weak will and indifference to
another person, and often it could be fear of conflicts.
At that moment when the sum of 'ones' overcome two, we can say that all three or even more ''ones'' in silent condition
makes temper turn in new quality, when every couple of 'ones' gives 'eight'. A person becomes gentler, more tolerant;
the kind that is corresponding to his silent condition. For example, if a person has a "11111" temper, in silent conditions
he becomes ''1 and 88". Such a turn helps him to get additional 22, and that secure person's energy and his health. One
thing that you have to remember in conversation with such a person: if they don't have "eight' in their matrix they don't
know how to resist other people's pressure, and often this factor becomes a reason for an emotional blow and conflicts.
To cultivate obligation in a person who has no ''eights,'' you have to know a very simple chain of reasons and
consequences. If his parents behave as their parents did, if they are tolerant, that person will receive their temperament
from them, irrespective of the number of 'eights.' In a situation when the parents turn aside from their own ''sons-duty,''
their children will receive that temperament irrespective of 'eight's' force. We can confidently say that numbers 'eight'
totally depend on a person's (which you examine) parents. Before you will reproach your child for stubbornness - look at

Memory (9) - 3
The presence of number "nine" shows your clairvoyance, memorizing and intellectual skills. Let me
explain why out of all numbers, this number indicates those qualities. Each number's characteristics
are connected with the characteristics of the preceding number. The number that is before number
"nine", is number "eight", and as we already know, number "eight" stands for the sense of duty to
the relatives and especially parents. After our parents die we all suffer a lot and our suffering later
transforms to remembrance. Since number '9' goes after 'eight,' after sense of duty, goes memory.
If you speak about some person who is very clever, you say that he is open-minded. Or when we say that person is smart
and knows a lot, we mean that he remembers and keeps a lot of information in his mind. Well, here is another trick. If a
person is very smart and clever, he is not wise.
Let's speak about such a characteristic as clairvoyance. A person who is clairvoyant has a big storage of knowledge in
his mind. He knows a lot and has seen a lot, has had great experiences. A person with such experience can make a
prediction relying on facts and situations that he has already seen or remembers. For example, in some situations he can
predict the result based on a similar situation that has already happened to him in his life.
It is necessary to keep in mind that number "nine" is present in three rows that stand for different characteristics and can
influence on this number. For example, third row stands for stability, and if number "nine" happens to be in a third row,
that can cause lack of intellect and memory. This person can remember lots of small things and habits that are not
important and can just be garbage to his memory and mind. The third column stands for talent. A decreasing diagonal is
a line of spirituality that stands for a person's spirituality. Of course, excessive spirituality usually can be a cause of
religious interests or passionate fanaticism. A person who has a good memory can be hypnotized with a lot of information
in some field that can get his common sense switched off. If there are numbers 22 or more in your psycho-matrix, and
number nine is in decreasing diagonal, it is also advisable to have a good power of energy to get a possibility of you
having clairvoyant skills.
Still, with number nine in your psycho-matrix, you have to develop your memory from childhood.
A person who has three "nines" in his psycho-matrix, despite a very good memory, discovers a new sense in himself. It is
another sense for what number "nine" is responsible for: clairvoyance. Let's analyze this sense. The way of clairvoyance
can be different; it depends a lot on the energy of a person. If a man has a lot of "nines" in his psycho-matrix, but there is
only one number "two", it is a person with poor energy. He has a comparative sense of clairvoyance. It means that he
remembers some situation that has happened to him before and makes an assumption on how this problem will be
resolved, by remembering how it happened before. This type of clairvoyance is usually not reliable.
If a person with lots of "nines" in his psycho-matrix has two or more number "two", this is a person with a strong energy.
He can join the information field, because of his good memory. This big amount of information should not only be kept,
but also be organized in his head, not to be washed away. He has to control what he remembered and what it connected
Usually, clairvoyance interrupts person's way of seeing reality and disperses his memory. Sometimes, when making a
prediction, clairvoyants can make mistakes and give wrong results of what they saw. It happens because they can only
see a shape of the situation or just an outline of an event. Sometimes they can just say the time of completion, but they
cannot say how the problem will be resolved. So, if we compare characteristics for "99" and "999", we can say that a
person with two nines has better memory.
A sign of prophet are people who have in their psycho-matrix compositions "9999" or "99999". Usually their predictions
and forecasts come true with fine precision. These are the people who found out about their sense a long time ago and
developed it very carefully. They didn't let any other numbers in their psycho-matrix to be dominant, and didn't let their
"nines" get absorbed by other lines.
You should be attentive when you find out that your child has a sense of prophet. Be aware that you are responsible for
discovering his clairvoyant qualities. In the following we will give you some advice on how to make such a discovery.
From the moment you found this out, you should help him to assign a scope of interests and to set a priority on
improving himself in this field. Once you have started it, you should control him, when a potential in this field will reach a
very high level. You will see how the situation will change. Hard work in this sphere will help him to obtain an access to
the information field, where he can exchange information with those who have the same gift. He can receive this data
from their information field by means of vision or in his dream. Usually this data appears in the form of shapes and
symbols. First it will be hard for him to understand what it means. So you should not look up the meaning of a vision or of
a dream in a dream book. Once he received first information, he should begin to make his own dictionary of signs, in
order to use it after when he will receive the similar vision. You should always support your child and trust him, because
he knows a lot. The main thing for him is that he should be confident in himself and trust his feelings, dreams, visions and

Purposeful (1-4-7) - 6
The numbers 1, 4, and 7 are numbers that all represent a person's ability to achieve his objectives
or succeed in something he planned. They also represent how a person is able to explain his point
of view. In general, these numbers show just how self-motivated the person is. Now, let's see what
you have in the first row.
When there are six or more numbers in your first row, it means that sometimes you overestimate your abilities. You set
up goals that are too hard to achieve or several goals at once, which can slowdown the way to it.

Family formation (2-5-8) - 3

The second row (2, 5, 8) shows the family attitude, desires on family formation, a feeling of being in
a family. Let's analyze this character reference:
Three numbers ? you are torn between the wish to quickly have a family or to not have one at all. Better go to the Civil
Registry Office once you decide to get married, because you might never get married to at all.

Stability (3-6-9) - 4
The third row (3, 6, 9) specifies the stability of the character. For example what fears, affections or
habits do you have?
Four or five numbers in the third row stand means you are very conservative. You are very hard to
convince to change a job or location. You usually stay in the same place or position for a lifetime. You are usually boring
in your habits.

Self appraisal (1-2-3) - 6

Although the first column in Numerology is commonly characterized in literature as the column of
selfish qualities, my opinion is that it appeals to the strength of an individual's self-esteem. Figures 1,
2 and 3, which comprise the first column, are accountable for the aspiration to be a vivid personality,
i.e. to be distinguished from one's peers. In fact, selfish qualities are represented by a variation of
digit 1, and not by the remaining column figures. As for the self-esteem, it's quite undoubtedly that
any gifted and clever person needs to have relatively high self-esteem as a prerequisite for attaining
fulfillment in their life. If someone still insists on using the term "selfish" for describing properly developed self-esteem, I
suggest adding explanation that in this instance we're talking about "healthy selfishness". You may argue that the
boundary between "healthy" and "unhealthy" selfishness is blurry, but regardless you should understand that selfesteem is connected to selfishness, so there can't be one without a portion of the other.
Six digits in a line or greater: the first thing to warn such a person about is that their self-esteem is overloaded. They
ignore their true abilities in preference of appearance and exterior. Such a person's priority is to demonstrate their look,
and not their content.

Finance (4-5-6) - 3
Very sophisticated and active figures: 4 - health, 5 - logic and intuition, 6 - a tendency to physical
labor and skill - together make up the second column. All three figures require a human will to put
enormous efforts to reveal their complete potential. Think about it: can it be effortless to stick to a
certain diet, to really care for health, or make long-term and realistic plan, perform physical labor?
If the numbers that make up this line require the participation of strong-willed people, the whole line
cannot do without it either. Combining these three qualities is characteristic of the second column the aspiration of man to financial independence, arrangement of his life, providing for the family financially.
Three figures usually belong to people who can work on impulse. Their principle is to work quickly to earn enough for a
certain period then have a period of rest, and then work again.

Talent (7-8-9) - 4
Pythagoras Square's third column, namely numbers from 7 to 9 is responsible for human talent; the
more numbers, the more talent. This does not necessarily mean that if this line is very strong (4 or
more digits included), then people will definitely be talented. Remember, the disclosure of talent is
influenced by many figures and line Pythagoras' Square: nature, self-esteem, commitment, energy,
health, luck, and others. It is a combination of many characteristics and efforts of the person given
the goal.
It is very important to identify the area of application of a person's forces. Do not seek to go with the flow of life. There is
a list of "fashionable" professions: lawyers, bankers, company president, economist, etc. All of them have not been
identified as talented people, but people who provide prosperity for themselves and their loved ones. Before you advise
your child to choose the "money-giving" profession, think about their future. Refer to some historical information.
A person's value in the epoch they are living in is not determined by one's post, but by their talent. Develop your child's
talent and they'll be thankful if you do not suggest to them the idea that having a talent is secondary, while the main thing
is money and material sufficiency.
The world is populated with a lot of talented people who didn't reach fulfillment. Actually, around 85 to 90% of the world's
inhabitants of the planet are talented. Before you stop the development of your child's interests, look at your own figures
and ask yourself: Were you able to discover your capabilities and inclinations? If not, spare your child a chance, give him
the opportunity to enter the Earth's history, and give yourself the opportunity to help them do it.
One fundamental principle lies in understanding that each person is unique and is responsible to Nature (I have already
said repeatedly, and I want to keep this simple thought hard to forget). We are all responsible for ourselves and our
children for future generations. Each undiscovered talent will pull a whole chain of "unrevealed" people - these people
will return to barbarism, war, terror, hate each other, the desire to turn everything around. Learn how to be responsible
for yourself!
Just think why we still choose a normal or a "better" school, kindergarten, doctor, teacher for our children... The fact is
that more and more talented people go where they are paid and not where their talent is crucially needed. If any person
could occupy the post they were born to, then we would have strong financiers, managers, state machinery, and many
other places will take responsible people who know the technology and deeply understand the production process. Then
there will be no problem about where best to go. Everyone will get an occupation that will be favorable for revealing their
As for family stability, this line makes no significant influence.

Spirituality (1-5-9) - 7
Considering Pythagoras' Square, you must evaluate and correlate the mutual influence of the two
diagonals (carnal and spiritual). It is their relationship which will play a key role in the strength of each
line. Assessing the effect of each line, we can say that the following is important for a human's family:
their interest in the spiritual principles of the partner or the material side (flesh, including the sexual
Descending diagonal contains the numbers one, five, and nine. It is responsible for the spirituality of
man, his aspiration to spiritual intimacy and the higher principle - God, supreme intelligence, etc. The growth of human
spirituality increases with the number of digits in that line. It can be stated that the spirituality of an individual increases
gradually from the lack of spirituality in the absence of digits to a maximum at five figures.
If this line contains more than five digits (6 or more), then we'll talk about the overloading of the quality which most often
leads to fanaticism and idolatry, when all human norms are beginning to be distorted beyond recognition, taking its total
opposite of what looks more like a lack of spirituality than divine origin. Fanaticism in its higher stage is always spiritless,
because it does not allow other viewpoints.

Sexual life (3-5-7) - 3

Ascending diagonal, namely figures three, five, and seven, defines carnal human interests: the
temperament of sexual life.
The intimate life of an individual, his temperament and the need for intimacy are all dependent on the
ascending diagonal. This issue is the primary crucial in terms of a long-term successful and warm
relationship. If a proper match-up is not observed among partners, it often leads to family breakdown
due to incompatibility of temperament.
Although the next table is a joke, it reflects the difference in the strength of temperaments fairly well. So, provided that a
person possesses in their carnal (ascending) diagonal:
No figures - a person believes it is not necessary to be distracted by this subject matter
1 digit - 1 time a year will do
2 digits - maybe 2 times a month will satisfy one's needs
3 digits - 3 times a week are hardly enough
4 digits - unsatisfied unless 4 times a day
5 digits - 5 times per hour (remember this is a joke!)
6 digits or more - well, it couldn't be any bigger, needs the partner of similar enormous temperament
Now let's discuss it in a more serious fashion.
2 and 3 digits signify an ordinary temperament. A person can have intimacy every day, but if not possible, they can wait
calmly long enough.

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