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Americans Receive Checks From Massive Class Action Setdement" June 13,2013, The second issue deals with schools keeping the facts from our youth. Much


the history that children are taught is either sugar-coated or distorted in order to disguise the fact
that this country was founded on greed. A great example of this is Christopher Columbus, on

october the 12s we celebrate a man who "discovered" America. But to discover something
would require for that thing or place or idea to not be known ofat all or be inhabited by anything

living or breathing (excluding plant life). Eric Foner points out that Columbus landed in the
Bahamas and never stood foot in what is the main continent
Vespucci, was

of America. The explorer Amerigo

the fint European to make himself known in the grcater continent of South

America in 1499 (Give Me Liberty!: An American History EA. a, p.

Grade, students leam about the

l9). Arotmd

Mittlott3 41d lsually required to create

report about it and what occurred

tiere. Bartolome

the Fourth

Mission and write a

de las Casas, In Defense ofthe Indians

(1550), de las Casas writes about the horrendous acts upon the Native Americans and claims that
they must be saved by Christianity but what he does not do is inform how he will enforce

Christianity upon them. The Natives were being stripped of their identities and being killed otr
physically and culturally. In "sociopolitical Aspects of the 1775 Revolt at Mission San Diego de
Aalcala: An Ethnohistorical Approach" Richard L. Carrico points out that the Native Americans

of San Diego had had enough of the Spanish invasion and did their part in resuming to their
traditional ways ( The Gold Rush is idolized as a movement that
attracted many immigrants for riches and labor but the blood shed is mysteriously absent.
Professor Edward Castillo informs us that there was much violence and killings of the Native

Americans as the rush for gold continued in the mid-l800s

Indian History



Short Overview of California


During my Elementary education, I was told all of the presented above and about the

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