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Teacher: Amber Couch

Lesson Title: Found Object Steam Punk Sculpture

Grade: 10-12
Duration: 1-1 1/2 weeks
Summary: Students will create a found object sculpture using elements form the steam
punk art genre.
Rational: According to Piaget, students in this age group are capable of abstract thinking.
Using found objects to create an assemblage sculpture requires students to use this
abstract thinking ability to create an interesting sculpture by making something, in
essences, out of nothing.
Objective:Students will create a found object sculpture using elements from the steam
punk genre. Students will make the sculpture at least 12 inches long, or 12 inches high
using some mechanical reference to technology or historical reference form the late
Victorian era around 1880s.
NVA:NVA 1: B) Know the differences between materials, techniques, and
NVA 4: C) Demonstrate how history, culture,and the visual arts can influence
each other in making and studying works of art

Wire of various gauges

Found objects from students
Gears, broken tech objects
Various wooden pieces
Paint of various sizes
Hot glue gun/glue
Scrap wood or materials
Scrap fabric
Paint brush
Clay/paper clay
Old figurines
Foil or foam
Various carving tools


geometrical figure as opposed to a
shape, which is two-dimensional
Structure-the relationship or
organization of the component parts
of a work of art
Steampunk-a sub genre of science
fiction and fantasy featuring advanced
machines and other technology based
on steam power of the 19th century
and taking place in a recognizable
historical period or a fantasy world
Sculpture-the art of carving,
modeling, welding, or otherwise
producing figurative or abstract works
of art in three dimensions, as in
relief, intaglio, or in the round
Armature-a metal framework on
which a sculpture is molded with clay
or similar material

Scale-refers to the size of an object (a

whole) in relationship to another object

Additive- To add something to

something else
Subtractive- To take something away

1. An informal pre-assessment will be done by giving a short verbal quiz over the
Instructional Input:
Anticipatory set:
1. Tell students that their next project will be a found object sculpture done in a
steampunk fashion.
2. Explain that the assignment is to create a 12 inch high or 12 inch long sculpture using
found objects, in the style of steampunk.
3. Ask students what they know about steam punk.
4. Show an example of a steampunk style sculpture, and ask them what they notice about
Instructional Input:
5. Show short PP on what steampunk is, and where it originated.
6. Explain that it is primarily the melding of science fiction meets late 1880s technology.
7. Show photo examples of sculptures and fashion.
8. Cover the color schemes (neutrals, earth tones, metallic)
9. Go over tool and classroom safety, in using sharp or hot tools-including proper cutting
(away from body) and being aware of their classmates around them.
10. Cover the safety measures for using hot glue guns- and how to handle any accidental
burns (cold water, nurses office).
11. Show the proper way of cutting using any hand saws by cutting away from the body
and fingers.
12. Explain that some items may be too heavy for hot glue or Elmers glue, so they may
need to nail it down.
13. Cover any consequences (loss of tool use) for any playing around with dangerous
tools (detention, sent to the office)
14. Have students come around a table with found objects.
15. Explain that depending on the objects, you need to arrange them in an interesting way
keeping the elements and principles of design in mind.
16. If it is a tall sculpture, point out that the base needs to be sturdy and bottom heavy, so

it does not fall over.

17. If it is long, make sure it still has visual interest.
18. Make sure they know that as a sculpture, the WHOLE PIECE needs to be visually
interesting- front and back, top and base.
19. Show how to decoupage with glue, paper and fabric for texture
20. Show how to do an antiquing of an object using the anitquing paint, by applying a
thin layer and wiping it off.
21. Explain the requirements of the rubric.
22. Remind the students of the importance of using tools correctly and safely.
Independent Practice
23. Have students collect objects for the construction of their piece.
24. Encourage them to play with their pieces, and arrange and re-arrange their
objects to create the most interesting sculpture they can prior to attaching things.
25. Have students sketch out possible designs before attaching anything
26. Go around and help students find the answer to their own questions by asking
them pointed questions such as:
What might make it more interesting?
Have you tried other combinations?
Do you remember the reference pictures/objects?
22. If more than 5 students are struggling with one or more aspect, stop class and reexplain the project in another way for them to understand.
23. Encourage them to take their projects home and ask their family to help them.
24. Towards the end of the lesson, review the vocabulary.
25. Give the same test as the pre-test to gauge student learning.
26. Have students place all their sculptures on the tables and have them take turns
looking at each others work.
27. Place student work in available display cases.
For students with visual impairment, craftsmanship will be more lenient. For those
with a physical impairment such as motor skills or broken/injured limb, will have an
altered rubric.
Students who are ELL learners will have more individualized attention during
independent practice, and will receive a list of vocabulary words translated into
their language if available.

Students who are on a 504 plan or SPED will have more individualized help, along
with an altered rubric tailored to their specific IEP requirements. They will be
graded more on time and effort if it follows their IEP. A more simplified version of
this project will be given, such as a 6inch sculpture.
If a student is absent, they will be given a rubric and extra time to finish their
project. A quick demo will catch them up. If it is a prolonged absence, then student
may do a more simplified version of this project.

Steampunk Sculpture
*Circle the ones you think apply to your project*




Aesthetics/Craft The sculpture shows The sculpture shows The sculpture

that the creator took that the creator took and
great pride in
pride in his/her work. construction
his/her work. The The design and
were planned.
design and
construction look
The item has
construction look
planned. The item has several flaws
carefully planned. a few flaws
The item is neat
(unwanted bumps,
bumps, drips,
(free of unwanted drips, marks, tears), marks, tears),
bumps, drips,
but these do not
that detract
marks, and tears). detract from the
from the overall
All hot glue is
overall look. Almost look. Some hot
hidden .
all hot glue is hidden glue is hidden
and insect is mostly but not all.
Insect is not

Totally original
design, no element
is an exact copy of
designs seen in
source material.

Time and Effort Class time was used

wisely. Much time
and effort went into
the planning and
design of the

Most of the sculpture

elements are unique,
but 1 element may be
copied from source

Room to
The sculpture
looks thrown
together at the
last minute. It
appears that
little design or
planning was
is poor. There is
evidence of hot
glue and parts
are not glued

Some aspects of The sculpture is

the sculpture
a copy of a
are unique, but sculpture seen
in source
elements are
material or one
copied from
made by
source materials another student
or other
(80% or more
of elements are

Class time was used Class time was

wisely. Student could not always used
have put in more time wisely, but
and effort into
student did do
some additional
work at home.

Class time was

not usually used
wisely and the
student put in
no additional

Need a lot of work

The sculpture looks
thrown together at
the last minute. It
appears that little
design or planning
was done.
Craftsmanship is
very poor. There is
evidence of hot glue
and parts are not
glued neatly and in
a symmetrical

The sculpture is a
copy of a sculpture
seen in source
material or one
made by another
student (90% or
more of elements
are copied).

Class time was

never used wisely
and the student put
in no additional


Sculpture is
constructed t, and
includes at least 6
different pieces as
well as at least 2
mechanical looking
elements or history
reference from the

Sculpture is carefully
constructed, and
includes at least 5
different pieces as
well at 1-2
mechanical looking
elements, or history
reference from

Sculpture is
includes at least
4 different
pieces as well
as 1 mechanical
looking element
or element from
the 1880s.

includes 2-3
different pieces
and 0-1
elements or
reference to the

Sculpture includes
0-2 pieces and 0
mechanical looking
elements or
historical reference
to the 1880s.

Design and line


Student did an
excellent job
creating unique
patterns and
designs. Sculpture
includes at least 5
different patterns.

Student did a good

job creating unique
patterns and designs.
Sculpture includes at
least 4 different

Student created
some unique
patterns and
re includes at
least 3 different

Student could
use a little work
creating unique
patterns and
includes at least
2 different

Student could use a

lot of work creating
unique patterns and
designs. Sculpture
includes 0-1
different patterns.

What I liked/Learned/struggled with:


Write the definitions for each of the vocabulary words to the best of
your ability with as much detail as possible:
1) Steampunk-

2) Sculpture-

3) Structure4) Form5) Armature6) Additive7) Subtractive8) Scale

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