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Running Record of Evidence----------------------Wendie LeBlanc Grade 2 2013-2014 school year

Aligned to the Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice


Source of

school year

school year

school year


(e.g. statement, description of action or artifact)

II-A. Instruction

II-A-1 Quality of Effort and Work

Forest animal research report----teacher modeled how to
complete---provided step-by-step directions and due dates to
complete----provided detailed outline for planning-----provided and
used grading rubric with student expectations.
Writing rubric with expectations--model types of writing based on common core standards.
Provides examples for students to follow. Models and Completes
step-by-step for student sucess.

II-A. Instruction

II-A-2 Student Engagement

Use of daily five and centers students working in groups of
common core standard goals. Use of powerpoint games for review
of concepts. Technology through computer, ipad, and projector.
Incentive to earn play coins for engagement in lessons to purchase
things in the class store. Positive reinforcement and praise.
Reminders of rules. Sets clear expectations and uses Responsive
Classroom Teacher Language. Sets up lessons for students
success for all. Uses humor or silliness to engage students in the

II-A. Instruction

II-A-3 Meeting Diverse Needs

sets high expectations for all but accommodate needs of students
in lessons. Uses frequent exit tickets to check student
understanding of material and planning for independent practice,
guided practice and reteaching required. Rotates through daily
five groups and checks in with students and checks for
understanding and mastery of the subject material. Modified work
for C.T., E.H., and A.D. Provides extra practice or extra credit for
students needed challenges. Incorporates a wide range of
instruction for concepts to lend to all types of learners.

Running Record of Evidence----------------------Wendie LeBlanc Grade 2 2013-2014 school year

Aligned to the Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice

school year

II-B. Learning

II-B-1 Safe Learning Environment

Follows Responsive Classroom RCI
knowledge and techniques in creating rules, teaching self-control,
and teacher language to create a place where students can take
academic risks. Using responsive classroom teacher language
setting class rules and expectations with frequent review and
reminders of what the goal is allows the students to be sucessful
and prevents behaviors that are unnecessary.

school year

II-B. Learning

II-B-2 Collaborative Learning Enviroment

Daily Five and Center groups allow students to work with different
peers, use communication skills, and collaborate with each other.

school year
2013-2014 Artifact

school year
2013-2014 Artifact

school year
2013-2014 Artifact

II-B. Learning

II-B-3 Student Motivation

Use of a variety of different ways to present concepts to children;
allow students to teach each other; class store incentive; give
students common core standard we are working on with each
lesson; display student work; allow students to share their work;
have students evaluate and assess their own strengths and areas
which need improvement. develop relationships with each
individual student to make connections to help improve their
willingness to take risks and challenge themselves to learn.

II-B. Learning

II-B-3 Student Motivation

Example used student I.E. interest in cars as motivation to learn
sight words. (container to keep words in);;;; earn money toward
class store for working hard..allow to type stories that they wrote
on computer or netbook.

II-C. Cultural

II-C-1 Respect Differences

Responsive Classroom morning meeting addresses many of the
students practices for demonstrating respect to others. Peer
teaching; Buddy reading;

Running Record of Evidence----------------------Wendie LeBlanc Grade 2 2013-2014 school year

Aligned to the Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice
II-C-1 Maintains Respectful Environment
Classroom strategies used; rules of morning meeting; listening to
others; class rules (red, blue, and green rule followed).

school year
2013-2014 Artifact

II-C. Cultural

school year
2013-2014 Artifact

II-D-1 Clear Expectations

Rules and frequent reminders of "What does this look like" "Who
can tell me what we need to do" Responsive Classroom Teacher
Language; Rubrics; stating objectives and standards worked on;
II-D. Expectations explaining what effort is needed and expected with assignments;

school year
2013-2014 Artifact

II-D-2 High Expectations

Provides many opportunities for students to practice; lots of
modeling by teacher and allowing peers to teach each other in
cooperative learning groups; Homework log provides consistent
practice for key standards in curriculum math and reading which
allows for practice at home to develop mastery. Stating common
core standard and expectation of student so they are aware what is
expected of them. The more we practice the better we become.
Expect all to work on same common core standard to progress to
II-D. Expectations develop mastery of the skills.

school year
2013-2014 Artifact

II-D-3 Access to Knowledge

All students are given the opportunity to practice skills to develop
mastery of standard presented. Use observations and various
assessment types to adapt instruction, materials, and assessments
to make challenging material accessible to all. Flexible grouping;
one-on-one or small group teaching and/or reteaching of concepts;
independent and challenge practice for proficient learners;
technology and audible aides of materials. Checking in with
students frequently to ensure comprehension of the material
II-D. Expectations presented.

Running Record of Evidence----------------------Wendie LeBlanc Grade 2 2013-2014 school year

Aligned to the Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice

Running Record of Evidence----------------------Wendie LeBlanc Grade 2 2013-2014 school year

Aligned to the Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice
Feedback Provided
(req'd for observations)




Running Record of Evidence----------------------Wendie LeBlanc Grade 2 2013-2014 school year

Aligned to the Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice






Running Record of Evidence----------------------Wendie LeBlanc Grade 2 2013-2014 school year

Aligned to the Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice





Running Record of Evidence----------------------Wendie LeBlanc Grade 2 2013-2014 school year

Aligned to the Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice

Source of Evidence
Observation - announced
Observation - uannounced
Student data
Feedback - students
student work sample

I-A. Curriculum and Planning
I-B. Assessment
I-C. Analysis
II-A. Instruction
II-B. Learning Environment
II-C. Cultural Proficiency
II-D. Expectations
III-A. Engagement
III-B. Collaboration [Fam & Comm. Engage.]
III-C. Communication
IV-A. Reflection
IV-B. Professional Growth
IV-C. Collaboration [Prof. Culture]
IV-D. Decision-making
IV-E. Shared Responsibility
IV-F. Professional Responsibilities

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