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TRIPHALA : Three Fruitful Things

There is a saying in India...

... that if a vaidya (Ayurvedic expert) fully knows how to use Triphala he can rectify any
imbalance. It is also used as an ingredient in several of our other preparations. Triphala means
"three fruits" - the three fruits being Haritaki, Amalaki and Bibhitaki. When combined as
Triphala, they form a very powerful Rasayana. A Rasayana is a highly intelligent herbal
combination that enlivens the inner intelligence of mind and body from a fundamental level and
thereby promotes rejuvenation and long life.

Besides nourishing the mind and body and promoting longevity, Triphala has many specific
effects. It is particularly rejuvenating for the digestive tract, and is a Rasayana for the eyes and
the skin.

One of the principle actions of Triphala is that it balances Apana Vata, the subdosha of Vata that
governs the colon, lower abdomen, menstrual flow and elimination. It is a mild laxative, and for
that reason it is excellent for clearing toxins from the digestive system.

Deep cleansing

Because it is mild in its action, you can take Triphala safely for long periods of time, and then it
has a deeply purifying effect. It goes ‘deeper’ into the physiology and releases the toxins at a
much deeper level.

This can be understood in terms of the seven main tissues (dhatus) recognised by Ayurveda.
Ayurveda says that these tissues are formed in the following sequence - Rasa (the nutrient fluid
derived from food), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone
marrow) and lastly Shukra (reproductive fluid). When taken regularly Triphala cleanses toxins in
the first four tissues, up to and including Meda, the fat tissue. You can see that this is a much
deeper effect than just cleansing the bowel. Because it detoxifies the blood, muscle and fat
tissues, Triphala is excellent for maintaining the health of the skin. And because it removes ama
from the fat tissue, Triphala also helps to keep cholesterol in balance.

Maintaining inner intelligence

Triphala enhances all thirteen agnis, the digestive fires or transformational processes, especially
the panchagni, the main digestive fire in the stomach. The 13 agnis include the seven dhatuagnis
that each transform one tissue into the next one in the sequence mentioned above. It is in the gaps
between the tissues that the intelligence of nature particularly operates, and if there is any
dullness in these gaps Triphala helps to remove it. That is what makes it a great Rasayana.

If taken regularly Triphala is also a powerful anti-aging Rasayana. In addition it pacifies both
Kapha and Pitta as well as purifying the urinary system.
Modern research confirms the traditional knowledge about Triphala in that studies have shown
that it does maintain the integrity of DNA, a basic expression of the body’s intelligence, when
DNA is exposed to mutagens and radiation.

Haritaki - Indian Gallnut

Haritaki is a much prized fruit. The sage Charaka goes so far as to say that it is as nourishing and
useful for everyone as mother's milk. He mentions that it is a Rasayana for the eyes (netra ruja
apaharini). Haritaki is also a Rasayana for the skin. It is known as a twagamayagni, which means
that it maintains balance in all aspects of the skin.

Sushruta Samhita, a classical Ayurvedic text on surgery, says that Haritaki and Triphala are
useful in cleansing wounds and supporting healing and regeneration from the inside.

Charaka also says that Haritaki is good for the digestive system. It helps enhance the absorption
of nutrients in food. It is also supports the health of the heart.

Another excellent quality of this fruit is that it cleanses the macro and micro circulatory
channels, known as shrotas in Ayurveda. In one verse of Charaka Samhita, it says Haritaki is
shrotovishodhini, which means that it can clear the body’s channels, big and small. The
Bhavprakash Nigantu, an Ayurvedic text on herbal science, mentions that Haritaki is a
yogavahini, which means that it cleanses the channels and is absorbed quickly by the body.

Haritaki is a Medhya fruit, which means that it enhances coordination among the mental
functions of dhi (acquisition of knowledge), dhriti (retention of knowledge) and smriti (recall of
knowledge or memory). It enhances mental clarity and memory, and the stamina of the mind and
senses. The Bhavprakash Nigantu also mentions that it supports the health of the spleen and liver.

In addition, the Charaka Samhita says that Haritaki is sarvah dosha prasamani (all-dosha
pacifying). Very few fruits and herbs have this designation. It also supports the body's immune
system. On top of everything, Haritaki has an anti-aging value. Charaka Samhita calls it
vayasthapani (anti-aging).
Amalaki - Indian gooseberry

Amalaki fruit or Amla, is another of the most prized herbs in India. Even by itself it is considered
to be a powerful Rasayana, so much so that it is said to be divine. The Charaka Samhita says,
"Amalaki is the best among rejuvenative herbs”.

Amalaki fruit contains the sweet, sour, bitter, astringent and pungent tastes. The only taste
missing is salty. Because it contains five out of the six tastes, it is balancing to all three doshas.

The initial taste of Amalaki is primarily sour, but when it mixes with the saliva, its aftertaste
(vipaka) is sweet. Both sweet and sour tastes pacify Vata dosha. Amalaki's virya or potency is
cool, so along with the sweet aftertaste, this coolness pacifies the hot Pitta. The bitter, astringent
and pungent tastes of Amalaki balance Kapha. So that is how this one fruit pacifies all three

Detoxifying effects of Amalaki

Amalaki has so many excellent qualities that it is hard to know where to begin. Purification is a
theme common to many of these qualities. Amalaki helps cleanse the body in various ways. One
way is by enhancing digestion and food absorption. When your digestion becomes stronger, the
food you eat is converted into useful substances rather than staying undigested and becoming
toxic. A rare quality of Amalaki is that it heightens digestion without being heating. That is why
it is traditionally considered one of the best herbs for balancing stomach acidity.

Another way that Amalaki helps purify toxins is by supporting the all-important liver function.
The liver is the main detoxifying organ and we rely on its efficient functioning to deal with the
side-effects of our dietary and lifestyle errors and exposure to pollutants etc.

Amalaki also helps elimination. It supports Apana Vata so that evacuation of the bowel, urine,
and menstrual flow is effective. It is particular supportive for the urinary system and it acts as a
mild diuretic, helping the body eliminate excess water in a natural way that is not disruptive or
harmful to the body.

In addition Amalaki is said to have a cleansing effect on all the tissues (dhatus) throughout the
body, and support specific organs.
Amalaki the nurse

Amalaki is called Dhatri, the nurse, because it nourishes so many aspects of life.

Lungs: It is a great support for the lungs, which are a seat of Kapha dosha in the body. The
Amalaki fruit balances Shleshaka Kapha, which regulates moisture and mucus in the lungs, and
helps the body maintain resistance to respiratory infections.

Reproduction: Its balancing effect on Apana Vata gives Amalaki a supporting effect on fertility
in both men and particularly women. Regular and healthy menstruation, nurturing of the sperm,
ovaries and health of the uterus, and overall support for reproductive health are some of the ways
Amalaki maintains healthy conception.

Nervous System: Amalaki nourishes the brain and mental functioning, and is a Medhya herb,
enhancing the coordination between acquisition, retention, and recall. This supports the
development of a sharper intellect, stronger mind and heightened sensory awareness.

Cardiovascular System: Amalaki also helps maintain the health of the cardiovascular system and
through its high vitamin C content it improves assimilation of iron and thereby contributes to the
health of the blood.

Skin: Amalaki is an excellent source of vitamin C, and is said to be the most concentrated and
absorbable source of the vitamin in the plant kingdom. The vitamin C is in a very stable form due
to the presence of tannins in the fruit. It also contains other absorbable minerals that nourish the
skin, the blood and the whole body. This fruit is also excellent for the skin. Because it helps keep
the liver healthy and because it cleanses the tissues of the skin it is very good for your
complexion. It moisturizes the skin and improves its lustre.

Muscles: Amalaki also maintains muscle tone. Because it enhances protein synthesis, promotes a
positive nitrogen balance and strengthens the muscles, it contributes to lean muscle mass.

Hair, Nails, Teeth: The hair, nails, teeth, and bones also benefit from Amalaki, because it helps
improve absorption of calcium and other nutrients. It also helps reduce greying and thinning of
the hair.

Eyes: The eyes are another organ that benefit from Amalaki. In fact, Amalaki is called
chakshusya, which means it is a Rasayana for strengthening the eyes. This is because Amalaki
enhances both Ranjaka Pitta (the subdosha of Pitta that governs liver function and the blood
plasma) and Alochaka Pitta (the subdosha that governs the eyes and vision).

Antioxidant: Partly because of its high content of Vitamin C, Amalaki is a powerful antioxidant.
Scientific research shows that Amalaki is an extremely potent antioxidant, excellent at removing
excess free radicals, which are at the basis of much degenerative disease and aging. All of these
qualities make Amalaki a powerful immunity-enhancer.
Bibhitaki - Beleric myrobalan

Bibhitaki is yet another fruit famous in the classical Ayurvedic texts for its many good qualities,
though there is not yet so much modern research on it.

Sushruta Samhita says that Bibhitaki helps to purify the blood, maintain normal blood clotting
ability and purify and keep the channels (shrotas) in the body clear.

Charaka also reports that Bibhitaki is ideal for pacifying both Pitta and Kapha - it is cool to the
touch, pacifying Pitta, but is hot when you eat it and thus pacifies Kapha; that it cleanses the
Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa and Meda dhatus; that it is excellent for balancing and nurturing the vocal
chords; is antibacterial and is chakshusya (a Rasayana for the eyes).

Sushruta Samhita states that Bibhitaki has bhedana effect, which means that it helps to keep the
channels (shrotas) open through its heating effect. The Bhavprakash Nigantu also mentions that
Bibhitaki is nourishing for the eyes. Bibhitaki also nourishes the hair, and helps maintain the hair
roots, colour, and thickness.

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