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Jenna Sauder

Dr. Lawrence
Creative Writing

Moms House Continued.. (Edited)

Damien went to shut off the car when he looked at me with
concern. Are you okay Shan? his eyes drooped down to the frown on
my face. I only looked at him for a couple of seconds until I looked
down the driveway, off to the right in the yard. Its where we had
buried Roxy. My stomach sank into the seat.
Babe, we cant just sit in the driveway for an hour. The sooner
we go in, the sooner we can leave!
I heard what he was saying, but my body just didnt agree.
Looking at the house, the ugly house. I sat frozen, just staring out the
window. What was once beautiful white siding around the house was
now a dingy, gray. It looked as if it hadnt be cleaned since I moved out
when I was 18 years old. The wooden front porch that wrapped around
the front of the house was warped and there were boards missing from
the bottom. Weeds were growing through the steps up to the door. I
couldnt believe how rundown the house had looked; it made it more
repulsive to be there.
I probably was zoned out for a good five minutes before I heard a
big thud at my window. Startled, I came back to reality and saw my

sisters blue eyes beneath her long brown hair blowing in her face.
Ellie. I immediately smiled and got out of the car. All I had to do was
look at her, and even though it was freezing outside I dont think the
blush on her cheeks was from the cold. I hugged her, completely
thrilled to see her face. She looked good. She looked happy.
Long time no see, huh? She chuckled as we left our embrace.
Damn you Ellie, I smiled at her, a very long time indeed! I
look behind her at her trailing family, 3 year old Casey and Her
Husband Ryan, hands full of bags and food. Damien had run ahead of
us to grab the front door.
You ready for this? I looked at her sarcastically as we went
through the door into the house
The aroma of turkey and gravy immediately filled my nostrils. I
was a little more relaxed now that I got to see everyones familiar face
and I had my sister by my side. I looked around at the fall dcor, same
things that were put up year after year but I never would get tired of
looking at them. I saw a woman come slowly walking toward us out of
the corner of my eye. I turned quickly to see the face of my mother,
but it wasnt one that I recognized.
As my mom gave me a hug, I turned and watched as she gave
Ellie one next. As they embraced, I felt the urge to break it up quickly.
My mom resembled a skeleton; she looked sickly. Her skin seemed as if
it had a gray tint to it and what was once her neatly done, silky hair,

was now course and fine. My mom always had more of a curvy figure,
she was never heavy, but she was never so thin. I know worry was
covering my face. I looked over at Ellie and it seemed we shared
similar expressions. When their hug ended our mom kept her hands on
Ellies shoulders and looked towards me.
My girls! In the same place! Can you believe it?! All under one
roof! she seemed to be masking something that was wrong with an
overexcited laugh. Everything she was doing was making me nervous. I
Started for the kitchen when my moms sister, Aunt Lisa, stopped me
in my tracks.
Shannon! she exclaimed. Its been years little lady, or should I
say big lady! Not that youre big. Ive missed you and Ellie, how is
everything, she smiled a big toothy grin. I just wanted to go in the
kitchen and help Damien and Ryan unpack and heat things up for the
meal. Damien saw me from the kitchen, I put my hand up to gesture
one second, but he calmly smiled and shooed me to stay talking with
my aunt.
Ive been good! I know its been too long, Damien and I are
good, I know my smile looked fake as I answered her. I tried real hard
to act like I was enjoying myself. I stared at Lisas bright red lipstick
and some that had made its way on to her front tooth, as she asked
me more.

No babies yet huh? Dont you want little Casey to have a

I grabbed my stomach self consciously and wrapped my blue knit
cardigan around as I hugged myself.
No, not yet. Maybe within the next two years, just trying to get
financially stable before we add another piece to the puzzle. I was
talking to her but still staring at my mom, I couldnt hold it in any
Lisa is there something wrong with mom? She just doesnt look
like herself? Did she just get over being sick or something? Everything
I said came out in one big clump and so fast. I hope I didnt say
anything that would be repeated back to my mom. Lisa stared at me
her once lively eyes filled with concern that matched mine.
She got very serious and pulled me a little closer to her and
whispered, You know darling, I was going to ask you! Last week I had
come over here a day to start discussing today, you know, what we
were going to make for Thanksgiving and she just didnt seem herself.
She was quiet, and almost nervous. Another thing, Shannon. It was
very hot in here that day, Alex had made a fire and It was steaming in
here. Your mom wore a long sleeved shirt and a jacket.
I looked at Lisa in confusion, why?
Exactly! Why?! I have no idea. She wouldnt take it off. It made
me start to wonder if there was something wrong or going on under

that jacket. I wanted to look at her arms but shes wearing that
cardigan today so I cant tell. she looked over in my mothers
I saw Ellie walking over to the kitchen and decided it was my turn
to help too. I turned to my aunt, Ill figure this out Lisa, somethings
going on.
Lisa nodded her head and walked over to Casey giving her a big
hug and a lipstick smeared kiss on the cheek. Bringing up kids did
make think about them. Casey was adorable and I think having another
kid in the family would make our whole family closer. I looked at my
gorgeous husband, who at the moment was putting crescent rolls in
the oven. I could only imagine how adorable a little boy or girl would
be with him as their father, I couldnt help but smile.
Everyone seemed to be in the kitchen helping to do something,
whether it was just helping to set the table or get everyone a drink, to
helping carve the turkey, it didnt feel too bad to be home. A loud
slam at the door meant another guest had arrived. I looked up from the
chunk of turkey I had just helped cut out. I dropped the knife that was
in my hand onto the counter. It was Alex.
His hair had been a little more gray now, but it still suited him
well. Actually he seemed to be looking better with his age. His light
blue eyes stood out to a nicely tanned skin and salt and pepper hair.
He had a giant smile on his face as he entered the dining room.

Family! he seemed to overbearingly shout, How good it is to

see you all!
Alex! my other aunt Penny, yelled, Where have you been? We
are just about ready to eat!
I was out chopping some firewood up to put in the fireplace to
keep all of you toasty this evening. Its supposed to get pretty cold, he
put his hand to his head as if hed been sweating. I looked over to Ellie
who immediately turned around and rolled her eyes.
Alex wiped one of his fingers through the mashed potatoes, Well
now that Im here, lets eat!
I made my way over to my sister who was getting some of
moms best dishes down from the cabinet.
Mom dont we have 12 plates in the white china? Ellie counted
them once more to make sure she didnt count wrong the first time.
No we dont, well we did, but there was an accident with a
couple of them and they got broken, her voice sounded distant when
she spoke.
Oh, well then I guess we can just use some of the normal stuff!
Shannon and I can eat of paper plates! We dont care! Do we Shan?
she nudged me in the side and laughed.
Of course not! I laughed and tried to help get the rest of the
dishes out. I could hear Alex talking over everyone else. His voice
almost shook the room with its loud tone. Ellie looked as if she was

about to cry. I set down the cups that were in my hand and grabbed
her towards me.
Elle! Whats wrong?
She look startled and wiped the tear that had almost fallen to her
cheek, Its nothing, I-I have allergies. They are the worst at this time
of year.
I knew she was lying but I let it go. There wasnt much I could
say. I hadnt seen Ellie in a couple of years and I knew she wasnt going
to just share something with me so quickly. Arent we just about set up
My frail mother walked toward the table and counted the plates.
Yes! Come on everyone! she called out to the living room, lets
With the fire Alex had started in the living room and the amount
of people rushing into the house there was a warm burst of air coming
full force in my direction. I fanned a napkin to my face as I felt a bead
of sweat drop down. I kept looking at Ellie. She looked so frightened,
horrified even when she went to sit down. I was sitting across from her
while Alex and her daughter Casey, were on either side. She scooted
her chair closer to Casey as the children said our family prayer.
Dig in! Alex said as if he had made the meal himself.
Ellie glared at him as they reached for the same dish.
You go head sunshine, he smiled at her and gave her a wink

Ellie ignored his smile and yanked the plate as if she were going
to rip the tablecloth off right with it. I saw her eyes fill up with water
again. She dished some of the sweet potatoes onto her and Caseys
plate then handed the dish off to her right without looking at Alex.
Something was up with her, she just seemed so moody and mad.
Warmth and Conversation filled the air. It was nice to have
everyone in the same place for once. I tried to stray away from staring
at Ellie, because the eye contact we kept making was awkward. I could
tell she knew that I wanted to yet again ask what was bothering her. I
figured I could wait until dinner was finished up. Alex stretched his arm
out real far and then landed it softly onto Ellies back with a yawn. Ellie
jumped as soon as Alex touched her. He looked at her and smiled while
she ignored him. Everyone was just about done and exiting the table to
go watch football, while some of us stayed back to help clean up all the
mess. Ellies tension left her face as soon as Alex left the room. I
couldnt stand it anymore.
I got up from the table as soon as Ellie did. Elle? Are you okay?
Whats the matter, obviously something? Will you please tell me?
Its nothing! Stop. She kept her back towards me.
Listen, you barely ate any food and you looked like you were
fighting back tears the entire meal. What in Gods name is wrong?
She wiped away a tear that was about to fall from her eye, Its
just Alex. She whispered softly as she looked at me with tears in her

eyes, he makes me uncomfortable when hes around and I really dont

want him around Casey.
I didnt like Alex as much as the next person, but I didnt
understand what Ellie was trying to get at. I watched a tear stream
down her face. Why dont we go to the bathroom Elle? So you can tell
me what is actually up. I wiped a tear from her cheek. She nodded
and followed me quickly and unnoticed to the bathroom. I shut and
locked the wooden door behind us.
Now, tell me what is wrong. Ever since Alex came into the house
youve been quiet and upset.
Ellie looked to the ground then back up at me. Theres things I
havent told you Shannon, tears bursting from her eyes and snot
dripping from her nose. She was bawling now. My little sister was in
tears that were forming a puddle on to the sink. I spun some toilet
paper off of the roll and shoved a ball of it into her hands. I felt a tear
drop from my own eyes and down to my cardigan.
Ellie you gotta tell me whats the matter. We gotta go help
mom and everyone clean up. If we stay in here too long youre gonna
end up having to tell everyone whats the matter. I stared at her
intensely, trying her to get her too look back at me. Is it Roxy? Do you
miss her, because I know I do and I know Alex had something to do
with her.

She looked at me a smirked, Its not Roxy, although that bastard

definitely killed her.
Then what is it? I put my hands on her shoulders.
She looked up at me ashamed, Its Alex! I used to think it was
this house, but its not. I havent told anyone, because I feel stupid and
embarrassed, she sobbed.
Told anyone what? I shook her shoulders back and fourth,
What Ellie?
When I was younger, I used to have these horrible nightmares,
or so I thought, that a man was coming into my room and hurting me.
He would touch me and tell me to be quiet. Every morning I woke up
and told myself it was a bad dream and that it didnt really happen. But
it did.
I stared at Ellie in disbelief. My entire body had goose bumps and
immediately started to feel hot all over. Tears started to form in my
eyes as I gripped Ellies shoulders even tighter. I couldnt believe this, I
couldnt believe she kept it in for all of these years.
What are you saying?
They werent dreams Shannon! I know they werent. I remember
his eyes.
Whose eyes? Was it someone we know?
She looked at me like I had asked the most ridiculous question
she had ever heard, Alexs eyes.

I lowered myself to the tiled floor, eyelevel with the toilet.

It was Alex. I was molested by Alex, Ellie made the statement

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