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War Anthologies Reflection

The war anthologies served as the performance tasks for the end of both the WWI and
WWII units. The main question in these anthologies was how do wagers of war glorify, justify,
and condemn war. Students had to find sources for each of these and then write an analysis for
each. To help students with this I provided many different types of example and had the students
decipher whether the sources were glorifying, justifying, or condemning war. The goal of these
performance tasks was to teach the sophomore World History students research and analytical
skills while looking at different perspectives. To differentiate for students I gave them possible
resources they could use instead of having them find all of them on their own. I also assisted
them in identifying if the source was glorying, justifying, or condemning. While the students
would learn some content during their work on these projects, the main focus was on improving
the goals I mentioned above. Skill work was a core mission at Manchester High School and this
fell in line with that mission. I believe these performance tasks were successful and I saw
considerate growth from the WWI anthology to the WWII anthology.

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