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Steven Thomas

ELL Modifications

Its easy for teachers to make mistakes. Especially when they begin their careers. One of
the most prominent and common-place mistakes made by educators is assuming that students
should have no impact in curriculum development. A great classroom is a partnership between
teacher and student. While educators (sadly) are unable to be in full control of their curriculums,
teachers can control how they decide to teach the parts of the curriculum. This is especially
useful when ELL students are involved, it is through modifications and adaptations that you
make a classroom where ELL students can learn and thrive.
The old adage states that a picture is worth a thousand words, this is especially true when
dealing with ELL students. An easy and effective way to transcend the language barrier. You can
do this in a couple of ways. When dealing with mathematics, always try to use manipulatives,
This will provide an easy way for ELL students to interact and deal with numbers When dealing
with other types of lessons, always try to use graphic organizers and visual grading rubrics, this
will help them keep their work organized and on-task. It will also be helpful if teachers make
assignment adjustments for ELL students. This might involve shortening the assignments given
to them, or adjusting them to include translation, or additional visual aids.
Another way to help ELL students would be to assign them a peer buddy who is a fluent
english speaker. This way, the ELL student can scaffold knowledge of of their peers. It is
essential that you assign all students peer buddies, that way, ELL students wont feel left out or
ostracized. It is the latter element that is especially important for teachers to remember. ELL
students are valuable members of the classroom, and they should never feel left out or
unintelligent when compared to their english speaking peers. If educators make appropriate and
effective modifications to their classroom curriculum, ELL students will fit in well with their
peers and assume an equal academic and social place alongside their peers.

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