Sukrum's Wish - Srividhya Venkat

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Sukrums Wish

By Srividhya Venkat

Sukrum was a big dog who proudly served his master.

With his loudest bark, he herded his masters hens and goats. He also chased away the rabbits who
tried to sneak in to eat his masters crops.
His master always rewarded him with freshly-made bread.

Sukrum, Im moving to the city! his master announced one day. Youre free to go!
Sukrum was disappointed. What would he do without his master?
He said to Meeha, the goat, Isnt it awful that our master is moving away?
Mee-hee-hee! laughed Meeha. Im glad to be free! Now I can be with my friends all the time!
Friends! thought Sukrum. It would be nice to have a friend or two!
Can I be your friend, Meeha? said Sukrum.
Mee-hee-hee! Meeha laughed again. Do I look like a fool? Youve chased me all my life! How can you be my

Sukrum wandered around the village.

Hey, wait! he called out to Khari, the rabbit.
But Khari had already raced away!
Sukrum asked Dheeri, the tortoise, Will you be my friend, Dheeri?
But Dheeri didnt say anything!

Sukrum did not give up hope. He watched the hens pecking about.
Ill ask the hens if theyll be my friends! thought Sukrum.

But the moment Sukrum appeared, the hens ran for their lives.
S-T-O-P! cried Sukrum.
But the hens were gone!
Sukrum was sad. He had spent all his life chasing animals. Now nobody wanted to be his friend!
IF ONLY his master would come back!

Hello! said a voice.

Sukrum looked around, but the only thing nearby was a big, round rock.
Why are you sad? the voice spoke again. It was the big round rock speaking!
I miss my master! I wish he would come back! said Sukrum.
Is that all? said the talking rock. I can help your wish come true. But in return, you will have to change yourself!
Sukram thought about his lonely life. His only hope now was to make his master come back. And he would do anything
to make that happen!
Lick me three times and make a wish. It will come true tomorrow! But remember, you will no longer be what you are
Sukram did what the talking rock had said - he licked the rock three times and made his wish Please make my master

The next morning, Sukrum woke up feeling different. When he saw his reflection in the river, he was
shocked - he had changed into an elephant!
But where was his master?
None of the animals at the river took notice of him.
Well, at least they didnt see me and run away! he told himself.
Sukrum was glad to be somebody different. Now he could try making friends all over again.

Hello, Im Sukrum! he said to other elephants. But they took no notice of him.
Sukrum wondered if his master would really come back. Perhaps only part of the wish had come true! He
suddenly lost hope!
The other elephants panicked! The humans are coming! Theyll destroy our forest!
Sukrum sat up. Drums! Could it be?
IT WAS! Sukrums master was back! Sukrum was delighted!
At first Sukrums master did not recognize him! But when he heard Sukrums story, he was glad to see him.

But what was this?

With their loud noises, his master and the other humans were scaring the animals away from the forest!
Please dont harm our forest, master! pleaded Sukrum. It is a home for many!
We need this land to grow crops! said the master.
But how will you feel if someone takes away your home? said Sukrum.
His master stopped to think. Then he said, I understand, Sukrum. We will not harm anyone or anything!

Sukrum was very happy!

Thats my master! He wont hurt us or our forest! he told the other elephants proudly.
One of the elephants spoke at last! Sukrum, would you like to come with us?
Sukram lifted up his trunk and trumpeted joyfully! This was the best day of his life!

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