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Cancer in Society

Imagine a person in ones life with such sentimental value dying of a murderous disease:
cancer. One would be blessed to only imagine and not actually have to experience. Fortunately,
in 2006, the first successful human gene therapy clinical trial for cancer was generated. This
process forever changed human life and the scientific world through the immune cells that were
genetically engineered to decrease the size of tumors in cancer patients. A little sample of how
this works is these cells, also known as T cells, were removed from cancer patients who were
gaining their health back without any conventional treatments. Genetic engineering helped
these T cells become immune to cancer and made it possible to distinguish melanoma. This new
biotechnological development is very important due to the fact that it has created a shortcut to
discovering recurring setbacks in families that have been passed down from generation to
generation. It is the creation of a modified organism that replicates the gene to try and prevent
further damage. Humans have begun to explore, through all options, how to control the
beginnings of all forms of life. Genetic engineering, despite its downfalls, is the future of modern
society and the uses for it are constantly developing and improving in order to keep society safe
and healthy.
Humans have a tendency to constantly strive for more because the more one has increases
their beliefs that they are perfect. However, this idea that has occurred through the human
brain does not include the side effects which could severely harm society. In the case of genetic
engineering, its value is very significant when improving damaged body parts, but there are
consequences when trying to create perfection from something thats already healthy. Although
not every human being has the same opinion about everything, People have many different

reasons for being tested and not being tested (Genetic Testing). Genetic testing is very
important because itll inform one of whether or not one will inherit certain diseases in the
future. Many people decide not to get tested due to the fact that genetic testing does have a
limited predictive value, and not all possible gene mutations can be identified due to lack of
knowledge. These tests search for the mistakes in DNA/genes that have occurred during natural
selection and are repaired through genetic modification. The differences between selection and
modification are very important, the results are factors that could lead to potential genetic
engineering on that specific organism. Natural selection occurs when the qualities organisms
inherit from their parents determine their chances for reproducing, while modifying occurs due to
issues in the genetics to change the result of an offspring. Test results cant always be predicted
and either way they can be very life-altering,But test results might help a person make life
decisions, such as family planning or insurance coverage (Genetic Testing). By getting
tested, this gives that specific person time to prepare and decide whether or not theyre ready for
the upcoming challenge. What one would do after they receive their test results depends on why
they had the test completed to begin with. Getting tested may also may make you realize that you
need to change your lifestyle in order to decrease the risks of developing that disease. This
process is very valuable due to the fact that its part of the biotechnological development; it
clearly shows how science has evolved. However, for every pro there is a con, genetically
modifying offspring to alter certain traits to benefit the producer is where questions of whether it
is ethically right or not pop up. Debates about engineering the human body to make sure women
produce only a certain amount of offspring have climaxed. This is where society creates a
negative impression of genetic engineering because thoughts have morphed into ideas that
population needs to be controlled and society needs to be aware of the increase in humans

ecological ambiance . The main reason people get a genetic test completed is because they
believe theyre next in line to inherit a genetic disease in the near future. Testing positive doesnt
necessarily mean a person will inherit that genetic disease. Basically its just a warning
informing him/her that he/she is at a much higher risk than others and he/she should have an
action plan.
There are several techniques to genetically engineer an organism. Each of these
techniques are relevant and very important because they medically improve genetic
malfunctions. There are a variety of techniques that try to get straight to the point and cure a
specific infected area. Without these diverse techniques there would be a great risk of destroying
the healthy part of ones body while trying to infiltrate the infected area. For example, ...A
technique called preimplantation genetic diagnosis[...]In this scenario youd be looking to select
which embryos to implant (Gale). Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), a medical
procedure to help identify defects in an embryo, could be very beneficial for an offspring and the
carrier.This diagnosis warns women about the potential genetic and chromosomal problems that
could develop during a pregnancy. PGD helps one discover whether or not your child has
inherited/ could inherit a genetic disease will help plan out your future. Questions of unethical
behaviors arise when people think of using genetic selection only to increase the chances of
physical and mental traits to make their offspring become more successful in life,Others may
use the technique to select traits that would give their children advantages over others(Gale).
Heather Long argued this and believes, wealthy families might choose to select traits such as
height, health, looks, and intelligence only because they can afford. These are the reasons, plus
many more, behind the debate of legally restricting this process. It is important that genetic
engineering only be used for medical research. If humans try to fix something/someone that has

nothing wrong with them, it will only unbalance the circle of life by potentially affecting future
offspring and their genetics.
No matter the quantity of technology that improves the world, human life still has more
capability of taking control due to the enormous population. The value of technology can only
increase so much before it does nothing positively impactful at all. The desire for more and better
will rise, It will likely be a progression from just wanting a child, to wanting one less likely to
get certain diseases, to wanting one more likely to have traits associated with being taller or more
artistic or athletic (Gale). The human mind is only ever of thinking of wanting more. Genetic
engineering would be a great asset for science, but it is viewed as very precarious due to the fact
that it could lead to death or permanent life changes. These permanent life changes could be
passed down to future offspring and create permanent damage to future society. Some wonder
what their world will look like with this new advancement,"Putting our trust in commercial
markets and the free play of human desire would unleash a genetic enhancement rat race that
could never be contained(Gale). The phrase "rat race" in this context is relating to the
willingness of humans to do whatever they can to get whatever they want. Humans have a
tendency to want the best and being able to genetically engineer a child could make people
become all there is to being the best. Exposing this new version of humanity could either destroy
or improve society depending on what humanity is being used for? If society is already trying
to create a perfect image for an average person, what about the ones that aren't under the
average category are they a mistake? Genetic engineering has been looked at from every angle,
and the people that it doesn't affect positively or negatively are only thinking about themselves
when they discuss this topic. Average people would like to create something recreational out of
this technology to make something good turn into something even better.

Program Director of MSOE Center for BioMolecular Modeling, Gina Vogt, has changed
the course of view on genetic engineering. An interview with Vogt introduced the disputed topic
of homosexuality. She believes a great critical issue when dealing with genetic engineering is
Do we force people into G.E.? For example, if homosexuality could be fixed by genetic
engineering should we require homosexuals to undergo treatment? Scientific observations
have proven that a biological process occurs, ...Recent advances in the molecular regulation of
gene expression and androgen-dependent sexual development to produce a biological and
mathematical model that delineates the role of epigenetics in homosexuality(GEN). Epigenetics
are gene expressions that are induced by particular base pairs in DNA or RNA that are being
turned off or turned on repeatedly, through chemical reactions. The difference between
genetics and epigenetics is that epigenetics is the chemical reaction a base pair has, while
genetics is the make-up of the DNA sequence. The DNA sequence is the process of determining
the order of nucleotides within a DNA molecule which will then tell each of the cells what to do
and when to do it. This process easily proves that homosexuality does run in families. It also
resembles the scientific reasoning behind genetic diseases.The reasons why genetic diseases
occur is because the genes have been tampered with inside the body and have been permanently
affected. In the case of homosexuality, there is nothing physically wrong/damaged with that
person unless they create an unhealthy lifestyle due to the fact that they themselves arent
accepting. Society challenges homosexuals on a day-to-day basis, and prevailing thoughts that
are often verbalized include, How are they gay? or They dont choose to be gay. Researchers
explain, Transmission of sexually antagonistic epi-marks between generations is the most
plausible evolutionary mechanism of the phenomenon of human
homosexuality.(GEN).Scientists have proven a theory that explains the sexual hormone

activities in pre- and early postnatal life which can be altered genetically and can help determine
sexual orientation and gender role behavior.
In this pre- and early postnatal life case, test results could determine and help one predict
how their future may turn into some complex situation that could be prevented. There are
multiple ways to tinker with an embryo to enhance the life of the future baby, ...A technique
called preimplantation genetic diagnosis...In this scenario youd be looking to select which
embryos to implant(Gale). For example, babies who have down syndrome occur due to the
fact that they have an extra chromosome. The technique of preimplantation could engineer and
modify the embryo to take out that extra chromosome to make that child and their carriers lives
easier and healthier. Other ways genetic engineering is used are, Parents could make use of
genetic engineering or hormone therapy in order to birth smaller, less resource-intensive
children(Gale). Getting genetically tested while pregnant will determine whether or not you will
pass down genetic diseases to your offspring, Genetic testing is becoming more prevalent and
as most know, early detection is key for trying to figure out how to help someone. A benefit of
genetic engineering is,With the genetic sequencing capabilities that exist today, a person can
have their exome (part of their genome that codes for proteins) sequenced in as little as 35 hours
at a cost of only a few hundred dollars.(Farr). In a way, this could be very controversial because
of religious beliefs and the fact that one is altering ones own offspring. This new advancement
in life should only be viewed as a procedure with bad intentions if one decides to take advantage
of it. There are 2000 different ways to cure genetic diseases and clone organs/organisms; without
this phenomenal production to help develop healthy lives, how would society and the future
improve? This is a very touchy subject due to the fact that the twenty-first century revolves
around technology.

Researchers have dug into genetic engineering more than ever before to explore a way to
increase the health of humanity. Questions arise of whether or not human engineering being an
ethical endeavor-a proper course of action-for climate control is very understandable due to the
fact that it could positively impact the earth. Although, it is very ambiguous whether or not this
resolution to climate control could make human engineering an actual ethical endeavor. Liao
contends that as long as the engineering is voluntary, it could actually enhance an individuals
liberty while also helping the environment(Human). Any human engineering MUST be
voluntary, with this being said it is still debatable on whether or not it is an ethical endeavor and
helping the environment. This would be classified as just another clinical trial, although this trial
would be helping society rather than just a specific group of people. The notion that scientists
believe would help improve the climate problem is having to tinker with humans food. Meat is a
main portion of a humans everyday diet, to decrease the size and amount of meat that is
consumed is assumed to potentially decrease the size of human capacity. It is scientifically
proven that less amount of mass taken up would fluctuate the climate. Researchers say, The idea
that we caused anthropogenic climate change, and so perhaps we ought to bear some of the costs
required to address it(Humans).. The fact that humans have negatively affected the
environment, leads them to believe they should be the ones to fix it and reverse the effects. For
an example, gasoline, which affects the environment and ozone layer. Some of the inventions
people have created to help humanity destroy the environment, as well as some bodily systems
when inhaled. Also, most meat factories have genetically engineered farm animals to produce
more, sell more, and feed more. To put an end to genetically engineered farm animals would
decrease the size of meat consumed and body mass in humans, which would potentially improve
the environment.

Humans have the capability to not only destroy but also improve the environment.
Although eating food from transgenic organisms may cause an allergic reaction or one may
inherit genes that affect other genes in the environment. For example, transgenic animals grow
faster, eat different foods, resist disease, etc.. Transgenic organisms are organisms whose
genetic material has been changed using genetic engineering for a specific purpose. In the
US, we've already done this kind of designer baby breeding for many crops and animals
raised to be consumed. We have bred them and genetically modified them to be what we
want(Gale). Although it has been really beneficial to society, this goes against Darwins
theory of Survival of the Fittest and has created a negative impacts like obesity. This theory
is a way to describe natural selection; this is the process of biological traits becoming either
more or less common in a population. Due to the amount of power over human genetics given
to the government, dictatorship could potentially become a rising issue and could take away
human/animal dignity and/or population. "Foods based on transgenic organisms have a higher
risk for problems"(Cobb). As a result of these higher risk problems, scientists did an
experiment to increase the nutrients in genetically modified agriculture. Unfortunately this
mixture made people more likely allergic to a wider variety of food. Genetic engineering is
regarded as the most powerful skill because of the way a gene can be totally altered and
completely change an organism. Bacterial genes have been produced to replicate and create
new medicines and cures for human/animal diseases.
As one has now been informed, genetic engineering is only beneficial to society to a
certain extent. To recreationally mess around with peoples internal body is unethical. Human
Engineering could be viewed as benign in a certain context due to the after-effect of helping
society. However, some wouldnt necessarily envision genetic engineering as an ethical

endeavor, especially when toying around with humans genetics to prevent genetic diseases.
New human genetic technologies obviously don't affect just one group of people; genetic
engineering and therapies are looked upon as the "tragedy of the commons" as a result of many
benefits and hindrances. To be able to explore and explain body repair mechanisms would be
such a significant discovery. It would make the process of gene therapy straight to the point to
reveal a cure for that specific genetic disease. A more simple way of explaining the majority of
opinions would be: is it worth all of the risks? The answer truly depends on how this engineering
technique would benefit all of society in a positive manner. Having the power to modify the
molecular basis of all forms of life is such an extraordinary thing, but it should be kept in the
medical world.

Works Cited

"Genetic Testing: MedlinePlus." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of
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"FAQ About Genetic Testing." FAQ About Genetic Testing. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 July 2014.
Farr, Joshua.Genetic Engineering. Interview.31 July. 2014.
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